Over Twenty Years, and Over Thirty Cases. How do you know what to open?
While buying and trading directly with other players might be the most cost-effective way of getting the skins you want, cases not only offer you a chance at rare skins for a fraction of the cost but opening them can also be quite the experience. Maybe you don’t have the money for an expensive skin, or maybe you want to surprise a friend, either way, cases still have value. Whether to add some style to your game or to take a shot at something rare, this is a list of the five best cases to open in CS:GO.
1. The Glove Case
The Glove Case trades out the ability to pull a rare knife with the chance at a set of gloves. While not exclusively sci-fi themed, many of the skins available have vivid colors and bright highlights. Even gloves aside, this case contains one of my favorite collections.
The Glove Case
Possible Drops:
- CZ75 - Auto Polymer
- Glock - 18 Ironwork
- MP7 - Cirrus
- Galil AR - Black Sand
- MP9 - Sand Scale
- MAG-7 - Sonar
- P2000 - Turf
- Dual Berettas - Royal Consorts
- G3SG1 - Stinger
- M4A1-S - Flashback
- Nova - Gila
- USP-S - Cyrex
- FAMAS - Mecha Industries
- P90 - Shallow Grave
- Sawed-Off - Wasteland Princess
- SSG 08 - Dragonfire
- M4A4 - Buzz Kill
2. The CS20 Case
The CS20 case was introduced in October of 2019 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Counterstrike and it does so in style. Packed full of detail and nostalgic fan service, this case is more than a safe bet for great skins.
CSGO's 20th Anniversary Case brings a lot of nostalgic fan service
Possible Drops:
- CS20 - Case
- Dual Berettas - Elite 1.6
- Tec-9 - Flash Out
- MAC-10 - Classic Crate
- MAG-7 - Popdog
- SCAR-20 - Assault
- FAMAS - Decommissioned
- Glock-18 - Sacrifice
- M249 - Aztec
- MP5-SD - Agent
- Five-SeveN - Buddy
- P250 - Inferno
- UMP-45 - Plastique
- MP9 - Hydra
- P90 - Nostalgia
- AUG - Death by Puppy
- AWP - Wildfire
- FAMAS - Commemoration
3. The Gamma 2 Case
The Gamma 2 Case is packed with detailed skins, most of which are made to look like 3D modifications of your guns. Only most? Well, even the 2D models like the p90 Grim are absolutely print-worthy.
The Gamma 2 Case is emblematic of Valve's 3D skin phase
Possible Drops:
- CZ75-Auto - Imprint
- Five-SeveN - Scumbria
- G3SG1 - Ventilator
- Negev - Dazzle
- P90 - Grim
- UMP-45 - Briefing
- XM1014 - Slipstream
- Desert Eagle - Directive
- Glock-18 - Weasel
- MAG-7 - Petroglyph
- SCAR-20 - Powercore
- SG 553 - Triarch
- AUG - Syd Mead
- MP9 - Airlock
- Tec-9 - Fuel Injector
- AK-47 - Neon Revolution
- FAMAS - Roll Cage
4. The CS:GO Weapon Case
The Arms Deal collection is full of quality pieces, and its own style that other cases haven’t really stepped on. Dark primary colors and metallic highlights are the signature theme of this case. There may not be many different pieces available in this case, but with headlining, options like the Case Hardened AK, the Hypnotic Deag, and a Lightning Strike AWP, this case is bringing quality well over quantity.
The Weapon Case might have an uninspired name but its skins certainly aren't
Possible Drops:
- MP7 - Skulls
- AUG - Wings
- SG 553 - Ultraviolet
- Glock-18 - Dragon Tattoo
- USP-S - Dark Water
- M4A1-S - Dark Water
- AK-47 - Case Hardened
- Desert Eagle - Hypnotic
- AWP - Lightning Strike
5. The Falchion Case
Headlining with the infamous AWP Hyper Beast, the Falchion actually offers a wide variety of skins. From the minimalist Bunsen Burner G18 and Elite Build P90 to the more stylized Evil Daimyo M4A4 and CZ75 Yellow Jacket, this case has both variety and style. As the namesake of this case, you also have a chance at drawing the rare Falchion knife itself.
The Falchion Case may be known for its knife but it holds value knife or no
Possible Drops:
- Galil AR - Rocket Pop
- Glock-18 - Bunsen Burner
- Nova - Ranger
- P90 - Elite Build
- UMP-45 - Riot
- USP-S - Torque
- FAMAS - Neural Net
- M4A4 - Evil Daimyo
- MP9 - Ruby Poison Dart
- Negev - Loudmouth
- P2000 - Handgun
- CZ75-Auto - Yellow Jacket
- MP7 - Nemesis
- SG 553 - Cyrex
- AK-47 - Aquamarine Revenge
- AWP - Hyper Beast