[Top 15] Most Famous Goddesses From Greek Mythology

05 Mar 2023

1) Hera

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  • Hera is the Queen of Olympus, and the goddess of marriage and family
  • She is infamous for her tense relationship with Zeus, the King of the Gods
  • Zeus frequently cheats on Hera and fathers mortal children. Hera, in her anger, will attempt to harm these demigods
  • Hera’s most famous feud is with Heracles, whom she cursed to go mad and murder his family. This led to Heracles’ twelve labors


2) Athena

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  • Athena is the goddess of wisdom, tactics, and crafts. She frequently serves as a guiding force for mortal heroes
  • Athena was born as an adult, in full armor, after springing out of the mind of her father, Zeus
  • While Athena usually helps mortals, she has also been the cause of catastrophes. Athena transformed Arachne into a spider, and she was part of the central conflict that began the Trojan War


3) Artemis

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  • Artemis, along with her twin brother Apollo, is a goddess of archery. Her domains also include hunting, wildlife, and the moon
  • Artemis spends her time constantly on the hunt. She allows mortals to join her, as long as they swear off romantic love
  • Artemis is a virgin goddess, and her virginity is sacred. This means that when various men attempt to court her, they are harshly punished by Artemis or her family


4) Demeter

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  • Demeter is the goddess of agriculture, harvest, fertility, and crops
  • She is known to punish those who would harm nature, such as Erysichthon. When the king attempted to cut down a tree sacred to Demeter, the goddess had the king cursed to be eternally hungry
  • Her most famous myth involves her relationship with her daughter, Persephone


5) Persephone

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  • Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, was taken to the Underworld by the domain’s lord, Hades
  • In most tellings, Persephone goes willingly. She marries Hades, becoming Queen of the Underworld
  • She spends half of the year in the underworld and the other half on the surface.. Demeter mourns the absence of her daughter during those months, which are the cause of winter and autumn


6) Aphrodite

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  • Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, and romance
  • She could be considered the eldest of all the Olympians, as she was born from Uranus’ blood mixing with sea foam
  • Aphrodite is known mainly for two general traits: her manipulation of mortals and her affair with Ares
  • While married to Hephaestus, Aphrodite is romantically involved with Ares, the god of war. The two were even captured by Hephaestus in an attempt to humiliate them
  • Aphrodite frequently curses mortals to fall in love with each other, and tends not to care about the consequences of these romantic pairings


7) Hestia

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  • Hestia, along with Demeter and Hera, is one of the goddess daughters of Cronus
  • She once occupied a throne on Olympus, but eventually was phased out in favor of Dionysus
  • Hestia was the goddess of the hearth and home, often depicted as the goddess in control of sacrificial fire


8) Nike

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  • Nike is the goddess of victory, often depicted flying through the air with wings. This has led to her title, Winged Victory
  • She gained her high status through her loyalty. During the war against the Titans, Nike was the first immortal to offer Zeus her support. Thanks to this, Nike was respected, revered, and honored


9) Nemesis

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  • Nemesis has a unique role within the Greek mythos. She is the goddess of fortune, retribution, and revenge. She is known as the avenger of crimes
  • Originally, Nemesis was viewed as a simple distributor of fortune; everyone got exactly what they deserved. But as time went on, Nemesis became equated with a sense of justice that arises from upset feelings that cannot remain unanswered
  • Nemesis is best known for her retaliation against Narcissus. Narcissus was a beautiful man who believed no one deserved his beauty. After many broken hearts, Nemesis directed him to his own reflection, from which he was unable to look away for the rest of his life


10) Gaea

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  • Gaea is often considered the first goddess. She is a primordial being, one of the first to exist, and is responsible for the creation of many others
  • Gaea is the embodiment of the earth. When she first came into being, she created the sky, Uranus, and the oceans, Pontus, to rival her
  • With Uranus, she had many other children, including the Titans, the Cyclopes, and more.
  • After Uranus treated her children cruelly, Gaea would convince her youngest son, Cronus, to dispatch Uranus
  • Later,  the Titans fell.,  Out of anger for her vanquished children, Gaea gave birth to a race of giants who were tasked with battling the gods


11) Metis 

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  • Metis was revered as a goddess of deep wisdom and cunning, and she was an irreplaceable and indispensable aid to her husband, Zeus
  • Metis was Zeus’ first true ally. She aided him in freeing his siblings from Cronus’ stomach. She helped Zeus by giving him the mixture of mustard and wine that caused Cronus to vomit
  • Just as Cronus was cursed and deposed, Zeus was fated to be overthrown by a son born to him by Metis. To prevent this, Zeus tricked Metis into transforming into a fly and swallowing her
  • Zeus is said to have gained Metis’ wisdom by absorbing her into his body. Metis was pregnant when Zeus swallowed her, which led to the goddess Athena being born from Zeus’ head


12) Eris

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  • Eris is the goddess of discord and strife, and was responsible for the start of the Trojan War
  • When Eris was not invited to a godly wedding, she decided to sew chaos among the gods. To this end, Eris left a golden apple in front of the goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite
  • The apple was destined to go to the most beautiful goddess, causing them to fight among each other. This would lead to the goddesses enlisting the aid of Paris
  • Paris chose Aphrodite, and she gifted him the beautiful Helen of Troy. This divided both gods and mortals


13) Hecate

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  • With many domains under her rule, Hecate is the goddess of magic, witchcraft, necromancy, and sorcery
  • She also reigns over crossroads, night, herbs, ghosts, and graves
  • While she does not often appear in myths, she is known to have participated in the war against the giants. She fought the giant Clytius with her torch and sword


14) Muses

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  • The Muses were a group of goddesses who were responsible for divine inspiration. They represented literature, science, and the arts
  • Many Greek artists were known to invoke the Muses, essentially begging the goddess to bless their art.
  • The Muses were asked to serve as inspiration to the art. They could also be asked to speak directly through the artist


15) Iris

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  • Iris was the goddess of rainbows, and she served as a messenger for the gods of Olympus
  • She has brief appearances in many myths, usually delivering messages from one god to another
  • Iris also aided the gods in their war against the Titans. She delivered messages by running across rainbows

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