With the skins below, you not only get skins that feel Legendary, but you also save a bunch of money!
Epic skins. The middle ground between Rare and Legendary skins. Are they worth their price, or should you save up some extra cash to get that Legendary skin? Or get a cheaper Rare or Uncommon skin that might even look better than an Epic skin? Nowadays in the Fortnite community, there is a much bigger expectation towards the quality of Epic and Legendary skins, so if you don’t want to waste your money on basic-looking outfits, let us help you find which Epic skins are most worth their price.
Disclaimer: This list is in no particular order, and only Item Shop and Bundle skins are included.
15. Tropical Punch Zoey – “Candy-coated mayhem.”
Summer Legends Pack (with Tropical Punch Zoey) showcase
Tropical Punch Zoey is one of 3 skins you get after purchasing the Summer Legends Pack. This pack was released in Chapter 2 Season 3 and includes a back bling for each character as well. The reason why Tropical Punch Zoey is the best skin out of the 3 is because she is a remixed version of the Season 4 Battle Pass skin called Zoey, so if you missed out on her back then and would like to have her in your locker, Tropical Punch is a great alternative.
Fun fact: Tropical Punch Zoey does not have the same character model as Season 4’s Zoey.
How to get Tropical Punch Zoey: You can get her, Summer Fable, Unpeely, and 3 back blings from the Summer Legends Pack for $19.99. They are all Epic skins.
14. Deimos – “Travelers beware on the road to the next world.”
Epic Deimos showcase
Deimos was released during Chapter 2 Season 6 as part of the Neo Underworld Set. He is a supernatural character, who looks similar to a demon. He has three edit styles – Default, Green, Glow. Smoke seems to come out of his skull in the Glow and Default edit styles, which have a nice animation.
Fun fact: Deimos is the god of fear in Greek mythology.
How to get Deimos: You were able to get him from the May 2021 Fortnite Crew pack, which costs $11.99 monthly. We don’t know if Fortnite Crew skins will ever be re-released but keep an eye out.
13. Chief Hopper – “Hawkins PD's finest.”
Epic Chief Hopper showcase
Chief Hopper first appeared during the Fortnite x Stranger Things crossover in Season 9. He is one of the main characters of the hit Netflix TV show Stranger Things, so if you are a fan of the show, you don’t want to miss out on him.
Fun fact: He has one edit style, but the only change is that he puts on a hat.
How to get Chief Hopper: You can get him from the Item Shop for 1,500 Vbucks.
12. Summer Drift – “Drifting through the sunshine.”
Epic Summer Drift showcase
Summer Drift is an Epic skin from Season 9, part of the Drift Set. He is a remixed version of the beloved skin Drift from the Season 5 Battle Pass. Just like with Tropical Punch Zoey, you still have the chance to have the altered version of the skin in your locker if you missed out on previous Battle Passes. This skin is an even better offer since, besides the outfit, Summer Drift looks the same as his Season 5 version.
Fun fact: He has an edit style where he puts a pink shirt on.
How to get Summer Drift: You can get him from the Item Shop for 1,500 Vbucks.
11. Dreamflower – “Can you dig it?”
Epic Dreamflower showcase
Dreamflower is from the Flower Power Set which was released during Season 5. Even though this skin might not be everyone’s type, we can’t deny that there is no other skin quite like her. Her outfit is based on the hippy style that was common in the 1960s, and it has some beautifully drawn designs on it. Her accessories also fit into her look very nicely.
Fun fact: The set includes the Drumbeat harvesting tool, which is one of the best in the game – and it’s uncommon! It makes a cool sound and spawns flowers when you hit a weak spot.
How to get Dreamflower: You can get her from the Item Shop for 1,500 Vbucks.
10. Teef – “Life's chewy when you're born to chomp.”
Epic Teef showcase
I am not even sure how to describe this skin. It is quite interesting, to be honest. Teef was released during Chapter 2 Season 1 in the fall, which is not surprising since the character fits into the Halloween theme perfectly. If I had to guess who Teef is, I would say he is a prisoner who escaped and got some kind of candy stuck on his head But if you read my fun fact below, there is reason to believe he might be an actor.
Fun fact: Teef is on the poster of the Final Reckoning at Gotham City’s Movie Theatre.
How to get Teef: You can get him from the Item Shop for 1,500 Vbucks.
9. Rosa – “Celebrate the unknown.”
Epic Rosa showcase
Rosa is a skin from the Fortnitemares 2018 event from Season 6. Rosa (and also her male counterpart, Dante) is another great skin that represents different cultures and customs. She wears the kind of clothes that Mexican people wear during their national holiday, Day of the Dead. Her outfit also glows in the dark, which might not be great for competitive gameplay, but it looks awesome aesthetically.
Fun fact: Rosa is based on the character Imelda from the Disney Pixar movie Coco.
How to get Rosa: You can get her from the Item Shop for 1,500 Vbucks.
8. Big Mouth – “Seeking victory, breath mints, and souls.”
Epic Big Mouth showcase
Big Mouth is another skin that is completely inhumane, which is quite rare in Fortnite. His whole head is, well, his mouth, which is a transformation of another character, Castor’s hood. Big Mouth is the creation of another different wizard character called Delirium.
Fun fact: Big Mouth had close contact with the A.L.T.E.R. organization who provided him with his favorite food, frogs.
How to get Big Mouth: You can get him from the Item Shop for 1,500 Vbucks.
7. Globe Shaker – “Make it snow.”
Epic Globe Shaker showcase
Globe Shaker is another Christmas outfit from Chapter 2 Season 1. He looks quite different from the other Christmas skins – his head is a snow globe! The rest of his outfit also fits into the Christmas theme – he wears a Christmas sweater, gloves, and boots. He is a great choice if you want a little bit more special holiday skin.
Fun fact: He has a Minty edit style, which is better for Halloween in my opinion.
How to get Globe Shaker: You can get him from the Item Shop for 1,500 Vbucks.
6. Candyman – “Here comes truffle.”
Epic Candyman showcase
Candyman is from the Wild Hearts Set released during Chapter 2 Season 1. He is another skin that is hard to describe. There is nothing else quite like it. His body is made out of heart-shaped wooden pieces, even his head. It’s a perfect skin for messing around during Valentine’s Day.
Fun fact: Whenever you eliminate another player, the skin’s head changes from a face into a “Kiss me” label.
How to get Candyman: You can get him from the Item Shop for 1,500 Vbucks.
5. Mincemeat – “Made with love. And meat.”
Epic Mincemeat showcase
I know we have included other Halloween skins in this list already, but as you can see, there is a reason why Fortnitemares is the biggest celebration in Fortnite. Mincemeat is a part of the Baker’s Nightmare Set, which was released in Chapter 2 Season 4. Mincemeat has the skin of a meat pie with a creepy head, so if you like scary Halloween skins, he is perfect for you.
Fun fact: Even though they say he is a meat pie, to me he looks like he has some sort of jam or chocolate filling instead.
How to get Mincemeat: You can get him from the Harvest’s Bounty Bundle for 2,000 Vbucks or you can get him separately for 1,500 Vbucks.
4. Party MVP – “There can only be one.”
Epic Party MVP showcase
Party MVP is from the Party Style Set, which was released during Chapter 2 Season 3. What makes her stand out is her outfit, since it is fully animated. It moves and glows on its own, along with her hair. If that is not enough to convince you, she has an edit style that glows in different colors and also changes her hair color. While her eyes don’t glow like in the picture above, her outfit still looks magnificent during gameplay.
Fun fact: When she is near music, her outfit and hair glow even brighter.
How to get Party MVP: You can get her from the Item Shop for 1,500 Vbucks.
3. Nitebeam – “Beaming with luminous energy.”
Epic Nitebeam showcase
Nitebeam is a Season 9 skin, part of the Stormlight Set. Another glowy skin. Yay! This time it’s a little toned down, so you can use Nitebeam for competitive gameplay, too. Only her hair, eyes, and body tattoos glow. Keep in mind that these are not animated like Party MVP’s, however. But that’s not all. You can completely disable her glow thanks to her No Glow edit style.
Fun fact: She has a male counterpart called Flare whose glow is green.
How to get Nitebeam: You can get her from the Stormlight Bundle for 2,800 Vbucks (with Flare, 2 back blings, 2 pickaxes, and a glider) or separately for 1,500 Vbucks.
2. Grimey – ’’Respect the drip... or else.”
Epic Grimey showcase
Grimey first appeared in Chapter 2 Season 6 as part of the Marked Man Set. Grimey is a ghost-like figure who has a body that seems to be made out of black paint. He wears a black outfit with a hoodie. This skin is eye-catching, so it’s a great choice for standing out of the crowd.
Fun fact: Grimey is reactive. Every elimination adds a smiley sticker to his outfit (although the game description says they are souls, which is creepy).
How to get Grimey: You can get him from the Marked Man Bundle (along with Grimey’s pickaxe, glider, weapon skin, and loading screen) for 2,300 Vbucks or you can get him separately for 1,500 Vbucks.
1. Skull Trooper – ’’Victory runs bone-deep.”
Epic Skull Trooper showcase
How could we not talk about the OG, the classic, the one-and-only Skull Trooper? He was released during Fortnite’s very first season during the first Fortnitemares event back in 2017, and he was one of the very first skins in the Item Shop. He wasn’t released again for a whole year after that, so people went crazy when he entered the Item Shop again in 2018’s Fortnitemares event.
Fun fact: To avoid issues with the original buyers of the skin, Epic released a purple edit style that was given to the original buyers only.
How to get Skull Trooper: You can get him from the Item Shop for 1,500 Vbucks.
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