[Top 10] Best Hearthstone Wild Decks 2019/2020!

Hearthstone Best Wild Decks
03 May 2024

1.    SN1P-SN4P Warlock

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SN1P-SN4P Warwock is a deck that was invented in the Rise of the Mech patch. This deck tries to make a one-turn-kill using SN1P-SN4P and any mech that sticks on the board for more than a turn. The idea is to reduce SN1P-SN4P’s cost to 0 mana using Mechwarper and Summoning Portal and magnetize him an infinite amount of times.

What is good about this deck:

  • The full SN1P-SN4P combo is available as early as turn 4
  • A Mecha’thun package can be included to beat heavy control decks
  • If you fail to make your main combo, you have other win conditions involving Glinda Crowskin

How to play this deck effectively:

  • You need to draw your combo pieces to win so try to cycle out your deck as fast as possible.
  • You have a few boardclears and defensive tools. Use them wisely against aggressive decks.
  • If you are facing a lot of control decks that gain too much armor and can survive a hit from the biggest mech you can make, remove one Skaterbot and add Mecha’thun to your deck.
  • Thy to stick a mech on the board the turn before you can make your combo, so you can attack your opponent’s face, the turn you magnetize SN1P-SN4P.
  • During the mulligan try to find SN1P-SN4P and Kobold Librarian.

List of cards for this deck:

  • # 2x (0) Target Dummy
  • # 2x (1) Kobold Librarian
  • # 2x (1) Mecharoo
  • # 2x (1) Mortal Coil
  • # 2x (1) Plague of Flames
  • # 2x (1) Skaterbot
  • # 1x (1) The Soularium
  • # 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
  • # 2x (2) Defile
  • # 2x (2) Galvanizer
  • # 2x (2) Loot Hoarder
  • # 2x (2) Mechwarper
  • # 2x (2) Novice Engineer
  • # 1x (3) SN1P-SN4P
  • # 2x (4) Summoning Portal
  • # 1x (5) Antique Healbot
  • # 1x (5) Zilliax
  • # 1x (6) Glinda Crowskin

Here is the deck code: AAEBAf0GBo+CA+0Fn7cD9Q+ggAO/8QIMjRDy0AL2/QLECJ2pA5/1AufLAtf+AvsBlA+cAskHAA==

 2.    Secret Mage

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Secret Mage is the second-best deck in wild at the moment. It got some really strong cards in the Saviours of Uldum expansion. Flame Ward and Arcane Flakmage help the deck deal with wide boards and Cloud Prince offers a lot of burn damage on a well-stated minion. This deck has proven to be really strong and remains to be at the top, although many players are teching against it.

What is good about this deck:

  • It is fairly straight-forward to play
  • It doesn’t have many bad match-ups
  • All of its minions offer huge tempo swings
  • It can be really disruptive using its secrets

How to play this deck efficiently:

  • Once you play Aluneth, you should transition from a board control deck to a face deck, using all of your resources to deal damage to your opponent
  • During the mulligan try to get early game minions such as Kabal Lackey, Medivh’s Valet, Arcanologist and Kirin Tor Mage
  • Against aggressive decks, Arcane Flakmage and Flame Ward are your most important cards. Try to use them efficiently
  • Against control decks your most important card is the legendary weapon Aluneth. Try to draw it as quickly as possible
  • In the beginning of the game try to make value trades. When you feel confident that you have enough burn damage start going face.

List of cards for this deck:

  • # 2x (1) Kabal Lackey
  • # 2x (2) Ancient Mysteries
  • # 2x (2) Arcane Flakmage
  • # 2x (2) Arcanologist
  • # 2x (2) Mad Scientist
  • # 2x (2) Medivh's Valet
  • # 2x (3) Counterspell
  • # 2x (3) Duplicate
  • # 2x (3) Explosive Runes
  • # 1x (3) Flame Ward
  • # 1x (3) Ice Block
  • # 1x (3) Kirin Tor Mage
  • # 1x (3) Potion of Polymorph
  • # 1x (3) Stargazer Luna
  • # 2x (4) Fireball
  • # 2x (5) Cloud Prince
  • # 1x (6) Aluneth
  • # 2x (6) Kabal Crystal Runner

Here is the deck code: AAEBAf0EBr+kA8AB7AXZuwLu9gKi0wIM67oC9KsDvqQDwcEC9w3XtgJxiQ6P0wK7At2pA4e9AgA=

3.    Mech Paladin

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Mech Paladin is a fast aggressive deck. It buffs its magnetic mechs in the hand using cards like Smuggler’s Run and then magnetizes them to make huge threats.

What’s good about this deck:

  • It has good card draw with Crystology, which is one of the strongest cards in the deck
  • It can end games early before your opponent gets the chance to stop it
  • It can have huge tempo swings using cards like Mechwarper to cheat out mana
  • It is quite cheap to craft and easy to play

How to play this deck effectively:

  • During the mulligan you should try to get Crystology, Galvanizer, Mechwarper and you hand buffing cards
  • Use your hand buffing effects efficiently
  • Against control decks magnetize minions on Flying Machine because it has windfury and can deal huge amounts of damage if they don’t manage to remove it
  • Be careful not to overextend
  • Beware silence and transform effects such as Hex and Polymorph as they can easily deal with your big mechs

List of cards for this deck:

  • # 2x (1) Crystology
  • # 2x (1) Glow-Tron
  • # 2x (1) Skaterbot
  • # 2x (1) Smuggler's Run
  • # 2x (2) Annoy-o-Tron
  • # 2x (2) Galvanizer
  • # 2x (2) Grimestreet Outfitter
  • # 2x (2) Mechwarper
  • # 2x (2) Shielded Minibot
  • # 1x (3) Divine Favor
  • # 2x (3) Flying Machine
  • # 1x (3) SN1P-SN4P
  • # 2x (4) Annoy-o-Module
  • # 1x (4) Jeeves
  • # 2x (4) Replicating Menace
  • # 2x (5) Wargear
  • # 1x (5) Zilliax

Here is the deck code: AAEBAZ8FBKcFn7cDjhCggAMN2f4C1v4Cn/UCs7sChRDX/gL3vAKUD+oPhBDh/gKY+wLMgQMA

4. Odd Rogue

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Odd Rogue is one of the most aggressive decks in the meta. The legendary card Baku the Mooneater restricts you to only using odd-costed cards. However, it upgrades your hero power to a 2/2 dagger instead of a 1/2 one.

What is good about this deck:

  • It is quite straight-forward to play
  • It controls the board very well
  • It can easily close out games

How to play this deck efficiently:

  • For Odd Rogue tempo is the most important thing. Use your mana effectively
  • Against any class you want to play a one drop on the first turn, hero power on the second turn and follow up with either Hench-Clan Thug or EVIL Miscreant on the third turn
  • Don’t overcommit against control decks as they can swipe your board away with just 1 board clear and leave you without any resources
  • Against fast decks go for value trades and against slow decks try to hit your opponent’s face as much as you can
  • Use Loatheb when you think your opponent will use a board clear on their next turn

List of cards for this deck:

  • # 2x (1) Buccaneer
  • # 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
  • # 2x (1) Pharaoh Cat
  • # 2x (1) Small-Time Buccaneer
  • # 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
  • # 2x (1) Swashburglar
  • # 2x (3) EVIL Miscreant
  • # 2x (3) Hench-Clan Thug
  • # 2x (3) Ironbeak Owl
  • # 2x (3) Magic Carpet
  • # 1x (3) SN1P-SN4P
  • # 2x (5) Dark Iron Skulker
  • # 2x (5) Fungalmancer
  • # 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
  • # 1x (5) Loatheb
  • # 2x (5) Vilespine Slayer
  • # 1x (5) Zilliax
  • # 1x (9) Baku the Mooneater

Here is the deck code: AAEBAaIHBpG8Ap+3A68E+g6ggAOe+AIMmxX1pwOgvQLUBd3SA4+XA6bvAqICtZ8D8xHR4QKBwgIA

5. Odd Paladin

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Odd Paladin was at the top of the meta for a really long time. Although it is not the strongest deck anymore it is still one of the best decks. The legendary minion Baku the Mooneater restricts you to only using odd-costed cards, however, it upgrades your hero power to summon 2 silver hand recruits instead of only one.

What is good about this deck:

  • It has really strong silver hand recruits synergies
  • It can place constant pressure on your opponent
  • It can flood the board many times and make it hard for the opponent to deal with all its tokens

How to play this deck efficiently:

  • Go for a one drop on turn one, hero power or 2 one drops on turn 2 and try to snowball from there
  • Make value trades and control the board
  • Mulligan for Muster for Battle as it is one of the strongest cards in the deck
  • Go for face damage when you can secure the win
  • Even though you can flood the board as much as you can, don’t overcommit too much as you can still run out of resources

List of cards for this deck:

  • # 2x (1) Blessing of Might
  • # 2x (1) Lost in the Jungle
  • # 2x (1) Never Surrender!
  • # 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
  • # 2x (1) Righteous Protector
  • # 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
  • # 1x (3) Divine Favor
  • # 2x (3) Ironbeak Owl
  • # 2x (3) Muster for Battle
  • # 1x (3) Rallying Blade
  • # 2x (3) Steward of Darkshire
  • # 2x (3) Warhorse Trainer
  • # 1x (5) Fungalmancer
  • # 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
  • # 1x (5) Loatheb
  • # 2x (5) Quartermaster
  • # 2x (7) Corridor Creeper
  • # 1x (7) Vinecleaver
  • # 1x (9) Baku the Mooneater

Here is the deck code: AAEBAZ8FCJG8AqcF2a4C0eECrwT6DoPHAp74AgtGuMcCjpoD48sC1AWiAu0P/68C0xPsD/vTAgA=

6. Even Shaman

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Even Shaman emerged in the WItchwood expansion. The Legendary minion Genn Greymane restricts you to only have even-costed cards in your deck and changes the cost of your hero power to 1 mana. It is a midrange deck, which has strong token synergies.

What is good about this deck:

  • It has strong overload synergies and can use Thundrehead very efficiently with overload cards such as Zap! and  Crackle
  • It can produce wide boards over and over again and end the game using attack buffs like Vessina and Totemic Surge
  • The discounted hero power can lead to snowballing over control with cards like Sea Giant

How to play this deck efficiently:

  • Totem Golem and Murkspark Eel are your strongest 2-drops. Try to start the game with them
  • Against fast decks like Odd Paladin Maelstorm Portal can provide strong boardclear, while putting a body on the board, which can lead to huge tempo swings
  • Do not overextend against control decks as they can wipe your board out with a single card and leave you without any resources 
  • Go for value trades and when you can close out the game prioritize dealing face damage with your minions and burn effects such as Crackle and Murkspark Eel
  • Be careful with your overloading effects. When using them, think about what you will play on your next turn when you will have fewer mana crystals than usual

List of cards for this deck:

  • # 2x (0) Totemic Surge
  • # 2x (0) Zap!
  • # 2x (2) Crackle
  • # 2x (2) Devolve
  • # 2x (2) EVIL Totem
  • # 1x (2) Jade Claws
  • # 1x (2) Likkim
  • # 2x (2) Maelstrom Portal
  • # 2x (2) Murkspark Eel
  • # 2x (2) Totem Golem
  • # 2x (4) Fireguard Destroyer
  • # 2x (4) Flamewreathed Faceless
  • # 2x (4) Thunderhead
  • # 1x (4) Vessina
  • # 1x (6) Genn Greymane
  • # 2x (6) Thing from Below
  • # 2x (10) Sea Giant

Here is the deck code: AAEBAaoIBNG8AvaKA+alA830Ag3apQP28ALWD/a9AvmlA6C2ApTvArIU8hH3qgKP+wLUyQPTAQA=

7. Murloc Shaman

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Murloc Shaman is one of the strongest decks in the Standard format. It is one of the strongest decks in the Wild format as well using old cards like Old-Murk Eye and Everyfin is Awesome. Like most decks on this list, this is an aggressive deck.

What is good about this deck:

  • It has extremely strong Murloc tribal synergies
  • It has one of the strongest token buffing cards-Everyfin is Awesome, which can cost 0 mana if you control 7 murlocs
  • It is extremely fast and can end games as early as turn 4

How to play this deck efficiently:

  • Try to start the game by playing Sir Finley Mrrgglton, Murloc Tidecaller, Sludge Slurper or Underbelly Angler. These are your strongest early game cards
  • Underbelly Angler is one of the strongest cards in the deck. It can give you a lot of value so use it wisely
  • Against decks that have strong taunt minions and powerful buff effects mulligan for devolve as it can help you a lot
  • Do not overcommit against slow decks and be careful with your resources
  • Try to control the board as best as you can
  • Make wide boards and end your opponent with cards like Bloodlust or Murloc Warleader

List of cards for this deck:

  • DEVOLVEx 1
  • MURMY x2
  • TOXFIN x2

Here is the deck code: AAEBAaoIBuAFkwnYD4QX9r0C474CDMUD2wP+A6cIvxe3bJ3CArHCAoyUA7WYA8aZA8qrAwA=

8. Mech Hunter

Body Image

Mech hunter is an aggressive deck that uses strong mech synergies and the magnetic mechanic. It is the cheapest deck on this list and it is not hard to play.

What is good about this deck:

  • It is one of the fastest decks in the meta and usually finishes the game in a few minutes. This allows you to play many games in a short period of time.
  • It is really flexible and can make both wide and tall boards
  • You can cheat out mana like no other with Mechwarper and Galvanizer

How to play this deck efficiently:

  • In the mulligan phase try to get Galvanizer and Mechwarper
  • Against aggressive decks with few boardclears go for wide boards
  • Against control decks go for big minions and magnetize mechs onto your minions
  • Fight for board control and transition to dealing face damage when you have enough resources to finish your opponent
  • Be careful with your resources as you can quickly run out of cards

List of cards for this deck:

  • # 2x (1) Cogmaster
  • # 2x (1) Mecharoo
  • # 2x (2) Annoy-o-Tron
  • # 2x (2) Galvanizer
  • # 2x (2) Mechwarper
  • # 2x (2) Upgradeable Framebot
  • # 2x (2) Venomizer
  • # 2x (3) Metaltooth Leaper
  • # 1x (3) SN1P-SN4P
  • # 2x (3) Spider Bomb
  • # 2x (3) Ursatron
  • # 2x (4) Explodinator
  • # 2x (4) Jeeves
  • # 2x (4) Replicating Menace
  • # 2x (5) Wargear
  • # 1x (5) Zilliax

Here is the deck code: AAEBAR8Cn7cDoIADDowP9v0ChRDX/gKUD5H7AuL1AuAPufgCtpwDiYADjhCY+wLMgQMA

9. Reno Warwock

Body Image

Reno Warwock contains no duplicates to activate powerful effects such as healing to full HP. It was already a strong archetype before the Saviours of Uldum expansion, which introduced powerful highlander cards such as Zephrys the Great. Now the deck is as strong as ever.

What is good about this deck:

  •  It can be very diverse and you won’t get bored of it since there are many combos and different cards
  • It can be very flexible with lots of tech choices
  • It has some extremely powerful cards
  • It is a slower control deck
  • It uses some of the most iconic legendary cards in the game

How to play this deck efficiently:

  • Usually, you want to play a one-drop on turn 1. Mistress of Mixtures can be really strong against fast decks as it offers a heal and body for just 1 mana
  • Against aggressive decks try to get defile and your taunt minions as these cards can help you stabilize the game
  • Some cards like Psychic Scream shuffle cards into your deck so be careful when playing your highlander effects. If they glow in yellow the effect will activate, if they glow in green it won’t activate
  • If you are facing a lot of control decks remove Kobold Librarian and Mistress of Mixtures and add Skulking Geist and Sathrovarr to your deck
  • Be careful when playing against decks that have lots of burst damage like Secret Mage and Odd Rogue as they can easily deal 15 damage in a turn
  • Be careful with Dirty Rat because while it can disrupt some combos and win you the game against some decks,  it can do you a lot of harm against other decks

List of cards for this deck:

  • # 1x (1) Kobold Librarian
  • # 1x (1) Mistress of Mixtures
  • # 1x (2) Baleful Banker
  • # 1x (2) Corrupting Mist
  • # 1x (2) Defile
  • # 1x (2) Dirty Rat
  • # 1x (2) Doomsayer
  • # 1x (2) Gnomeferatu
  • # 1x (2) Zephrys the Great
  • # 1x (3) Brann Bronzebear
  • # 1x (3) Shadow Bolt
  • # 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
  • # 1x (4) Hellfire
  • # 1x (4) Kazakus
  • # 1x (4) Voidcaller
  • # 1x (5) Antique Healbot
  • # 1x (5) Barista Lynchen
  • # 1x (5) Despicable Dreadlord
  • # 1x (5) Loatheb
  • # 1x (5) Sludge Belcher
  • # 1x (6) Emperor Thaurissan
  • # 1x (6) Khartut Defender
  • # 1x (6) Reno Jackson
  • # 1x (6) Siphon Soul
  • # 1x (7) Lord Godfrey
  • # 1x (8) Twisting Nether
  • # 1x (9) Mal'Ganis
  • # 1x (9) Voidlord
  • # 1x (10) Bloodreaver Gul'dan
  • # 1x (10) N'Zoth, the Corruptor

Here is the deck code: AAEBAf0GHvLQAt7EAqf3Ao/HAufLAt/EAooBrs0C/KMDhReSB8PqArYH2LsCjg71D72ZA/fNAvoOgQ7n0gOhoQPDFswInPgC2wbCD+jnApfTAuPSAwAA

10.          Reno Priest

Body Image

Reno Priest is a deck that contains no duplicates to activate powerful effects like Kazakus and Raza the Chained. This deck tries to control the game until it can burst its opponent down with Shadowreaper Anduin’s hero power.

What is good about this deck:

  • It has lots of strong control tools and can therefore easily beat aggressive decks
  • It has a really strong combo with Raza the Chained and Shadowreaper Anduin
  • It can beat many control decks with ease and generate a ton of value

How to play this deck efficiently:

  • Against aggressive decks try to utilize your removals as they can win you the game
  • In the mulligan phase, look for your highlander effect cards
  • If you are facing a control deck, getting Shadowreaper Anduin should be your highest priority
  • One of your best cards against Druid is Skulking Geist because it can destroy powerful cards like Jade Idol, Naturalize and Lesser Jasper Spellstone
  • In the beginning of the gameplay defensively and when you have enough resources to kill your opponent as well as all your combo pieces, transition to a one-turn-kill deck

List of cards for this deck:

  • # 1x (0) Forbidden Words
  • # 1x (0) Regenerate
  • # 1x (0) Silence
  • # 1x (1) Northshire Cleric
  • # 1x (1) Potion of Madness
  • # 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
  • # 1x (2) Dirty Rat
  • # 1x (2) Doomsayer
  • # 1x (2) Penance
  • # 1x (2) Séance
  • # 1x (2) Shadow Visions
  • # 1x (2) Shadow Word: Pain
  • # 1x (2) Spirit Lash
  • # 1x (2) Zephrys the Great
  • # 1x (3) Acolyte of Pain
  • # 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard
  • # 1x (3) Coldlight Oracle
  • # 1x (3) Shadow Word: Death
  • # 1x (4) Kazakus
  • # 1x (4) Mass Dispel
  • # 1x (4) Spawn of Shadows
  • # 1x (5) Excavated Evil
  • # 1x (5) Mass Hysteria
  • # 1x (5) Raza the Chained
  • # 1x (6) Emperor Thaurissan
  • # 1x (6) Lightbomb
  • # 1x (6) Reno Jackson
  • # 1x (6) Skulking Geist
  • # 1x (7) Psychic Scream
  • # 1x (8) Shadowreaper Anduin

Here is the deck code: AAEBAa0GHpibA+qMA6UJ8gy1uwLtBd/EAooBmakD5ogD0cEC1wrwzwL8owP7DIUX+AfTCti7AtYK9xO3F5eHA4O7AufSA97SA8MWoM4C6NACkNMCAAA=

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