[Top 5] Hearts of Iron 4 Best DLC's To Buy

Hearts of Iron 4 Best DLC
17 Aug 2022

With each passing DLC, Hearts of Iron IV was given new features, making the game very different now, than on the game’s release in 2016. With the upcoming new exciting DLC named No step back on this list we are going to count down the top five Hearts of Iron IV DLCs, and explain why YOU should get one of these DLCs today!

5. Death or Dishonor

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The rugged lands of the Balkans, now, a warzone

 This is the second DLC released for Hearts of Iron IV, right after Together for Victory. Together for Victory was, unfortunately, not well received, and this was Paradoxes' chance to redeem themselves. Death or Dishonour added 4 unique focus trees for Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Romania. For players, the Hungarian focus tree was the most interesting since it allowed the formation of Austria-Hungary. Other countries had interesting focus trees as well and enabled players to lead these countries through the Second World War.
Why Death or Dishonor is Great:

  • Four New Focus Trees,
  • Equipment Conversion,
  • New Music and Art,
  • New Diplomatic and Puppet Interactions,
  • Death or Dishonor price: 9,99 USD

4. Man the Guns

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When I was little, I wanted to be a pirate. When I grew up, I joined the Navy, close enough.

For many players, the naval mechanics seemed to be cryptic and uninteresting. The goal of Man the Guns was to change this perception and make the navy mechanics interesting. This DLC enabled the player to have the full experience of a navy admiral and enabled the player to modify, and research expanded navy components. Furthermore, it created new alternate focuses for the UK and the US as well as completely new focuses for the Netherlands and Mexico, making the game much more fun.
How Man the Guns is great:

  • New alternate history paths for The US and UK, 
  • Ship modification and other naval mechanics,
  • New focus trees for the Netherlands and Mexico,
  • New unique music and artworks.Man the guns price: 19,99 USD

3. Battle of the Bosphorus

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Istanbul, not Constantinople. Oh, wait... It's Constantinople again,... No, now it's Istanbul.

This is the most recent addition to the Hearts of Iron IV DLC collection, and its primary focus is on the countries situated on the Bosphorus. This DLC shows that Paradox has really improved in its creation of focus trees, making the new focus trees of Bulgaria, Turkey, and Greece much more complex and unique than any others in the game. This gives the player many new opportunities to guide his country in many different ways, ranging from far-left ideologies, all the way to far right!

How Battle for the Bosphorus is good:

  • National Focus Tree for Bulgaria, Turkey, and Greece
  • New Music Tracks
  • New 3D Unit Models for Balkan and Turkish Armies
  • Unique voice overs for Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey

Battle for the Bosphorus price: 9,99 USD

2. Waking the Tiger 

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China is whole again, oh no. China broke again.

This expansion could be considered one of the finest creations of Paradox Interactive. For this DLC it is visible that the developer team poured their heart and soul into it! This DLC gives flavor to the before neglected Chinese theater in the Second World War and gives the player many options for alternative paths in the latter. Furthermore, new alternate paths have also been added for Germany and Japan, where interestingly, the player can choose to bring back the Kaiser in Germany and to create different paths. Japan was given a new focus tree as well, where they can become Democratic, communist, or even Monarchist, making for a fun gaming experience with friends!

How Waking the Tiger is good:

  • New focus trees for all Chinese factions
  • Alternate focus trees for Japan and Germany 
  • Unique Chain of Command and General Traits.

Waking the Tiger price: 19,99 USD

1.La Resistance 
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DLC which gives you the ability to play as Spain, well, 4 of them.

For our number one pick, we choose the La Resistance DLC. This DLC heavily improved the Hoi4 gameplay, making it more realistic, intuitive, and fun! It added arguably the best focus tree in the game(Spanish one), which enables the player 6 different paths to play as! The DLC also created an alternate French focus tree, where the player can choose to put a descendant of Napoleon on the Throne and reclaim his fallen empire, and as Portugal, the player can unite Portugal and Brazil into a single country. La Resistance also introduced spies into the game, making for more intense and interesting gameplay. 
How La Resistance is good:

  • New focus trees for all French factions,
  • Improved Spanish Civil War mechanics.
  • Portugal new focus tree,
  • Introduction of the new Espionage system,
  • Completely new systems such as code-cracking, Resistance, Collaboration governments, and many more.

 La Resistance price: 19,99 USD

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