The images of the Greek gods, heroes, and villains have been burned into contemporary Story and to this day their influence has continued to insert itself into our modern world.
Character | Bio | Story | Details |
Achilles | The greatest warrior of the fabled Trojan War whose only weakness was his heel. | Story | Details |
Aeneas | Another great hero from the Trojan War and the son of the goddess Aphrodite and Prince Anchises of Troy. | Story | Details |
Agamemnon | King of Mycenae and commander in chief of the forces fighting against the Trojans. | Story | Details |
Amazons | A group of fierce female warriors said to inhabit Asia Minor. | Story | Details |
Aphrodite | The goddess of love, procreation, beauty, and pleasure. | Story | Details |
Apollo | Twin brother of Artemis and leader of the Muses, Apollo is the god of music, poetry, and medicine. | Story | Details |
Arachne | A talented weaver who challenged Athena and was turned into a spider. | Story | |
Ares | God of war and the most despised of the Olympians. | Story | Details |
Artemis | Twin sister of Apollo, Artemis is the goddess of the moon, the hunt, and chastity. | Story | Details |
Athena | Goddess of wisdom, justice and much more, Athena is one of the most powerful Olympians. | Story | Details |
Atlanta | Abandoned in the woods as a child for being born a woman, Atlanta was rescued by a bear and brought up to be a skilled hunter. | Story | Details |
Atlas | One of the last remaining Titans who is forced to hold up the earth and heaven for all eternity. | Story | Details |
Bellerophon | Considered to be one of the greatest heroes of Greek mythology, Bellerophon defeated the monster Chimera and tamed Pegasus. | Story | Details |
Cadmus | The first greek hero and founder of the city of Thebes. | Story | Details |
Charon | The mythological ferryman of the underworld who takes the souls of the dead across the river Styx in his boat. | Story | Details |
Circe | A mysterious sorceress and nymph and daughter of the god Helios. | Story | Details |
Cronus | One of the greatest of the titans and the father of most of the Olympians. | Story | Details |
Daedalus | The greatest architect and craftsman of the ancient world and designer of the Labyrinth that housed the Minotaur. | Story | Details |
Demeter | Goddess of the harvest and fertility. | Details | |
Dionysus | God of wine, pleasure, and madness. | Story | Details |
Fates | The three goddesses Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos, who gather to assign mortals their destinies at birth. | Story | Details |
Furies | Female goddesses of vengeance. | Story | Details |
Gaia | Mother of the titans and the personification of the earth. | Story | Details |
Graeae | Sisters of the gorgons, Deino, Enyo, and Pemphredo shared one eye and one tooth together. | Story | Details |
Hades | One of the three head Olympians and god of the underworld and death. | Story | Details |
Hecate | The goddess of magic and witchcraft. | Story | Details |
Hector | Prince of Troy and one of the fiercest warriors in the Trojan War. | Story | Details |
Helios | God of the sun, oaths, and sight. | Story | Details |
Hera | Goddess of marriage and birth, Hera is the queen of the gods and wife to her brother Zeus. | Story | Details |
Hercules | Son of Zeus and a mortal woman, Hercules is a demigod and one of the most powerful greek heroes. | Story | Details |
Hermes | Considered to be the messenger of the gods, Hermes is the son of Zeus and the god of athletics, trade, travel, and thieves. | Story | Details |
Hephaestus | Son of Zeus and Hera, Hephaestus is the god of the forge and the art of sculpture. | Story | Details |
Hestia | The firstborn child of Kronos and Rhea, Hesti, is the goddess of the hearth and the home. | Story | |
Icarus | Son of Daedalus, Icarus flew with his father to escape their prison but was stricken down by the sun and drowned in the ocean. | Story | Details |
Jason | Jason was the heroic leader of the Argonauts who sought after the Golden Fleece. | Story | Details |
Medusa | The most infamous of the three gorgons, Medusa’s stare could turn anyone who looked into her eyes to stone. | Story | Details |
Minos | In life, he was the dreaded king of Crete where he sent young boys and girls to be slain in the Labyrinth, but in death, Minos serves as the judge of the underworld condemning souls to Hades. | Story | Details |
Minotaur | Half man and half bull, the Minotaur stalked the halls of the Labyrinth under Crete and feasted on human sacrifices. | Story | Details |
Muses | The Muses comprised of nine goddesses who each supervised an aspect of the arts. | Story | Details |
Odysseus | King Odysseus of Ithaca is the hero of Homer’s epic poem and one of the great warriors from the Trojan War. | Story | Details |
Orpheus | Orpheus was the greatest musician the Greeks had ever known and he had been taught to play the lyre by Apollo. | Story | Details |
Pandora | Pandora was the first human woman made by Hephaestus. | Story | Details |
Persephone | Queen of the underworld and the goddess of vegetation. | Story | Details |
Perseus | One of the greatest heroes, Perseus slew the Gorgon Medusa and the sea monster Cetus. | Story | Details |
Poseidon | One of the ruling gods of Olympus, Poseidon is the god of the sea, storms, and horses. | Story | Details |
Prometheus | A mischievous god of fire, Prometheus stole fire from Olympus to give to the humans and was punished by Zeus for it. | Story | |
Rhea | Rhea is the daughter of the earth Gaia and mother of the Olympians. | Story | Details |
Theseus | Theseus was a great warrior and founder of Athens. | Story | Details |
Uranus | The ancestor of all greek gods, Uranus embodied the heavens called Father Sky. | Story | Details |
Zeus | King of the Olympians, Zeus is the ruler of the skies and all other gods. | Story | Details |
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