Top 12 Hearthstone Best Wild Decks

Best Wild Decks
26 Sep 2024

Hearthstone has many modes to play. Most of them, such as Standard and Battlegrounds, have set rules or cards you can use. If you are feeling the need to be creative, adventurous, and WILD, then Wild mode is for you!

Any card you have is allowed in Wild. So mixing and matching cards from different expansions is the name of the game.

In the current meta, I have found that Aggro decks tend to do the best. However, there are Late-Game decks that pack a powerful punch. There are even a few that require a lot of skill and practice, but the victory is that much sweeter when you pull-off a seemingly impossible combo.

This is my Top 12 list of Best Wild Decks in Hearthstone (not in any particular ranked order).


12. Druid Tourist (New Mill Druid)

Blizzard Entertainment
Fairy. Cute but Scary
What I hope I would be if I was a Dark Fairy

As nature’s guardian, a Druid can pull energy from things surrounding them to attack and defend in battle. Use that energy to defeat your opponent in Wild mode with this Druid Tourist deck.

This is a control deck. One meant to play out the long game so your opponent loses from taking fatigue damage. With a myriad of spells, you focus on having both you and your opponent draw cards.

The reason you don’t take fatigue damage is thanks to the ‘Choose One’ spells. Cards such as Jade Idol let you choose between summoning a Jade Golem or shuffling 3 copies of the spell into your deck.

So as your opponent runs out of cards, thanks to spells like Dew Process (players draw an extra card at the start of their turn the rest of the game), your deck will stay full. Saving you from the fatigue damage that takes out your opponent.

This is a winning deck because most of the spells are cheap. You can play them at the beginning of the game, taking control from the start. This sends your opponent into a panic once they realize your strategy, and they will be forced to go aggro, even if that isn’t their deck’s strategy.

Druid Tourist (New Mill Druid) Strengths:

  • Low-Cost Cards - Most of the cards in this deck cost 3 Mana Crystals or less. This gives a high chance for early gameplay advantage.
  • Control - Being a control deck you get to set the pace for the game, while your opponent tries to catch up. Unless they have a deck specifically made to thwart your spells, you should pull ahead and win the long game.
  • Choose One Effects - Having the ‘Choose One’ effect cards in your deck give you the option between two choices during gameplay. This allows for you to play to the game, and the moves your opponent is making.

Druid Tourist (New Mill Druid) Cards:

  • Druid Cards
    • Aquatic Form (2)
    • Innervate (2)
    • Floop’s Glorious Gloop (1)
    • Jade Idol (2) 1-Sideboard
    • Naturalize (2)
    • Invigorate (2)
    • Moonlit Guidance (2)
    • Solar Eclipse (2)
    • Wild Growth (2)
    • Ferocious Howl (2)
    • Hedge Maze (1)
    • Witching Hour (2)
    • Branching Paths (2)
    • Dew Process (2)
    • Poison Seeds (2)
    • Mistah Vistah (1)
    • Nourish (2)
    • Wildheart Guff (1)
    • Scale of Onyxia (2)
  • Neutral Cards
    • Coldlight Oracle (2)
    • Northshire Farmer (1)
    • Prince Renathal (1)
    • E.T.C., Band Manager (1)
    • Selfish Shellfish (2)
    • Platebreaker (1) - SideboardTheotar, the Mad Duke (1) - Sideboard


11. Aggro Demon Hunter

Blizzard Entertainment
Awesome Weapons with Lizard Guy
Wouldn't want to face his wrath.

Demons are known for taking souls. Hunters are known for stealth and the element of surprise. Put them together and you have the perfect strategy for battle. Use the Aggro Demon Hunter Deck in Wild mode to take out your competition.

If you like playing a quick game, this deck is for you. With cheap minions and spells, you come out of the gate swinging. Leaving no time for your opponent to put their own strategy into play. Your strategy is to overwhelm your opponent with lots of minions fast (Rush). And attack with the Demon Hunters power. (1 Mana Crystal = +1 attack).

I consider this deck extra powerful because it is especially good against combo decks. With cards like Mana Burn, you can put your opponent behind in the number of cards they can play.

This is a winning deck because of the synergy between spells, minions and your hero power. Example: The minion Battlfiend costs 1 Mana Crystal, and gains attack each time your hero power is used. A spell such as Twin Slice adds attack to your hero power. You can beef a minion on the battlefield, while upping your heroes attack, and striking your opponent's health directly.

Aggro Demon Hunter Strengths:

  • Aggro - Known for taking the lead and causing the problems for your opponent, instead of the other way around. Aggro decks force your opponent to play catch up or survive.
  • Synergy - There is a synergy between the minions, spells and hero power. With most of the cards costing low Mana Crystals, you can quickly build attack synergy with the cards you play.
  • Legendary Cards - Legendary Cards normally pack a onetime punch. There are 4 Legendaries in this deck, but 2 work especially well with this deck and the hero's power. Patches the Pilot will shuffle six cards into your deck that will summon a Charge 1/1 Pirate when drawn (can attack the opposing hero directly). Also, Baky the Mooneater has a ‘Start of Game’ effect. If your deck only has odd-cost cards (which this does), you get your Hero Power upgraded, adding more attack.


Aggro Demon Hunter Cards:

  • DH Cards
    • Battlefiend (2)
    • Brain Masseuse (2)
    • Feast of Souls (2)
    • Philosophy (2)
    • Mana Burn (2)
    • Patches the Pilot (1)
    • Sock Puppet Slitherspear (2)
    • Twin Slice (2)
    • Coordinated Strike (2)
    • Wrathscale Naga (2)
    • Aranna, Thrill Seeker (1)
    • Fel Guardians (2)
    • Ur’zul Giant (2)
  • Neutral Cards
    • Patches the Pirate (1)
    • Tidepool Pupil (2)
    • Terrible Chef (2)
    • Baku the Mooneater (1)


10. Demon Hunter Tourist (Pirate)

Blizzard Entertainment
Demon Indiana Jones
If Indiana Jones crossed with a purple Demon

Another Demon Hunter has made the list. But with this deck he has set sail on the mighty seas. Hunt down your opponent and take all the treasure for yourself in Wild mode with the Demon Hunter Tourist (Pirate) deck.

This deck is pure Aggro Pirate power. Not only do you have spells to summon multiple minions at a time, but you also have others who will beef the summoned minions' stats. Some minions played will summon minions from your deck as well. So, you can quickly bombard your opponent from the beginning of the battle.

This is a winning deck because all the cards are cheap (5 or less Mana Crystals). There is amazing synergy between the spells and minions. There are also combos to take out your opponent's minions if by chance they pull ahead of you for a turn. In typical aggro decks this is not the case.


Demon Hunter Tourist Strengths:

  • Minion Synergy - Most of the minions you play impact your other minions by boosting their stats/calling them from your deck. A good example of this is the Sigil of Skydiving, paired with Hozen Roughhouser.
  • Hero Power/Minion Synergy - Minions get stronger or make your heroes power stronger, by simply playing one or the other. Sock Puppet Slitherspear will improve as your hero's attack improves, with cards like the Adrenaline Fiend.
  • Survival Cards - Most aggro decks don’t have a way to survive if you don’t stay on the offense. If your opponent gets ahead with this deck however, you have a few combos to pull ahead again. Using the Wrathscale Naga with your weaker minions can take out a few of your opponent's minions. Or use Aranna, Thrill Seeker with the Brain Masseuse, and redirect damage to your hero onto an enemy.

Demon Hunter Tourist Cards:

  • DH Cards
    • Dispose of Evidence (2)
    • Through Fel and Flames (2)
    • Brain Masseuse (2)
    • Mana Burn (2)
    • Patches the Pilot (1)
    • Sock Puppet Slitherspear (2)
    • Adrenaline Fiend (2)
    • Sigil of Skydiving (2)
    • Magnifying Glaive (2)
    • Wrathscale Naga (2)
    • Dangerous Cliffside (2)
    • Aranna, Thrill Seeker (1)
  • Neutral Cards
    • Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (1)
    • Patches the Pirate (1)
    • Treasure Distributor (2)
    • Parachute Brigand (2)
    • Hozen roughhouser (2)
    • Pylon Module (1) - Sideboard
    • Ticking Module (1) - Sideboard


9. Curse Warlock (Legendary)

Blizzard Entertainment
Cool Warlock Magic Guy
Titan, Demon, and a Destroyer. Cool. 

Have you ever felt like your gameplay was cursed? Don’t use enchantments to try and break it. Bring your gaming luck back in Wild mode with the Curse Warlock (Legendary) deck.

This is a deck that can pack a powerful punch with all the Legendary minions it holds. However, you MUST be mindful when playing this strategy. You don't want to run out of health, as the Warlock is notorious for taking damage because of his own power, minions and spells.

This deck is similar to the Jade Druid strategy. Build up the Abyssal Curse cards' damage strength over the course of the long game, to hit your opponent with overpowered spells at the end.

This is a winning deck because of all the Legendary minions and their capabilities, especially when paired together. Although the cost/time to obtain all these Legendary minions can be great, so will be your victory on the battlefield.

Curse Warlock (Legendary) Strengths:

  • Legendary Synergy - This deck has a lot of Legendary cards. By using minions like Brann Bronzebeard, you can get double the curses from minions. Also, double your spells with Tamsin Roame.
  • Long Game Survival - Decks built for the long game are the ones that can outlast aggro deck strategies. With cards like Defile and Abyssal Wave, you can take out your opponent's early game minions as you build your spells damage.
  • Strategy - There are cards in this deck that increase the probability of your strategy working (long game and taking damage). Prince Renathal allows for your deck size to be 40 - more chances to build up your Abyssal curse damage. He also increases your health to 40, which helps with the amount of damage you take over the game.

Curse Warlock Cards:

  • Warlock Cards
    • Raise Dead (2)
    • Chaotic Consumption (2)
    • Curse of Agony (2)
    • Void Virtuoso (1)
    • Defile (2)
    • Drain Soul (2)
    • Thornville Tentacle (1)
    • Dark Skies (2)
    • Dragged Below (2)
    • Encroaching Insanity (2)
    • Reverberations (2)
    • Scourge Supplies (1)
    • Idra'kess Cultist (2)
    • Tamsin roame (1)
    • Summoner Darkmarrow (1)
    • Lady Darkvein (1)
    • Symphony of Sins (1)
    • Za’qul (1)
    • Abyssal Wave (2)
    • Dreadlich Tamsin (1)
    • Sargeras, the Destroyer (1)
  • Neutral Cards:
    • Sir Finley, Sea Guide (1)
    • Brann Bronzebeard (1)
    • Prince Renathal (1)
    • Zola the Gorgon (1)
    • E. T. C., Band Manager (1)
    • School Teacher (2)
    • Kobold Sticky Finger (1) - Sideboard
    • Platebreaker (1) - Sideboard
    • Steamclearner (1 -) Sideboard
    • Yogg-Saron, Unleashed (1)


8. Exodia Mage

Blizzard Entertainment
Dumbledore-esk but Bald
Basically a Bald Bad-A Dumbledore

Have you ever dreamt of being a witch? Maybe a wizard? How about a spellcaster? Get close to achieving your magic-wielding dream when you play with the Exodia Mage deck in Wild mode.

A powerful deck doesn’t have to rely on minions. With only 6 minions you must use spells to defeat your opponent. The strategy is to use Archmage Antonidas, to gain as many Fireball spells as you can, to directly take out your opponent.

This is a winning deck because of its simplicity and the many low-cost spells. The more spells you cast, the more Fireballs you get. Also, coming with 3 Legendary minions that support the strategy to build the powerful end-of-game attack that gets you the coveted win.

Exodia Mage Strengths:

  • Quest Card - With the Legendary card, Open the Waygate, you begin a Quest at the start of the game. If you cast 8 spells that didn’t start in your deck you are Rewarded with Time Warp. (Get an extra turn right after you finish a turn).
  • Direct Hit/One Turn Kill - Once you have enough Fireballs, it doesn’t matter how many beefy minions or how much health the opposing hero has. Fireballs hit your target directly and win you the game, all in 1 turn! (The Fireball spells cost 0)
  • Discovery - This deck uses a lot of Discovery spells, which lead to each game being unique. Even though your overall strategy stays the same, your gameplay can be different each time you play this deck.


  • Exodia Mage Cards:
    • Open the Waygate (1)
    • Seabreeze Chalice (2)
    • Tome of Intellect (2)
    • Conjure Mana Biscuit (2)
    • Khadgar (1)
    • Research Project (2)
    • Rewind (2)
    • Siphon Mana (2)
    • Stargazing (1)
    • Vast Wisdom (2)
    • Buy One, Get One Freeze (2)
    • Ice Block (2)
    • Reverberations (2)
    • Sorcerer’s Apprentice (2)
    • Volume Up (2)
    • Watercolor Artist (2)
    • Archmage Antonidas (1)


7. Pirate Rogue (Goldbeard)

Blizzard Entertainment
Gold bearded Pirate
Does shoplifting count as looting?

What’s better than an assassin with two sharp blades? One that can summon a crew of Pirates! Take charge of the game in Wild mode with this Pirate Rogue (Goldbeard) deck.

The strategy with this deck is aggro (destroy your opponent quickly). Like #10 on this list (DH Pirate), you have a lot of cheap Pirate minions that help beef each other up. Or deal damage to random enemies.

The reason this is a winning deck is because of the Rouge specialties with Combos. Example: Pair the Bargain Bin Buccaneer with Ship’s Cannon or Toy Boat. Also, if you get behind because you are playing against long game decks, there is Shoplifter Goldbeard to help you get out of that predicament.

Pirate Rogue (Goldbeard) Strengths:

  • Long Game Strategy - Aggro decks are all about getting as many minions out as you can and overwhelming your opponent. However, some decks can outlast your initial onslaught. With this deck you can take control again thanks to Shoplifter Goldbeard and other cards. (Any that summon more pirates).
  • Combos - To play Combos in Hearthstone, you play one card first, then get the Combo effect of another card. With Combos you can refill your hand with new cards, take out enemies, or beef up your minions' attack.
  • Cheap Cost Cards - Combos are easy to do because the majority of cards in this deck cost 3 Mana Crystals or less. So, no matter how you draw them, you will always have a way to implement your strategy at the beginning of the game.

Pirate Rogue (Goldbeard) Cards:

  • Rogue Cards
    • Shadowstep (2)
    • Cold Blood (1)
    • Dig for Treasure (1)
    • Filletfighter (2)
    • Gear Shift (2)
    • Jolly Roger (2)
    • Prize Plunderer (1)
    • Secret Passage (2)
    • Toy Boat (1)
    • Bargain Bin Buccaneer (2)
    • Swordfish (2)
    • Shoplifter Goldbeard (1)
  • Neutral Cards
    • Patches the Pirate (1)
    • Southsea Deckhand (2)
    • Treasure Distributor (2)
    • Drink Server (1)
    • Parachute Brigand (2)
    • Ship’s Cannon (1)
    • Hozen Roughhouser (1)
    • Skycap’n Kragg (1)


6. Hero Power Mage

Blizzard Entertainment
Fire Bursting From Hands
Not your typical Wildfire. Much, much better.

Spellcasting is the name of the game when you play a Mage deck. With this deck, however, it starts with more minions than spells. But don’t worry, you will still discover plenty of fun spells to play with the Hero Power Mage deck in Wild mode.

This is a fun deck to play. I always love the unknown of what spells I will discover, or which random ones will be cast. The strategy of this deck is simple. Use spells such as Wildfire to build up your hero powers attack and use your hero power often. (Original costs 2 Mana Crystals and deals 1 damage to an enemy minion or hero.).

This is a winning deck because of its minions with spell battlecries or spell damage abilities. Not only are you getting powerful spells to keep yourself ahead of your opponent, but you also get a board full of minions as well. All this while amping up your hero powers attack to take out your opponent in the end and win the game.

Hero Power Mage Strengths:

  • One Turn Hit - This deck's strategy is to slowly build up your hero power’s damage effect over the game. Once it is high enough, paired with the Reckless Apprentice and Mordresh Fire Eye, you can have a one turn hit win.
  • Spell Discovery - Multiple cards in this deck offer a spell discovery effect. (Babbling Book, Suspicious Alchemist, etc.) This way you can play a new game every time you play this deck. Also, tailor the spells you choose to overcome whatever your opponent's strategy is.
  • Minions - I absolutely love how many minions this deck has. Combining the power of Mage spells with a board full of mid-stat minions, almost guarantees you a victory.

Hero Power Mage Cards:

  • Mage Cards
    • Babbling Book (1)
    • Suspicious Alchemist (1)
    • Wildfire (2)
    • Amplified Snowflurry (2)
    • Astromancer Solarian (1)
    • Book of Specters (1)
    • Rewind (1)
    • Starscryer (1)
    • Arcane Amplifier (2)
    • Nightcloak Sanctum (2)
    • Pyromaniac (1)
    • Tide Pools (2)
    • Reckless Apprentice (2)
    • Volume Up (1)
    • Sleet Skater (1)
    • Puzzlemaster Khadgar (1)
    • Luna’s Pocket Galaxy (1)
    • Magister Dawngrasp (1)
    • Mordresh Fire Eye (1)
    • Frost Lich Jaina (1)
  • Neutral Cards
    • Sir Finley, Sea Guide (1)
    • Saloon Brewmaster (2)
    • Sing-Along Buddy (2)
    • Brann Bronzebeard (1)
    • Prince renathal (1)
    • Zola the Gorgon (1)
    • E.T.C., Band Manager (1)
    • Clockwork Automaton (2)
    • Justicar Trueheart (1)
    • Kobold Stickyfinger (1) - Sideboard
    • Platebreaker (1) - Sideboard
    • Steamcleaner (1) - Sideboard
    • Marin the Manager (1)
    • Yogg-Saron, Unleashed (1)


5. Evolve Shaman

Blizzard Entertainment
Lizard Vegas Showman
I'd go to his show.

Pokemon isn’t the only game where you can evolve! Play the Evolve Shaman deck in Wild mode to outgrow, outshine, and out-evolve your opponent.

This deck has a lot of potential and power, it just needs a little luck. You won’t have control over what your minions evolve into, but you will know that they are more powerful/higher stat minions. This will keep your opponent on their toes, because they won’t know what they are coming up against either.

This is a winning deck because, even though you and your opponent will be a bit blind by what your minions will become, you can be prepared for THEIR strategy. If they are an aggro deck, which relies on early gameplay, take them out with cards like Devolve and Sigil of Skydiving. If you can make it to turn 5-6, you are sure to gain the traction you need to pull out a win.

Evolve Shaman Strengths:

  • Balance of Cost - This deck has a good balance in cost of cards to help you play out each part of the game. Most are below 3 Mana Crystals. But there are mid-cost to strengthen your strategy mid-game.
  • Fun - This deck is FUN. I don’t know about you, but I love adding the mystery of how my gameplay will go. The strategy is the same, evolve your minions. But you don’t have control over what minions they will evolve into. Keeps you and your gameplay on your toes.
  • Strong Mid-Game Momentum - If you can survive the beginning of the game, this deck gets strong fast with big swing turns. With cards like Gorgonzormu and Razzle-Dazzler, you can pull ahead of your opponent no matter what their strategy.

Evolve Shaman Cards:

  • Shaman Cards:
    • Lightning Bloom (2)
    • Cold Storage (2)
    • Convincing Disguise (2)
    • Evolve (2)
    • Murloc Growfin (2)
    • Patches the Pilot (1)
    • Devolve (2)
    • Ice Fishing (1)
    • Needlerock Totem (2)
    • Sigil of Skydiving (2)
    • Siren Song (2)
    • Carefree Cookie (1)
    • Remixed totemcarver (2)
    • Boggspine Knuckles (2)
    • Razzle-Dazzler (2)
    • Tiny Toys (2)
    • Mogu Fleshshaper (2)
  • Neutral Cards
    • Instrument Tech (1)
    • Desert Hare (2)
    • Gorgonzormu (1)
    • Prince Renathal (1)
    • Azerite Chain Gang (2)
    • Doppelgangster (2)


4. Quest Rogue

Blizzard Entertainment
Scary Cavern Guy
A Quest into the dark. Who knows what you'll find?

Do you ever hate playing the same strategy over and over? Do you not always draw the right cards you need? Try the Quest Rogue deck in Wild mode to solve these problems!

This deck can play 3 strategies. Aggro, Mid or Late game. This means that no matter how you draw, you have a different strategy you can play. This is helpful, because you won’t be stuck if you aren’t drawing the right cards to play out your winning strategy.

The reason this is a winning deck is because of what I said above. The ability to switch up your gameplay, depending on your random drawing each turn, is a game changer!

Quest Rogue Strengths:

  • Aggro - If you draw Shadowstep and Bloodsail flybooter, you can complete the Quest, The Caverns Below. Once you are Rewarded the Crystal Core - all your minions will have 5/5 stats the rest of the game
  • Mid Gameplay - Don’t play too hard to complete the Quest. Survive with your spells and clearing your opponents board with Kingsbane. Wait until you have Shadowstep with Ram Commander or Bloodsail Flybooter to complete your Quest.
  • Late Gameplay - If you do not get the card draw to play Aggro or Mid Gameplay, then Late game it is. The many Mechs and Magnet abilities can help you make it to late game, or boost you at late game once you have completed your Quest

Quest Rogue Cards:

  • Rogue Cards:
    • Shadowstep (2)
    • Bloodsail Flybooter (2)
    • Breakdance (2)
    • Kingsbane (1)
    • Paralytic Poison (1)
    • The Caverns Below (1)
    • Fan of Knives (1)
    • From the Scrapheap (1)
    • Harmonic Hip Hop (2)
    • Skyvateer (1)
    • Swindle (1)
    • Raiding Party (2)
    • Shroud of Concealment (1)
    • Cutting Class (1)
  • Neutral Cards
    • Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (1)
    • Instrument Tech (2)
    • Ram Commander (2)
    • SN1P-SN4P (1)
    • Arcane Nullifier X-21 (1)
    • Sky Gen’ral Kragg (1)
    • Witchwood Piper (1)
    • Recurring Villain (1)
    • Zilliax (1)


3. Miracle Priest (Togwaggle)

Blizzard Entertainment
Priest Creature on Candles
Is he the king of candles?

Do you believe in miracles? I certainly do! You can create a miracle with an amazing win with the Miracle Priest (Togwaggle) deck in Wild mode.

After I found this deck I knew I wanted to give it a try. While I usually like decks with a loose strategy, this one is tight. But if you can make it work, with a lot of practice, you will blow your opponents mind!

The gist of the deck is to decrease the cost of spells and discover minions from your deck until you are at 4-5 mana crystals. Then you play a lot of cheap spells (like drawing cards) and play as many as you can. Then you play King Togwaggle and swap decks with your opponent.

They get a Ransom spell to swap the decks back, but you have a Tram Heist, getting a copy of each card they played the previous turn. Play your King’s Ransom to get their deck back, and leave them with limited cards. (because you have already played the majority of cards in the deck).

I don’t know if I can call this a winning deck. But it certainly is a win you will be able to brag about!

Miracle Priest (Togwaggle) Strengths:

  • Unique - A lot of the time people build and play the same decks over and over, because getting the consistent win is good for your stats. If you are up for a challenge, and want to strengthen your skills in Wild mode, this deck will do that for you.
  • Low Cost - All of the cards (spells and minions) cost 4 Mana Crystals and under, except for King Togwaggle.
  • Only One Weakness - This deck can play well against all but Aggro. This is because the combo can’t happen until you have around 4-5 Mana Crystals.

Miracle Priest (Togwaggle) Cards:

  • Priest Cards:
    • Illuminate (1)
    • Anduin’s Gift (2)
    • Funnel Cake (2)
    • Gift of the Naaru (2)
    • Nightshade Tea (1)
    • Power Word: Shield (2)
    • Wave of Apathy (1)
    • Birdwatching (2)
    • Creation Protocol (2)
    • Radiant Elemental (1)
    • Seance (2)
    • Shadow Visions (1)
    • Thrive in the Shadows (2)
    • Chillin’ Vol’jin (1)
    • Gift of Luminance (2)
    • Handmaiden (1)
    • Nazmani Bloodweaver (1)
    • Pendant of Earth (1)
    • Serenity (1)
    • Tram Heist (1)
  • Neutral Cards
    • King Togwaggle (1)


2. Sandwich Warrior (Ryecleaver)

Blizzard Entertainment
Electric T-Rex
Jurrasic Park + Lightning = Awesome

Being a brave Warrior doesn’t mean you have to fight alone. Take along weapons, scary beasts, and a good friend or two to claim victory! Use the Sandwich Warrior deck in Wild mode to become a true Warrior.

A powerful deck that hits hard with an OTK combo. Using the amazing weapon Ryecleaver, combine it with your Charged Devilsaur (which, if drawn right, you can copy the Devilsaur and Mr. Smite.) When Ryecleaver’s Deathrattle is triggered, the Slice of Bread spell will complete, summoning all the minions that were initially removed from your hand.

This is a winning deck because of friends you battle with from days past. Emperor Thaurissan, with his power to reduce the cost of cards in your hand. And Brann Bronzebeard, letting those Battlecries trigger an extra time, gives this deck a boost ahead of your competitors.

Sandwich Warrior (Ryecleaver) Strengths:

  • Armor - The Warrior’s hero power gives you armor. There are plenty of spells in this deck to give you more armor. Use your armor to your advantage with cards like Sanitize.
  • Charge/Rush Abilities - Minions with Charge or Rush bring an advantage to your gameplay. Using these minions to stay ahead, hit the hero, or take out their board so you can survive to play your OTK combo.
  • OTK - If you make it to doing your combo, there is nothing your opponent can do about it. Even if they have a stacked board or high health.

Sandwich Warrior (Ryecleaver) Cards:

  • Warrior Cards:
    • Bash (2)
    • Bladestorm (2)
    • Needlerock Totem (2)
    • Shield Block (2)
    • Stoneskin Armorer (2)
    • All You Can Eat (2)
    • Bellowing Flames (2)
    • Rock Master Voone (1)
    • Steam Guardian (2)
    • The Ryecleaver (1)
    • Sanitize (2)
    • Trial by Fire (2)
  • Neutral Cards:
    • Audio Amplifier (1)
    • Gold Panner (2)
    • Brann Bronzebeard (1)
    • Emperor Thaurissan (1)
    • Charged Devilsaur (2)
    • Mr. Smite (1)


1.Shudderwock Shaman

Blizzard Entertainment
Dragon Beast Thing
Would not want to run into this in the woods

If you saw it in the woods, you might run away in fear. But for Wild mode, you definitely want to havethe Shudderwock by your side! Play the Shudderwock Shaman deck to Battlecry your way to victory.

This is a Highlander deck (You only have 1 of each card, no duplicates). This may not seem like the best strategy, but trust me, there is a reason for it.

The name of the game is Battlecries. Powerful Battlecries that you play like puzzle-pieces, waiting for the final picture to be revealed. You do this with strong Battlecry minions, like Reno, Lone Ranger and Antique Healbot.

The reason this is a winning deck? The Shudderwock. His OP Battlecry repeats EVERY Battlecry you have played so far in the game. And with cards that return the Shudderwock to your hand, you can trigger those healing, damage dealing, board wiping Battlecries over and over. This wears down your opponent and you walk away with a win!

Shudderwock Shaman Strengths:

  • Battlecries - Not only do you get to play a minions Battlecry once, it repeats again, and again, once you play the Shudderwock multiple times.
  • Legendary Minions - This deck is filled with Legendary Minions that are OP. Especially when you can use their powers combined with each other. (Incindius, Lorekeeper Polkelt, etc.)
  • Balanced Deck - this deck can play well through beginning, mid and late game. The cost of minions and spells is balanced across the board.

Shudderwock Shaman Cards:

  • Shaman Cards:
    • Cold Storage (1)
    • Thrall’s Gift (1)
    • Windchill (1)
    • Ancestral Knowledge (1)
    • Devolve (1)
    • Ice Fishing (1)
    • Murmuring Elemental (1)
    • Brilliant Macaw (1)
    • Far Sight (1)
    • Framester (1)
    • Hex (1)
    • Primal Dungeoneer (1)
    • Firemancer Flurgle (1)
    • Grumble, Worldshaker (1)
    • Snowfall Guardian (1)
    • Shudderwock (1)
  • Neutral Cards:
    • Toxfin (1)
    • Rustrot Viper (1)
    • Zola the Gorgon (1)
    • Azerite Chain Gang (1)
    • Blademaster Okani (1)
    • Eater of Secrets (1)
    • Lorekeeper Polkelt (1)
    • Sandbinder (1)
    • Saronite Chain Gang (1)
    • Antique healbot (1)
    • Boompistol Bully (1)
    • Loatheb (1)
    • Incindius (1)
    • Reno, Lone Ranger (1)

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