[Top 10] Hearthstone Battlegrounds Best Tribes

Battlegrounds Fight
26 Sep 2024

In Hearthstone Battlegrounds there are different Tribes, or minion types, that you can play for combat. 

Each Tribe has special effects that, when played with other minions of the same tribe, give your warband synergy. There are 10 Tribes in this season of Battlegrounds, from Beasts to Demons and many more.

In this guide, we rank the 10 best tribes from good to best.


10. Pirate

Blizzard Entertainment
Basically, a Pirate Spider
He is not from the Caribbean

From the Caribbean to the high-seas, Pirates have dominated the world. Put them in the Battlegrounds arena though, and they might as well walk-the-plank. Pirates rank as my #10 Battlegrounds Tribes.

While Pirates used to be one of the stronger tribes in seasons past, they can’t keep up anymore. They lead a strong beginning game but fall behind mid-game.

Even with Tier 6 minions, such as Admiral Eliza Goreblade (ups warbands stats each time a pirate attacks), the effects are not permanent, leaving your warband weaker than others whose effects are permanent.

Pirate Strengths:

  • Beginning Gameplay - Pirates have one of the strongest beginning gameplay. The lower-tier minions have high attack and advantages, such as deathrattles or boosting each other's stats during combat.
  • Menagerie - There are good Pirates to play in a Menagerie build. The Record Smuggler can give you extra coins each turn, while the Blade Collector has Cleave (damage minions next to whomever it attacks). Pairing these cards with other Tribes can be a good strategy in Battlegrounds.
  • Synergy - While the effects are not permanent, Pirates do have good synergy. With each attack they can increase each other's stats during combat. Or based on the number of minions you have, gain extra gold for your next turn/boost a minion's stats.


9. Naga

Blizzard Entertainment
Epic Naga Woman
I wish I was as cool as her

Once Highborne night elves, now sea creatures drawn to magic. Naga can be very powerful in the Battlegrounds arena, if you cast the right spells. Naga rank as my #9 Battleground Tribes.

While you can buy spells from Bob’s Tavern, Naga creates their own spells using Spellcraft. Spells can give advantages for battle or beef up your Naga minions' stats for combat.

While their spells are powerful, the effects only stay permanent with certain minions, like the Lava Lurker.

Just like with Pirates, Naga used to be overpowered in past seasons of Battlegrounds. This can still be the case, but things have to go right for your game. Such as, being offered a good Naga hero (Lady Vashj), or being offered certain Naga minions at the beginning of the game, so you can increase their spells' effects.

Naga Strengths:

  • Spells - You do not have to spend extra coins on spells in the Tavern. Most Naga minions have spellcraft and give you a spell every turn.
  • Synergy - There is good synergy with spellcasting. The more spells you use during your turn, the more beefed up or special effects will take place during combat.
  • Menagerie - There are a few Naga minions that pair well with menagerie builds, such as Glowscale (spellcraft gives a minion Divine Shield for one turn).



8. Dragon

Blizzard Entertainment
Buff Dragon
I like the Purple Jewels. 

Known for their greed, magical abilities and strength, Dragons are a good choice in the Battlegrounds arena. Dragons rank as my #8 Battleground Tribes.

Don’t try to play a menagerie with Dragon minions. These mythical creatures are stronger when they are together, especially during combat. When you do this, they will boost each other's stats. Some Dragon minions will even keep those boosted stats permanently.

Dragon Strengths:

  • Synergy - By playing minions such as the Persistent Poet, with other dragons will keep stats gained during combat permanently. Many other dragons have “Start of Combat” abilities that give other dragons increased attack and/or health.
  • Beginning/Mid Gameplay - Because all their different effects build off each other, Dragons carry a strong beginning and mid gameplay. The higher-tiered Dragons are not as powerful as other tribes, however. That is why I feel their end gameplay is not as strong.
  • Hero Pairing Combo - If you can be offered Ysera as a hero, Dragons can become a very strong warband for your opponents to deal with. Ysera hero power is passive, offering an extra Dragon whenever the Tavern is refreshed.


7. Demon

Blizzard Entertainment
Buff Red Demon
He doesn't skip leg day. I can tell. 

Supernatural and spooky, these creatures are on the hunt for lost souls. Demons are a strong choice in the Battlegrounds arena. Demons rank as my #7 Battleground Tribes.

You wouldn’t think to go with Demons, looking at their weak attack and low health. But they have a special ability. Sucking souls (or stats) from other minions. The best part? The effects are always permanent.

Use minions such as Fiery Felblood and Slimy Felblood to boost the Tavern minions' stats, so when you suck them away, your warband gets even stronger. Pair this with Demons who increase their stats each time your hero takes damage. Just be sure to get a Soul Rewinder, so your hero’s damage gets sucked away, and you keep your health for combat.

Demon Strengths:

  • Multiple Strategies - You can boost your minions' stats multiple ways. Through hero damage, building the Tavern minions stats, or end-of-turn effects.
  • Strong Warband - Because there are multiple ways to strengthen your different minions, you can get most, if not all, of your warband strong. Where in other Tribes (Naga, Pirate), you can usually only get a few minions with powerful stats.
  • Gameplay - One of my favorite things about Demons is the gameplay. You have to build the tavern's stats and stick to it through beginning and mid-game. That way when you reach the higher-tier minions (Famished Felbat), your endgame minions can gain suck up all those beefed-up stats.


6. Murloc

Blizzard Entertainment
Chunky Frog
Do you think it would turn into a prince if you kissed it?

Don’t let the slimy appearance of these amphibians fool you. Murlocs are not a slippery choice in the Battlegrounds arena. Murlocs rank as my #6 Battleground Tribes.

Known for their Battlecry abilities, Murlocs have a secret weapon. Keep certain Murlocs in your hand and increase their stats through your normal gameplay. Murloc minions like Bream Counter and Puddle Prancer increase their stats while in your hand. Other Murlocs have deathrattles that will beef their stats and/or summon them during combat.

Paired with the permanent effects of battlecries and venomous, Murlocs can be pretty tough to beat.

Murloc Strengths:

  • Synergy - Just by playing other Murlocs, you can increase your other minions' stats. On the battlefield with battlecries, or with special effect minions in your hands.
  • Venomous - Not many Tribes have one hit kill abilities. With the Operatic Belcher, you get two minions with venomous (they have it, and their deathrattle gives it to another Murloc)
  • Extra Minions - On the battlefield, your warband is limited to 7 minions. With Murlocs, because you have the ability to summon beefed minions from your hand, you get the advantage of 7+ minions.


5. Elemental

Blizzard Entertainment
Buff Elemental
Love me some cold weather. Bring on the hot chocolate!

Let the powers of ocean, earth and sky combine to bring you a victory! Elementals will not let you down in the Battlegrounds arena. Elementals rank as my #5 Battleground Tribes.

Elementals used to dominate the Battleground arena with their ability to gain massive stats. This season it is trickier to give them such boosted stats, but not impossible.

There are two strategies to play with Elementals. Casting Spells with the Living Azerite minion to grow your warbands stats. Or by playing multiple Elementals every turn with minions like Lil’ Rag.

The reason Elementals are ranked better than other Tribes who gain powerful stats (Murloc and Demon) - is because of other special abilities the Elementals hold. Cleave, Divine Shield, and Refreshing the Tavern abilities boost Elementals ahead of the other Tribes.

Elemental Strengths:

  • Multiple Strategies - Unlike other Tribes, there are two ways to increase Elementals stats. You can choose one strategy and stick with it. Or combine the two.
  • Special Abilities - With minions such as Wildfire Elemental and Crackling Cyclone, you can have Cleave or Divine shield with stronger attack minions in your early gameplay. These can carry you through while you are buying the higher-tier minions to help beef up your Elementals stats.
  • End-Gameplay - With the ability to strengthen your minions throughout the entire game, by endgame you can have some pretty strong minions. Also, there are endgame (high tier) Elemental minions that can aid in the final combats. Such as Elemental of Surprise, and Rock Rock.


4. Beast

Blizzard Entertainment
Buff Gorilla
Tarzan's Uncle. 

Snarls, bites, scratches and teeth. Beware of Beasts in the Battlegrounds arena. Beast rank as my #4 Battleground Tribes.

Beasts used to rely on powerful Deathrattle effects to kill their prey on the battlefield. You can still play that strategy, but the new way is to deal damage … to your own minions.

That sounds wrong but trust me. By using minions like Rampager and Spiked Savior, dealing damage to your other minions will increase their stats permanently, or summon Beasts with taunt to thwart your opponent's attacks.

So, combine the Deathrattle and Damage strategy to build a powerful, resummoning warband of Beasts.

Beast Strengths:

  • Synergy - During combat, synergy takes place with each Deathrattle triggered, or Damage dealt. Stats increase either per minion, or some give stats to others.
  • Special Ability Minions - One of my favorite parts of playing Beasts is using minions like the Sprightly Scarab. This minion has a Choose One effect, to give a beast Reborn or Taunt. This means you can give Reborn to a minion who triggers more stat gaining effects during combat, if they get taken out too early.
  • End-Gameplay - The higher-tier Beast minions have amazing abilities. Such as the Ghoul-acabra, who gives your minions permanent stats anytime a Deathrattle minion dies.


3. Quilboar

Blizzard Entertainment
Buff Quilboar
This little piggy did NOT go to the market.

The three little pigs may be afraid of the big bad wolf, but the pigs in Battlegrounds are as tough as over-cooked bacon. Quilboar will definitely land you a top place in the Battlegrounds arena. Quilboar rank as my #3 Battleground Tribes.

I have to be honest, although I don’t think they rank #1, Quilboar is my favorite Tribe to play. This is because of Blood Gems. Blood Gems are a card you can get from certain minions that gives out stats of +1/+1.

By playing certain Quilboar you up your Blood Gems stats, either the health or the attack. The best part about Blood Gems is that you can choose which minion to give them to.

Certain minions benefit your warband by playing Blood Gems on them, like Tough Tusk. (Gains Divine Shield).

The thing I find fun about Quilboar, is beefing up your Blood Gems, and then giving them to minions from other Tribes. This brings in a lot of strategy if you know your opponent's build or can get you out of a tight spot if you are falling behind.

Quilboar Strengths:

  • Blood Gems - Quilboar have a lot of synergy with each other, to build up the stats of and distribute Blood Gems. (Either to your hand or during combat).
  • Menagerie - Because your focus with playing Quilboar is to build up your Blood Gems stats, you can easily change your strategy mid to late game and create a menagerie of higher-tiered minions, with the benefits of increased stats because of your Blood Gems.
  • Permanent Effects - The Blood Gems stats do not go away. So, from beginning game to end, your increased stats stay with your minions. There is even a spell, Gem Confiscation, that lets you steal all Blood Gems played on neighboring minions and play them all on one specific minion.


2. Undead

Blizzard Entertainment
Buff Undead
Giving me LOTR vibes

Back from the living to seek revenge, Undead will fight with what’s left of their lives for you in the Battlegrounds arena. Undead rank as my #2 Battleground Tribes.

The best ability used by the Undead is their combined powers of Deathrattle and Reborn. Not only can they gain stats during combat each time these powers are triggered, but they can also gain them permanently.

You can start gaining stats in beginning game with minions like the Eternal Knight and Nerubian Deathswarmer. Hand out reborn with the Mummifier.

Once you reach Tier 6, there are plenty of over-powered minions that will build off the warband you have built. Summoning overpowered minions over and over again, you are surely guaranteed a victory, or to at the very least, annoy your opponents during combat. (Truth be told, this is the most annoying warband for me to play against - it just gets on my nerves, what can I say?)

Undead Strengths:

  • Synergy - Playing lower cost minions at the beginning of the game support the higher cost minions at the end of the game. Building up the attack or health of your future minions, makes for great synergy and gameplay.
  • Strategy Combo - Deathrattle and Reborn go hand in hand. As Deathrattle triggers an effect, Reborn brings a minion back. Most of the time with larger stats, or another Deathrattle to be triggered again.
  • Tier 6 Minions - All the Undead Tier 6 minions are overpowered. Archlich Kel’Thuzad has an end of turn effect that destroys an Undead minion and resummons it before combat. Because the Undeads effect takes place during your turn, the effects given out are permanent.



Blizzard Entertainment
Stubby Robot
As cute as a button. 

Techno drumroll please! These mechanical minions are used to winning and don’t plan on backing down anytime soon. Mechs are a force to be reckoned with in the Battlegrounds arena. Mech ranks as my #1 Battleground Tribe.

These minions have many capabilities. From Divine Shield, Taunt, Reborn, Cleave, Deathrattle, End-of-Turn Effects, and Magnetic. And that all comes with the minions themselves, no need to trigger or buy a spell to get those effects.

The most unique and powerful feature of this Tribe, in my opinion, is the Magnetic effect. A minion (with stats, end of turn effects, deathrattle, etc.) can be magnetized to other Mechs. Increasing stats, abilities, and strategy.

Oftentimes by end game you will have an unbeatable warband to demolish your competition.

Mech Strengths:

  • Strategy Synergy - Instead of having a one strategy that increases your minions' stats for end game, Mechs have multiple ways to get strong. From Magnetic to spell effects.
  • Minion Power - The Deflect-o-Bot has an effect where it regains Divine Shield. This is by far the most powerful effect that is offered in the game. As these minions can beef their stats with Magnetic minions and spells, during combat they regain their Divine Shield over and over again.
  • All-Type Minions Boost - There are minions offered in Bob’s Tavern that are labeled as “All” - or carry each Tribe. These often have special effects, such as the Arid Atrocity. Any Magnetizing minion can be paired with the All-type minions.

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