ESO Best Nightblade Ultimate Abilities (Ranked)

ESO Nightblade
28 Oct 2022

What are the best Nightblade Ultimates in ESO?

Ultimate abilities are always a blast to use in any sort of game. They are the most over the top, powerful and stylish abilities that your character can use and, when used in the right way, can turn the tides of any battle in your favor.

This list will rank the Nightblade Ultimate abilities from worst to best, explaining why and in which situations should you consider using each one of them.


6. Soul Harvest

Starting with Soul Harvest, this ability is a decent choice for Magblades. It certainly can be useful to deal with healers and other enemies that have a lot of self healing sustain, since it increases further damage and applies Major Defile, however, in comparison to the other morph Incapacitating Strike, this is certainly the worst choice in most cases, putting it at the bottom of our list.

What Soul Harvest Excels In:

  • Decent choice for melee Magicka Nightblades;
  • Great for dealing with healers;
  • Great for dealing with enemies that have a lot of self healing;
  • Increases your Ultimate charging speed if you kill enemies;
  • High single target damage.

Ability Details: 

  • Deals Magic Damage to your target;
  • Increases your damage against the affected target by 20% for 6 seconds;
  • Applies Major Defile to the target, reducing their healing received and health recovery by 16%;
  • Passive effect that charges your Ultimate whenever you kill an enemy..

Ability Rating: 60/100


5. Soul Siphon

The second ultimate on our list is Soul Siphon. This is a great choice for Nightblades who play the healer role, instantly healing and buffing your allies, with additional healing over time. Furthermore, the synergy activation deals damage to enemies and heals for the damage caused. The big downside of this ultimate unfortunately is the fact that the damage is heavily dependent on your teammates awareness and it has no crowd control or further utility, putting it on the 5th position on our list.

What Soul Siphon Excels In:

  • Great choice for healers;
  • Amazing source of self healing;
  • Huge healing to your party members;
  • Buffs nearby party members;
  • Synergy activation by allies deals Magic Damage and provides further healing.

Ability Details: 

  • Instantly heals you and your allies;
  • Additional healing over time;
  • Grants Major Vitality to your allies, increasing healing received;
  • Allies can activate the Soul Leeching synergy, dealing damage to enemies and healing for the damage caused.

Ability Rating: 70/100


4. Bolstering Darkness

If we are talking about utility ultimates, Bolstering Darkness is an amazing skill. It can instantly change a team fight to your favor, putting you and your allies in an advantageous position while preventing your enemies from escaping at the same time. The downside of this skill is that it does require a lot of awareness from your allies for it to be truly useful, which can be a problem when playing with random team mates, and the fact that the other morph is just better in every situation.

What Bolstering Darkness Excels In:

  • Amazing source of crowd control;
  • Reduces the damage you and your allies receive;
  • Great for getting away from danger;
  • Can turn the tides of a team fight;
  • Synergy activation by allies provides invisibility, movement speed and a great amount of healing.

Ability Details: 

  • Reduces the movement speed of enemies inside the area by 70%;
  • Grants Major Protection to you and your allies for 10 seconds, reducing damage taken by 10%;
  • Allies can activate the Hidden Refresh synergy, granting them invisibility, increasing their movement speed by 70%, and healing them for 4 seconds.

Ability Rating: 75/100


3. Incapacitating Strike

Incapacitating Strike is an amazing Ultimate and a very popular choice when it comes to Stamina Nightblade abilities. Granting a combination of sustain through light and heavy attacks, a huge burst of damage and crowd control (as long as you charge it all the way to 120 Ultimate), this can guarantee a kill if used along with an execution skill

What Incapacitating Strike Excels In:

  • Great choice for Stamina DPS Nightblades;
  • Huge burst of Disease Damage;
  • Great to use in combination with execution skills;
  • Can stun your target if used with more than 120 Ultimate;
  • Just by having it slotted you increase your resource sustain.

Ability Details: 

  • Deal Disease Damage to your target;
  • Causes the target to receive 20% more damage from you for 6 seconds;
  • If cast with 120 or more Ultimate, it stuns the target for 3 seconds;
  • While slotted you gain Reave, a passive effect that restores resources when dealing light or heavy attacks against an enemy with a negative effect.

Ability Rating: 85/100


2. Veil of Blades

Veil of Blades probably would be a fair contender for the number 1 Ultimate spot on this list, if it wasn’t for the fact that, just like Bolstering Darkness, it is heavily dependent on team awareness to utilize its full potential. This skill deals insane amounts of damage, restrains your enemies and buffs your allies. If you play with a full premade party and have access to voice chat with them, this might be the best Nightblade Ultimate for you. However, the next entry on our list can be even more impressive.

What Veil of Blades Excels In:

  • Great choice for healers;
  • Great choice for Magicka DPS Nightblades;
  • Huge amount of Magic Damage over time;
  • Amazing source of crowd control;
  • Reduces the damage you and your allies receive;
  • Great for getting away from danger;
  • Can turn the tides of a team fight;
  • Synergy activation by allies provides invisibility, movement speed and a great amount of healing.

Ability Details: 

  • Deals Magic Damage to all enemies inside the area every second;
  • Reduces the movement speed of enemies inside the area by 70%;
  • Grants Major Protection to you and your allies for 10 seconds, reducing damage taken by 10%;
  • Allies can activate the Hidden Refresh synergy, granting them invisibility, increasing their movement speed by 70%, and healing them for 4 seconds.

Ability Rating: 90/100


1. Soul Tether

The first spot on our list is occupied by Soul Tether, an amazing skill and a personal favorite of mine. This Ultimate is amazing for Magicka DPS Nightblades and for tanks, dealing a great amount of damage to enemies around you, stunning them, tethering you to them and healing you for the damage caused. The damage dealt by this skill, even if you are not a Magicka DPS Nightblade is amazing, the initial burst healing can get you back to full health in the blink of an eye and the constant self healing from the tether will keep you alive for a long time if you manage to hit many enemies at the same time. Furthermore, your allies can increase the synergy to deal additional damage and also receive healing. Overall, this Ultimate is absolutely amazing in any sort of PvP or PvE scenario, and I would definitely recommend you trying it out for yourself.


What Soul Tether Excels In:

  • Great choice for tanks;
  • Great choice for Magicka DPS Nightblades;
  • Amazing source of crowd control;
  • Deals a lot of AoE damage;
  • Initial self healing can get you back to full health;
  • Tethering healing will keep you alive for a long time if many enemies are hit;
  • Synergy activation by allies deals damage and provides further healing;
  • Can turn the tides of a team fight.

Ability Details: 

  • Deals AoE Magic Damage;
  • Instantly heals you for half of the damage caused;
  • Stuns all the enemies hit;
  • Additional damage over time to tethered enemies;
  • Additional healing over time based on the tethering damage;
  • Allies can activate the Soul Leech synergy, dealing damage to enemies and healing for the damage caused.

Ability Rating: 100/100

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