The 25 Best Insurgency: Sandstorm Tips And Strategies Guide For Beginners

The 25 Best Insurgency: Sandstorm Tips And Strategies Guide For Beginners
31 May 2023

So you just started playing the game, and you’re not sure why you keep dying or why you’re constantly at the bottom of the leaderboard. Well, worry no longer, as today I’m going to give you some advice on how you can improve yourself in the game and become a better player.

The tipswill range from something completely simple to something advanced that every experienced player knows. I’ll even toss in some strategies that you can use to kill the whole enemy team in seconds so you can show your homies that you’re not some chump when it comes to tactical shooters. Now, with that, let’s get into the article!


25. Turn Off Ear Ringing

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My ears are made of metal!

This advice is pretty straightforward. It’s to turn off ear ringing, as it can be pretty damn annoying. This effect happens when an explosive device explodes near you, which can make hearing enemies harder. You are sacrificing a bit of immersion, but you get a good gameplay advantage and the annoying ear ringing is gone.

How It Works:

  • You can turn off the effect in Settings>Audio.
  • It removes that annoying ear-ringing effect when an explosive device explodes near your head.
  • You sacrifice a bit of immersion for a gameplay advantage.

24. Walking & Crouch Jumping

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They can’t hear us if we walk.

If you’re trying to surprise the enemy, please make sure that you’re walking around. When you’re walking, you aren’t making too much noise and can get the upper hand on the enemy. 

But when it comes to “crouch jumping,” it removes the vaulting animation, and it can save your life in a lot of situations. The way to do that is to jump before you get the option to vault over an object, and in the middle of the jump, just press CTRL to crouch, and that’s it.

How It Works:

  • While walking, you reduce the sounds your footsteps produce, which is great when you want to surprise the enemy.
  • The “crouch jumping” technique allows for more fluid movements and removes the animation for vault which can result in your death.

23. Expect Attacks While Defending An Objective

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Here they come! Get ready men!

If you’re defending and the enemy team starts throwing smoke grenades, calling in airstrikes or air support, or if it has been too quiet for too long, then expect a full-on assault. Most of the time, what teams will do is group together and wait for some time before striking. There might be a few flanks here and there, but they mostly come in waves and in groups, so be prepared for anything.

How It Works:

  • If the enemy team starts throwing a lot of smoke and calling in air support after it has been quiet for some time, be prepared for a full-on assault by the other team.
  • You should take cover behind a solid wall or hide somewhere where you’re hard to spot and let them come to you.

22. Shooting Off Door Hinges

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Two door hinges need to be shot off.

Here’s some advice that a lot of new players don’t know about: you can shoot off door hinges and the door will fall down. There are two door hinges, one on the top and one on the bottom. I only do this when I’m 100% sure that someone is hiding behind a door and there is no other way to enter the room without being lit up.

How It Works:

  • You’ll take your rifle or pistol and shoot at the door hinges.
  • After the door hinges are shot off, the door will fall.

21. Don’t Stack With Your Teammates

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Make space between each other.

Here’s another simple piece of advice that you should always follow: you should never, ever stack with people or form a line with them. All it takes for everyone to die is a single grenade, an IED, or a well-placed machine gun. It’s better to form some distance; the best way you can do that is to act like they have COVID-19 and it’s a done deal.

How It Works:

  • If you see that your team is forming a line or grouping together, tell them to create some distance.
  • A single well-thrown grenade or IED can kill your whole squad and lose you the match.

20. Don’t Peek The Same Place Twice

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Where the hell did he go?

If you’re peeking around a corner and you see an enemy and you fire at them but you don’t kill him, it’s more than likely he knows your position. Even though it’s so damn tempting to peek around the corner again to try to kill him, more than likely you’ll end up dying yourself. My best advice is to run away or try to find another angle on the enemy.

How It Works:

  • If you shoot an enemy after peeking around a corner and he doesn't die, don't peek at it again.
  • You should constantly move and change angles where you’re shooting from, especially if the enemy didn’t die.
  • If you peek at the same corner twice, your chances of dying are way higher.

19. Use The Scoreboard To Your Advantage

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The scoreboard tells you more than your KD/A.

Are you thinking that you’re the only one alive on your team and that nobody else is coming? Well, if you aren’t sure about that, then you simply have to check the scoreboard, as it will tell you many things. By simply pressing the TAB key, the scoreboard will pop up and show you who from your team is currently alive.

How It Works:

  • It comes in handy when playing certain game modes.
  • The scoreboard will tell you who’s alive on your team.

18. Wear Gas Masks

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Gas masks are the key to being quiet.

Believe it or not, gas masks are more useful than you’d think. Not only do they muffle your voice so it’s harder to hear, but they also make it so your character doesn’t cough in smoke, and toxic mortar strikes won’t do any harm to you. They are perfect for anyone, and they only cost 1 supply point, which isn’t a lot.

How It Works:

  • The gas masks muffle your voice and make it harder to hear.
  • Your character won’t cough in smoke.
  • You can walk through toxic gas without taking damage.
  • They only cost 1 supply point.

17. Don’t Use Laser Sights

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Do you think they can see our laser sight?

No matter how cool the laser sights look, I do not recommend that you use them. They can easily give away your position because there will be a huge red dot on the opposite wall where you’re looking. Enemies who are aware of their surroundings will easily notice the laser sight and realize that you are in the room.

How It Works:

  • Just don’t attach the laser sights to your weapons when you customize them, no matter how cool they look.
  • It gives away your position because a red dot will appear where you’re looking, and skilled players will notice it.

16. Use Quickdraw Grip If You’re Carrying A Lot Of Equipment

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Holy smokes I can switch so fast.

Depending on the class you’re playing and how much additional equipment you’re carrying, like grenades, an RPG, or a pistol, you might find yourself constantly switching between them. Because switching can take a lot of time, and sometimes that can result in your death, it’s a good idea to equip the “Quickdraw Grip” on your primary weapon. This way, you’ll reduce the amount of time it takes to draw out your primary weapon, and it will allow you to switch between your equipment faster.

How It Works:

  • Allows for switching faster between equipment.
  • It can be the difference between life and death.

15. Don’t Throw Smokes Randomly

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I can’t see anything.

This is great advice that you should take to heart, as many players in the game to this day just randomly throw smoke grenades without thinking. Sometimes they will completely block their team's vision, and sometimes, but very rarely, they will be useful. 

Before you just throw the smoke grenade into the air, think about where it will land and if it will help your team out. But the best place to throw a smoke grenade is to block the enemy machine gunner or sniper from seeing where your team is.

How It Works:

  • You should always throw a smoke grenade that will benefit you or your team.
  • Don’t throw them around randomly.
  • The best place for a smoke grenade would be in front of an enemy machine gunner or sniper.

14. Use Molotovs To Block Off Tight Pathways

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It’s great for creating chokepoints.

If you want to help out your team with a push or capture an objective, you should know how to throw a Molotov cocktail. The best place to throw a Molotov would be in a tight space or a hallway where the enemy might come from. That way, you block their way of pushing toward you or your team. If anyone decides to run through the smoke, they will most likely burn to death.

How It Works:

  • You should always throw a Molotov cocktail to stop the enemy team from pushing.
  • You should throw them in tight pathways or hallways where there isn’t a lot of space to run.
  • Don’t throw them in open field areas.

13. Ditch Armor

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Get this crap off of me!

You might think that wearing heavy armor is useful, but in reality, it isn’t. A bullet will kill you no matter what, and most players in the game are using assault rifles or battle rifles, which can easily penetrate through the armor. Instead, drop the armor and make better use of the additional supply points.

How It Works:

  • Most players in a match will be using assault rifles or battle rifles, which can easily penetrate through the armor.
  • It doesn’t protect your head.
  • You can make better use of the supply points instead of spending them on armor.


12. Bring Only Necessities

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Why am I so slow?

Why do you load up on equipment if you’re not going to use it at all? A great piece of advice from me is to only bring the necessary things that you will use in battle. Because the unnecessary things you’re not using will only slow you down because of the additional weight, and you can use those supply points on different things like attachments for your weapons or gas masks.

How It Works:

  • Only bring what you currently need.
  • The additional equipment can slow you down.
  • It’s a waste of supply points that could go into something more useful.


11. You Can Turn Your Homie Into A Suicide Bomber

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Trust me this will work.

Okay, so this is a very neat tactic that can get a few laughs out of everybody. You see, you drop your IED or C4 on the ground, and you let your friend pick it up. Keep in mind that they have to be constantly holding F to carry the explosive. Now, while they carry it, they will run straight into the enemy team, and once they do, you blow them up. Doesn’t that just sound like some good old fun?

How It Works:

  • You drop your C4 or IED on the ground.
  • Your homie picks it up and runs straight at the enemy.
  • Once he gets close enough, you blow it all sky-high!


10. Use Leaning

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Only your head will be peaking out when leaning.

Before you even start playing this game, I highly recommend that you use leaning to your advantage. By leaning, you will show less of your body, and the only part you’ll be showing is your head. While if you don’t lean, you’ll show your whole body, making you a bigger and much easier target to hit.

How It Works:

  • You just press Q or E and lean around a corner.
  • It shows less of your body, making you a much harder target to spot and hit.
  • While if you show your whole body, you’re a much bigger target, and it’s easier to hit.

9. Slide More

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Sliding makes you a harder target to hit.

Something that a lot of players don’t use is sliding, and, oh my God, you should use it way more. You see, the only way to slide in the game is to gain momentum by sprinting and then pressing the crouch button, and your character will slide. While sliding, you are a much harder target to hit, and it’s great when you need to cross a field that you know is being looked at by a sniper.

How It Works:

  • To gain momentum, you have to sprint full force and then press the crouch button.
  • You are a much harder target to hit while sliding.
  • Great when you need to get from cover to cover.

8. Always Cook Grenades & Flashes

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Then enemies have less time to react to a cooked grenade.

Before you throw a grenade, make sure that you cook it. Cooking means holding the grenade for 2–3 seconds before throwing it so that your enemy has less time to react. This is amazing when you need to clear a room or if you know that enemies are around the corner. This mechanic works for high-explosive grenades and flashes, while for others it does not. 

How It Works:

  • Gives the enemies less time to react.
  • They are great for clearing out rooms and corners where enemies might be sitting.

7. Crouch Before You Shoot

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More accuracy baby!

As dumb as it sounds, it works. It improves your accuracy a little and makes you a harder target to hit when you crouch. The harder you are to hit, the better your chances of survival in battle. Just remember to never stand up if you’re crouching behind the cover and someone is shooting at you. You will get your head blown off.

How It Works:

  • Before a firefight, make sure that you crouch down, as that will make you a harder target to hit.
  • It can also improve your accuracy a little bit.

6. Everything Can Be Heard

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Walking is the key to being quiet.

A great thing about this game is that it’s so immersive that every single thing you do in the game can be heard by the other team. So try to be as sneaky and quiet as possible, as that will ensure your best chances at survival and having a high KD/A.

How It Works:

  • Try not to make a lot of sounds when you know enemies are around.
  • Try to be as quiet as possible, as that will ensure your highest chances of survival.

5. Use ADS To Open Doors Quietly

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Getting the upper hand on the enemy.

If you’re trying to flank your enemies and there are a lot of doors around that you have to open, just aim down your sights to open them. That way, you’ll open the doors slowly and quietly. Only people who are paying a high amount of attention will be able to hear that. Which isn’t a lot, if you were wondering.

How It Works:

  • Make sure that you ADS before you open a door, as that reduces the amount of sound you produce.
  • This is a great tactic when you’re flanking your enemies.

4. Use Furniture To Your Advantage

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Yo, this couch saved my life!

If the enemy team is storming the objective where you are defending, make sure that you take cover behind furniture, as it can save your life. Believe it or not, most people will usually stand in a room without taking cover and just die. So as not to make the same mistake as your teammates, taking cover behind that nice couch can save your life.

How It Works:

  • When the enemy is storming your objective and you’re defending it, make sure that you take cover behind furniture, as it can save your life.
  • You can also use this to climb on top of cupboards, as the enemy won’t be expecting you to be there.


3. Use Your Fingers To Aim Your Grenades

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Your fingers are used to show you where you’ll throw the grenade.

If you’re not sure where you will throw your grenade, then use your thumb as a reference, or the pointer finger. Pretty much where those meaty fingers are pointing, your grenade will land unless it bounces off a surface and kills your whole team.

How It Works:

  • Before throwing a grenade, hold down the left mouse button, and your character will show with his left hand where the grenade will land.
  • Use that as a point of reference for throwing grenades.


2. Always Use the Cover

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This will save your life.

No matter what you are doing in this game, always use cover. The cover is the key to survival. Even if you are reloading, you should be in cover. If you are moving through the map, don’t run in open fields; instead, move from cover to cover. 

How It Works:

  • Anything that you do in the game makes sure that you’re behind solid cover.
  • If you’re pushing through the map, move from cover to cover, as that will be your best chance at survival.


1. Flank To Win

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You can kill a whole enemy squad if you flank correctly.

If you want to win and carry the match, the solution is simple: just flank. By flanking, you’ll get yourself a lot of kills, and you’ll have higher chances of your team winning. But if your whole team is trying to flank, don't follow them. The best choice is to run to the right or left side of the map and kill the enemy when they run past your crosshair.

How It Works:

  • You get behind the enemy lines and kill them.
  • You’re able to get a lot of kills by using this tactic.
  • You increase the chances of your team winning.


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