[Top 10] Hearts of Iron 4 Best Infantry Templates That Are Powerful

How best to use the troops in Hoi4.
28 Dec 2022

10 Powerful Hearts of Iron 4 Infantry Templates

10. Shock Troopers

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For a love of Blitzkrieg

This template is for those who want a template that can keep up with a blitzkrieg through your tank corp. To properly support a blitzkrieg-styled offense, you need troops who can keep up with the rapid pace that it sets, and the abundance of motorized infantry will ensure that you, yourself, are speed.

Adding extra artillery within the template ensures that your troops can still bring enough support to assist the pushing tanks when necessary.

This way, you can prove yourself to be more competent than the actual German command once upon a time ago.

How this template excels:

  • High number of mobile troops.
  • Extreme 6.8 movement speed.
  • Excellent support for tanks and Blitzkrieg.


9. Garrison

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Minimal resources. Maximum Efficiency.

Though it may not seem like it with a low combat width, this template is excellent for defending pockets of land without having to expend too much manpower.

With the proper support, your garrison can defend against a variety of different assaults, whether it be by naval invasions, paradrops, or more, with them having the equipment to fend off various attacks. Ensure that they’re adequately supplied, and this garrison will bend before it breaks.

If it does break? On the bright side, at least it’s a cheap unit. 

How this template Excels:

  • Low manpower cost.
  • Can assist in air defense at low expense.
  • Can be churned out quickly thanks to low training time.


8. Frontline Defense

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The best defense is the best offense. 

Eventually, there will come the point where you'll need more stout infantry to defend another front that your enemy's cream-of-the-crop divisions are attacking.

This 42-width division, with its surplus of artillery, will be perfect for ensuring that every inch the enemy division achieves will reap a bloody toll with a very high defense and soft attack rating.

This will be an expensive late-game unit due to how resource-intensive it is, but if it's to outlast somebody at that stage, it very well may be worth it.

How this template excels:

  • Very strong soft attack.
  • Elite 587.2 defensive rating.
  • Can stand up decently against tanks and air units.


7. Assault Korps

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Cloudy with a chance of anti-air. 

If you don’t want to invest in a blitzkrieg and instead want a more ground-and-pound infantry division that will make a steady process when attacking correctly, look no further. The 38-width division you see before you have just enough soft attack to be effective with a high enough troop number to support assaults.

The somewhat low-division organization is a bit of a hit. Still, it won’t be too large a problem if you’re going against inferior troops whose organization can’t withstand your division attacks. Just make sure you use these divisions for attacking rather than defense.

Otherwise, you’ll be wasting troops and the attack potential they could have. 

How this template excels:

  • Very useful for offense.
  • Can assist in air war.
  • High amount of soft attack and breakthrough.


6. Mounty Defense

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In the special forces realm of infantry templates, this division is perfect for defending mountain-heavy terrain crucial for your protection.

With how costly mountain assaults can be, you can ensure that your opponents bleed everything from equipment to troops when attacking your divisions in these locations, especially with the excellent defense and soft attack that comes with it. Your template will bend before it breaks, and you just might break your opponent's teeth by the time they dislodge you…if they can dislodge you.

How this template excels:

  • Fantastic for defending in mountains
  • Great 303.1 soft attack rating to ensure every attempted assault is costly.
  • High 354 defensive rating for special forces unit.


5. Island Hoppers

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This template shows its worth in the pacific campaign, whether you’re in a country like America or Japan. If you’re attempting to break onto islands with strong garrison divisions with coastal defenses and bunkers, this can be a great example of what you need to grind those defenses down to dust.

It may seem absurd to have that much artillery, but you can very much change this template if you feel it’s a bit overboard. Still, if you’re attacking some of the most robust Island defenses, this can be your saving grace, with you including tank and naval support to assist. 

How this template excels:
  • Perfect for whittling down island defense
  • 199.7’ Breakthrough rating.
  • Great ‘7.7’ piercing.


4. Cavalry Police

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Oppression at a discount.

You'll inevitably need to deal with partisans and resistance when you conquer foreign land, which makes this garrison template extremely helpful for limiting the damage. Having Military Police support is a no-brainer, but cavalry is a must since it offers fantastic suppression in combating resistance.

Something that you should take note of, however, is that once you get more manpower and equipment, you should consider upgrading this 20-width division to something even larger since it not only increases suppression but strangely uses less support equipment for the Military Police support.

If you can't afford it for your already expended forces, this template is the way to go in calmly and successfully oppressing the masses!

How this template works:
  • Excellent ‘24’ suppression rating.
  • Low Support Equipment Usage. 
  • Relatively cheap overall.


3. Elite Paratroopers

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Cause paratroopers landing with artillery make perfect sense.

Most people fighting A.I. will come up with Paratrooper divisions that are extremely low in width to confuse the opponent, even at the cost of the division’s lives.

The template is a more quality build that gives paratroopers more width, organization, and some artillery for soft attack to survive a little bit longer.

Using Engineering Equipment is optional, but you should try to get as much organization out of this template as possible because the longer it survives, the better chances your main forces can move in to support and link up with these divisions. 

How this template works: 
  • Good 63.6 organization.
  • Extended survivability.
  • Better combat width than cheaper counterpart.
  • Consider engineer equipment for the right situation.


2. Tank Destroyers

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Why get tanks when you can just destroy them?

This division template shines the most on the eastern front, where tank battles will become the norm. Investing into anti-tank divisions will be critical, not only to give you an absurd amount of piercing but to allow you to stand up against an assault by tank divisions, giving you a fighting chance whether you are fighting Germany or the Soviet Union.

It will be costly since it’s a 40-width division, but it’s worth the investment to make a tank-happy opponent miserable.

How this template works:
  • High 39.7 Piercing.
  • Great for countering tank divisions.
  • Especially helpful for the Eastern front. 


1. Not One Step Back

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Just like Papa Stalin wanted it to be.

If you have the equipment and resources to spare and are trying to go through an Endsieg Scenario, for example, this template has much to offer. It has everything you need to counter the enemy, from armor to anti-tank, to soft-attack to even anti-air.

You’ll make your opponent scream with frustration with a division like this, and if you’re lucky enough, possibly even counterattack once they’ve bled out against your forces. Make sure you have enough supply on the front line if you use several divisions of this template. 

How this template excels:
  • High 42.6 Piercing rating.
  • A decent combination of hard and soft attack.
  • Excellent for defense and counter-attacking.
  • Equipment and resource intensive. 

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