[Top 5] ESO Best Nightblade DPS Builds

ESO Nightblade
28 Oct 2022

What are the best DPS builds for Nightblades in ESO?

The Elder Scrolls Online is a MMORPG that follows the classic holy trinity of roles: tank, healer and DPS. DPS is always the most popular choice of role in RPGs because, well, killing things is a lot of fun! But even though the tank will be holding the attention of the enemies and the healer will be keeping those HP bars filled, the DPS role is not without its challenges.

In this guide we will look at some of the best DPS builds for Nightblades in ESO, listing the specific pros of each one of them. So, if you want to improve as a DPS Nightblade, check out these builds, one of them might be the perfect choice for your playstyle.


5. Shade

This is a Stamina DPS Nightblade build for those of you who want to excel as the DPS of your group. With over 124k DPS, dynamic rotations and an overall huge damage output, you will excel at your role as a damage dealer when using this setup. Light and Heavy attacks are a big part of this build, so make sure to weave your attacks right.

What Shade excels at:

  • Dynamic and static rotation options;
  • High critical rating;
  • Incredibly consistent at destroying mobs and dealing damage to bosses;
  • Very high Critical Chance;
  • Light and Heavy attacks stack additional damage.

Build Details


4. Sting

Killing blows all night long with this Nightblade DPS build that can be used in every sort of content in ESO. This setup is fun, easy to use and has an effective and static rotation that will destroy your enemies and flood you with ultimate ability charges, allowing you to finish off your enemies with style.

What Sting excels at:

  • High Ultimate uptime;
  • Easy to play;
  • Reliable and static rotation for constant high damage output;
  • High Critical Chance;
  • Criticals cause additional Poison Damage.

Build Details


3. 129k Nightblade

If you want to do endgame group content in ESO as a DPS, then this might be the build for you. The combination of the gear sets and the skill rotation in this setup can melt even the strongest bosses in the game, just make sure to have a reliable team with you, and you will reach insane numbers as high as 129k DPS.

What 129k Nightblade excels at:

  • Great mix of AoE and single target damage;
  • Huge bursts of damage from Merciless Resolve;
  • Very strong AoE bleeding DoT;
  • Increased damage to bosses;
  • Many auto triggering effects that increase your overall DPS.

Build Details


2. Toxic Raider

The Toxic Raider is an amazing build by Hack the Minotaur that guarantees very high DPS for Stamina Nightblades. Playing solo or in a party, this is a perfect choice for all sorts of content in ESO, with a very effective and easy to master rotation. If you enjoy attacking from a distance and poisoning your foes, don’t miss out on this one.

What Toxic Raider excels at:

  • Very high Weapon Damage;
  • Very high Weapon Critical and Critical Damage;
  • Focus on Disease and Poison Damage;
  • Amazing combination of gear set and Bow abilities;
  • Perfect choice for Nightblades who like to destroy their foes from a distance.

Build Details


1. Power Blade

Yes, a Magblade build on the top of our list, and this is truly a god tier Magicka DPS setup. This build focuses on the heavy attacks using a Destruction Staff, and they sure do hit like a truck. Your group will love you as their DPS if you are a Magicka Nightblade running this setup, and it also has enough sustain to be very effective at solo play, putting it where it belongs, at the top of our list.

What Power Blade excels at:

  • Very high elemental damage;
  • Very strong heavy attacks with the Destruction Staff;
  • Very high Spell Critical;
  • Amazing DPS for group play and good survivability for solo play;
  • Great mix of single target and AoE damage.

Build Details

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