[Top 15] GoT Best Bronn Scenes

23 Mar 2023

Back when he was introduced in season 1, Bronn was one of the most loved side characters due to his charm, wit, loyalty and friendship to Tyrion. He not only saved Tyrion in the ambush scene with Catelyn but kept proving himself to be a hilarious and competent fighter that would always provide the viewers with good viewing.

As the show progressed on, it saw Bronn turn out to be a more important and prominent character in the story, rising in station from being a mere sellsword to being a Lord. Though season 8 was dreadful, it saw Bronn as being more important to the kingdom than he has ever been. So, let us take a look at all the best scenes of Bronn!


1. Give me 10 good men (Season 1, Episode 5)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OvbU6VPTsc

This scene is one of the first that even features Bronn at all. He is introduced as a simple mercenary that Tyrion ends up really taking a liking to and one that he can banter with quite a lot. As they first see the legendary Arryn fortress called the Eyrie, Tyrion tells Bronn it is said to be impregnable. Upon hearing this, Bronn tells Tyrion that all he would need to break into the castle is 10 good men and some climbing spikes, something that strengthens their friendship.


2. Trial by combat (Season 1, Episode 6)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR54A_PSPbM

Upon unjustly being taken captive by Catelyn and Lysa, Tyrion is also unjustly found guilty of the crime of trying to kill Bran. In a last ditch effort to save himself, Tyrion invokes his right to trial by combat, in which Bronn offers to be his champion. In the trial, he fights a formidable knight but ends up defeating and killing him due to his speed, skill and ferocity with the blade and saving Tyrion's life. This scene shows Bronn’s capability as a warrior and officially starts his arc and friendship with Tyrion.


3. The drinking game (Season 1, Episode 8)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/w8NABaCRP_I

A great scene in the first season of the show, it really humanizes Bronn and adds some lore and depth to his character. It consists of Tyrion, Bronn and Shae sitting together in the tent and playing a drinking game and just having a good time. It’s great because it fleshes Bronn out to be way more than just a dumb brute with a sword and endears him to readers even more with the drunken fun he loves to have.


4. Dismissing Janos Slynt (Season 2, Episode 2)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0VXYz7cjGE

This is one of the very best exchanges between Bronn and Tyrion in the entire show. Their conversation takes place after another incredible scene where Tyrion dismisses Janos Slynt from his post as Commander of the City Watch and replaces him with Bronn. However, upon asking him if he would be willing to do something completely inhumane without question, Bronn answers that he would ask how much money he would be getting paid.

This is a great moment of realization for Tyrion as he figures out that all he did was replace one monster with another, only this one is loyal to him. It also shows Bronn as a properly nuanced character who is only ever looking out for himself and surviving in this world, despite how loved he is by viewers.


5. Bronn of the Blackwater (Season 2, Episode 9)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=battle+of+blackwater

This is the episode due to which Bronn got his cool nickname; Ser Bronn of the Blackwater. Not only did he fight very well in the battle, he really showed his loyalty to Tyrion and proved himself as a badass. This is because he was the one who perfectly shot one arrow into the Wildfire ship, causing the total decimation of Stannis’s fleet and was arguably the biggest reason why the Crown was able to defeat Stannis at all. Since Stannis had much more Naval superiority, this was definitely the defining moment of the battle.


6. Ser Teryn Mant (Season 3, Episode 1)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fgwkn1a1Hh4

This scene shows Bronn as a badass who really doesn’t care who others are and isn’t intimidated by anyone. Upon being called to Tyrion’s quarters, he sees 2 members of the Kingsguard standing outside, who he proceeds to hilariously mock. When they threaten to kill him, Bronn stands his ground and grabs his dagger's hilt, showing that he was willing and capable to kill them, but ends up getting interrupted so the fight doesn’t happen.


7. Evil notions (Season 3, Episode 7)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVMzI-0T--E

This scene takes place after Tyrion gets betrothed to Sansa. It is a funny conversation between Bronn and Tyrion about the nature of the marriage because Tyrion knows what he wants to do but doesn’t want to act on it. Bronn is there to confirm to Tyrion that he should do what he wants because he would be in the right to do it. This scene further solidifies their relationship as being one where they trust each other and can talk about anything.


8. Meeting Oberyn (Season 4, Episode 1)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSgYZksIoUw

Bronn and Oberyn are both characters that steal every scene that they are in, so when you have a scene that brings them both face to face, you know it’s going to be electric, even if it’s really short. Though the conversation between them is very brief, it is still cool to see, especially seeing Bronn making Oberyn laugh. Oberyn is an enigmatic and driven person, so his first meeting with Tyrion and Bronn actually goes pretty well with Bronn leaving a good impression.


9. Training Jaime (Season 4, Episode 4)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thLQxO4lsm4

Bronn and Jaime were the duo we never really knew that we needed. Upon losing his hand, Jaime still wants to fight with a sword causing him to employ Bronn to teach him. This scene is hilarious because of the banter the 2 of them have with each other as well as the reason Bronn picked this location to train. This starts Bronn’s relationship with the other Lannister brother that lasts for the rest of the show!


10. Sand Snakes (Season 5, Episode 6)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfPn_MFWRa0&t=73s

While season 5’s Dorne plot was pretty boring and not executed well, all the Jaime and Bronn moments together were really wholesome and funny to see. One of these moments was in the 6th episode when the 2 of them sneak into the Martell palace and fight the Sand Snakes together. It’s just good to see 2 fan favorite characters teaming up again and getting into crazy shenanigans together.


11. Siege of Riverrun (Season 6, Episode 7)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-ZWOxUFMYA

The Siege of Riverrun was a great way of furthering the relationship between Bronn and Jaime. It showed them bantering and even at certain moments, Jaime trusted Bronn enough for him to teach the Lannister army a thing or two about what to do in a siege situation. Together, they’re able to successfully siege Riverrun and defeat the Blackfish.


12. Reunion with Podrick (Season 6, Episode 8)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE7ZLOaJLZA

Bronn and Podrick’s reunion in season 6 was something fans of the show were anticipating for years at this point. These 2 and Tyrion had been together since the beginning of the show and had somewhat of an unofficial trio that would always hang out and joke about together. 

Upon Brienne coming to the Lannister camp at Riverrun during the siege, Bronn ambushed Podrick with a hug and they had a lovely reunion. Despite Bronn being all brash and brave with an attitude where he seems like he doesn’t care about others, you can tell that he was happy to see Podrick and that he actually does care about him.


13. Injuring Drogon (Season 7, Episode 4)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZwtupl3_m0

With all my gripes and hatred towards season 7 of the show, this scene of Dany attacking the Lannister army was amazing. It really showed the absolute chaos of such an attack and how powerless the entire army was to stop just 1 dragon. This is where Bronn really outshone everyone else who were all just trying to survive.

In all that chaos and destruction, Bronn’s bravery and courage allowed him to run towards the giant scorpion crossbow, allowing him to shoot down Drogon with patience and accuracy. Though this didn’t kill the beast and only grounded him, it was still amazingly done and saved more lives than could have been saved otherwise.


14. Saving Jaime (Season 7, Episode 4)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urWhH9VIztw

Upon Dany and Drogon being grounded, Jaime rides in order to deliver the final blow to her. He sees the opportunity and doesn’t really think about it, instead choosing to impulsively ride towards her in order to stop her for good. It is then where Drogon opens his mouth and is about to burn him alive where Bronn saves his life out of seemingly nowhere.

Upon emerging from the lake, Bronn says no one is allowed to kill Jaime until he gets paid, not only showing his wit but also his bravery and selflessness. Though he never says it, he does care a lot about Jaime as a friend, to the point where he is willing to put his own life on the line in order to save his friend.


15. Reunion with the Lannisters (Season 8, Episode 4)

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The scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nu6sPrL7DM

Season 8 was atrocious and gave the stupidest and most nonsensical ending to Bronn, but still it was nice to see him reunite with the 2 characters of the show that gave him the most power and influence. Tyrion and Jaime were both really important for Bronn and upon not having seen them both in so long, it was nice to see the 3 have a good reunion.

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