[Top 10] Hearthstone Best Packs To Buy

Hearthstone Pack
25 Sep 2024

10. Warrior Signature Bundle

Blizzard Entertainment
Warrior Power
Definetly want him on my team.

Can’t decide if you enjoy offense or defense when playing Hearthstone? Why not enjoy both? This is possible when you buy the Warrior Signature Bundle.

The Warrior is a fantastic Hero to build your decks with. Warrior cards pack a powerful punch with the fantastic combo of weapons and armor (Offense and Defense at the same time!).

Reasons to Buy the Warrior Signature Bundle:

  • Weapons - Many of the Warrior's cards are weapons. Weapons give you the choice to attack the hero directly, or any enemy minions. Most weapons also come with an extra effect (gain armor, cast a random spell, deal extra damage, etc.)
  • Offensive Mechanics - Go on the offense with your weapons and minions whose battlecries deal extra damage. Also known for having Rush or Charge minions.
  • Defensive Mechanics - Use your hero power and spells to Armor Up! Gain armor to outlast your opponent.
  • Strategy Versatility - With the Warrior you can play Late Game strategies. Like building your armor and using spells to deal damage equal to your armor. Or you can go Aggro, with aggressive minions and cheap weapons.
  • Two Hero Skins - If you like being different, this hero offers 2 hero cosmetics. (hero powers and abilities stay the same - purely cosmetic). You can be represented by Garrosh Hellscream or Magni Bronzebeard.

Warrior Signature Bundle Price:

24.99 Euro or 2500 in-game currency


9. Druid Signature Bundle

Blizzard Entertainment
Druid Power
So many Druids to choose from.

Do you appreciate a balance in all things? Do you love being in nature? Then the Druid Signature Bundle is for you!

Druid decks have a wide range of strategies that are powerful and fun to play. While most tactics wait for end-game strong minions, there are multiple ways to strategize. The Druid hero/cards have been around since Hearthstone began, so it is a staple to build/play.

Reasons to Buy the Druid Signature Bundle:

  • Strategy Versatility - Play Midrange, token, control or Jade.
  • Beginners - If you are new to Hearthstone, Druid is a great hero/class to start with. The minions are strong, strategies easy to learn.
  • Hero Power - One of the best in the game. Add +1 armor and +1 Attack.
  • Hero Skins - Multiple Hero Skins available for aesthetic if that is your thing.

Druid Signature Bundle Price:

24.99 Euro or 2500 in-game currency


8. Diamond Aman’Thul Bundle

Blizzard Entertainment
Diamond Aman'Thul Awesomeness
His beard is as epic as his Titan Power.

Were you like me? Did you enjoy the 24th expansion in Hearthstone, TITANS? If so, this Bundle is a must for your collection.

The best part of Titan minions is their 3 special abilities. Instead of attacking, you can choose to activate one of the abilities. This can give your board and gameplay an extra boost out of a tough spot, or help you deal the winning blow.

Reasons to Buy Diamond Aman’Thul Bundle:

  • Guaranteed Card - Buying this bundle is buying Legendary minion Aman’Thul. He has 3 abilities. Any time you use an ability you get to discover any Legendary minion.
  • Legendary Guarantee - Along with Aman’Thul, you get 2 Random Signature Perils in Paradise Legendary Cards. (Current expansion).
  • Priest Decks - Aman’Thul is an amazing addition to anyone who enjoys playing with control Priest decks.

Diamond Aman’Thul Bundle Price:

59.99 Euro or 6000 in-game currency



7. Diamond Sasquawk Bundle

Blizzard Entertainment
Pretty Bird Bundle
Polly want a Battlecry?

Battlecries and Beasts. If you enjoy playing fun and furry combos, then the Diamond Sasquawk Bundle should be your next buy.

With the newest expansion, Perils in Paradise, this Bundle is a great purchase. Get the Sasquawk, a legendary hunter minion card. This colorful Beast has a battlecry that repeats each card you played the previous turn.


Reasons to Buy Diamond Sasquawk Bundle:

  • Guaranteed Card - Sasquawk legendary minion.
  • Legendary Guarantee - 1 Random Signature Perils in Paradise legendary card
  • Extra Packs - 10 Perils in Paradise Packs
  • Current Expansion - This Bundle is fully focused on the new expansion, Perils in Paradise.
  • Hunter - If you enjoy playing as the Hunter, the guaranteed Sasquawk will fit into your strategies/deck perfectly.

Diamond Sasquawk Bundle Price:

49.99 Euro or 5000 in-game currency


6. Mini Golden Standard Bundle

Blizzard Entertainment
Little Gold Bundle
Small and Shiny but still Mighty!

Do you enjoy standing out in a crowd? Showing off? Having your cards match your amazing gaming skills? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then the Mini Golden Standard Bundle is for you.

If you enjoy staying up to date with the latest cards and strategies in Standards Mode, this is a smart purchase that adds a bit of flare. Each card will be Golden or Signature quality. (this does not enhance any cards ability or effect - all for aesthetics purposes).

Reasons to Buy Mini Golden Standard Bundle:

  • Aesthetics - have your cards stand out against your opponents with the Golden/Signature quality
  • Standard Mode - If you are into playing the current card expansions, this Bundle is filled with cards just for that.
  • Guaranteed Legendary - a 1 Random Golden Legendary Card is guaranteed with this purchase
  • Price - On the cheaper end of Bundles/Packs to buy

Mini Golden Standard Bundle Price:

24.99 Euro or 2500 in-game currency


5. Standard Bundle

Blizzard Entertainment
Standard as standard gets
Standard is as Standard does.


Are you new to Hearthstone and want to get better? Then the Standard Bundle is the first bundle you should purchase.

Standard is the mode I first played when I got into Hearthstone. That’s where you can see what the game is all about. Play the Standard Hero’s, see the basic cards and strategies. It sets you up with someone of your skill level, so you can compete at common levels. That is why I recommend the Standard Bundle to beginners.

Reasons to Buy Standard Bundle:

  • Beginner - If you are new to the game you will want to start your collection off with the most common and basic cards of the game.
  • Standard Mode - This bundle supports Standard Mode, which is a simple way to learn the game (away from the craziness that Wild Mode can be!)
  • Bang for your Buck - 20 packs. Need I say more?
  • Guaranteed Legendary - 2 Random Standard Legendary Cards guaranteed!

Standard Bundle Price:

19.99 Euro or 2000 in-game currency


4. Golden Signature Core Bundle

Blizzard Entertainment
Golden Signature Core Bundle
Don't just do the norm, get the Golden Signature!


Looking to up your game as a beginner and stand out? The Golden Signature Core Bundle pack can help you with that.

Core cards are starting cards for all different kinds of players. They also make the game more approachable for newbies. With this bundle, you can get 2 Random Signature Core Set Legendary Cards. Plus 5 Golden packs from the newest expansion, Perils in Paradise.

Reasons to Buy Golden Signature Core Bundle:

  • Guaranteed Cards - 2 Random Signature Core Set Legendary Cards guaranteed
  • Golden Packs - Aesthetically pleasing
  • Beginners - Core Legendary Cards to add to your beginning collection
  • Seasoned Players - Add Golden cards to your collection and get more for the new expansion

Golden Signature Core Bundle Price:

49.99 Euro or 5000 in-game currency


3. Rogue Signature Bundle

Blizzard Entertainment
Rogue Power
Go Rogue!

Do you like to take your opponents by surprise with quick and powerful combos? If that is your gaming style, the Rogue Signature Bundle should be your next buy.

Rogue cards are known for combos and stealth attacks that take your opponent off-guard. Simply use combo cards or buff up your weapons for powerful surprise attacks. With this bundle you get new Signature looks on the Rogue Core Set cards, with an additional 5 Rogue Packs.


Reasons to buy Rogue Signature Bundle:

  • Signature Looks - Get the fancy-version of some of the Core Set cards to look amazing during battle
  • Packs - 5 Rogue Packs
  • Beginner - Start your build/up your gameplay and strategies using the Rogue (learn combos)
  • Seasoned Players - build on your existing Rogue decks, or find good combo cards to play in Wild mode

Rogue Signature Bundle Price:

49.99 Euro or 5000 in-game currency


2. Signature Perils in Paradise Bundle

Blizzard Entertainment
Perils in Paradise
Is it really Paradise if there are Perils?

Hearthstone is known for continually updating it with new modes, cards, play styles, and expansions. The newest expansion is Perils in Paradise. So if you want to be up to date with the latest/newest cards and strategies, this bundle is for you.

Whether you are new to the game, or a seasoned player, seeing the latest Hearthstone has to offer is always a good idea. With this bundle you get 1 Random Signature Perils in Paradise Legendary Card, plus 7 packs of the new expansion.

Reasons to buy Signature Perils in Paradise Bundle:

  • Newest Expansion - it is what it is. The newest cards in the game. Keep up with what’s on trend.
  • Price - GREAT price for what you get.
  • Guaranteed Card - You get 1 random Legendary card from the new expansion
  • Packs - where most bundles are 5 packs at most, or less, this new bundle offers 7!

Signature Perils in Paradise Bundle Price:

24.99 Euro or 2500 in-game currency




1. Catch -Up Packs

Blizzard Entertainment
Card Explosion of Light
Playing Catch-Up Isn't Always A Bad Thing

While the number of cards you get per pack varies, they are designed to give you cards based on the prior Standard cards you have already received.

Reasons to buy Catch-Up Packs:

  • Rarity - There is an equal chance to get a Rare card in Catch-Up packs as the Normal packs. (about 20%)
  • Guaranteed Cards - there is a Legendary in the first 50 cards from each different expansion
  • Mass Pack - You have a choice to open Mass Packs - opening up to 20 Catch-Up packs at a time
  • Catch-Up - As the name implies, you get to “catch-up” with the different expansions
  • Beginners - As a beginner these are perfect for you to buy if you want to quickly catch-up with other players with the different expansions and strategies
  • Seasoned Players - If you’ve taken a break, or missed an expansion due to financial reasons, these are for you to get back in the game!

Catch-Up Packs Price:

$10.00 or earn free ones in the game when an expansion (new) goes live.

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