Top 10 Best Card Games for PC (Best Digital Card Games)

Best online Card Games
27 Feb 2020

What Are The Best Collectible Card Games To Play Online?

Imagine this for a moment, you are sitting at a table with your friends, snacks are strewn about as cards are being drawn and discarded and put down.

There is laughter, stories, and just general, amazing fun. Now, imagine being able to do that with all of your friends.

Including the ones that are online and live possibly thousands of miles away from you. Well, no need to imagine anymore.

With these digital PC card games below you can do just that and make plenty of amazing and fun memories with even your longest distance friend!

10. Gwent - Free to Play

Gwent Gameplay

The Witcher series is one of the most popular series in gaming, being loved by millions of fans around the world.

So, it is no surprise that the mini games within the Witcher franchise would blow up and become widely popular.

Introducing Gwent, a card game that was available in taverns and gambling tables across the land in Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. It was so widely popular in game that the developers created an even more in depth, full version for the PC.

Gwent is a turn based game with two players. Both players must play one card from their deck which has a 25 card minimum limit on it.

The game itself takes three rounds to complete and since each deck comes from a different faction which has different play styles, no game is exactly the same.

Gwent features several different modes of gameplay. Keeping players coming back over and over again to experience the different modes.

There is Casual Play, which allows players to challenge each other. Rank Play where players compete on a rank based system where they can move up or down on a tier based ladder.

Gwent also has multiple seasonal events that players can take part of as well!

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Unique layouts and interest visuals will keep you more than entertained in Gwent.

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The new Homecoming overhaul has really updated the graphics and made this game a new experience.

9. MTG (Magic The Gathering) Arena - Free to Play

MTG Arena Gameplay

Magic The Gathering has been around since 1993 and it gained popularity very quickly.

Which isn’t very surprising as the game is one of the absolute best in the world. Magic the Gathering has had many other digital games, some that did well and some that didn’t.

However, Magic the Gathering Arena is the first of its kind and is absolutely amazing.

There are evens and tournaments you can take part in. Quests you can complete and just recently they added a function that allows you to find specific people to duel with.

Magic the Gathering Arena is played between just two people at the moment, duels with more than two people may be coming in a future update, which would make the game even greater.

The decks fall into two categories. Mono colored or multi colored, both options have amazing benefits and it is fun to play around in the deck builder to see what you can create!

This game is by far one of the best card games in the world and now that they have found a way to successfully digitize it, it will grow to be even bigger.

Especially as they continue coming out with updates and new themed card packs to buy.

You can even buy decks at the store that have codes on them to redeem them on the game. How cool is that?

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With amazing effects like this, the game really jumps out at you and makes you want to keep playing.

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Sometimes the monsters will jump right out of the cards.

8. Faeria - $24.99

Faeria Gameplay

Faeria is very unique with its setup. It has a very unique living board that is filled with beautiful visuals for you to look at as you play.

You get to build your own decks and shape the battlefield however you like, allowing a distinctive experience as you play against your opponents.

You can’t buy card parks by themselves with this game! Instead you get new cards by purchasing the DLC (Average price of $13.99 or the ‘All- in PACK for $39.75) or by playing through the game.

In Faeria you can play against another player or against a computer-controller opponent.

Battles take place on a board referred to as a hex board. Each player starts off with a thirty card deck and you should take note of the four Faeria wells that can be found in the corners of the map.

The rules and game mechanics of the game are simple to follow, but don’t feel bad if you have to do some research into it to get a stronger feel for the game.

It has an active Esports community if you are interested in playing the game in a more significant way.

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The unique layout of the board makes this game interesting to learn.

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Get ready! The more the board fills up, the more intense this game gets.

7. Shadowverse CCG - Free to Play

Shadowverse CCG Gameplay

Shadowverse is in a league of its own. It is Japan’s #1 strategic card game with around four million battles every day!

It has a rich single player story mode that will teach you all you need to know, free card packs for new players so they can get caught up quickly, and wonderful bonuses every day.

They release new expansion packs every three months although these are not free, so if you want to get them you’ll have to use the in-game store.

Shadowverse is a turn-based one on one game where each player is represented by a Leader who has 20 defense and a hand of twenty cards.

It almost pays more to go second in Shadowverse as you get to do a bit more on your starting turn than the first player does.

The goal, of course, is to get your opponent’s defense to 0. There are a few other ways to win; certain cards you can draw or your opponent not being able to draw a card at the beginning of their turn.

This is a very unique and entertaining game to play. Allowing for numerous different playing styles that will keep every game unique in its own special way.

It is also cross-platform with PC and Mobile. So you never have to truly be away from it. Just go on to your account and generate a code to link your account to any other device.

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Vivid visuals will keep you entranced for hours.

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Battle through an army of your opponents cards to win.

6. Hearthstone - Free to Play

Hearthstone Gameplay

I absolutely love Hearthstone, so forgive my gushing when I say how absolutely fantastic it is!

It has everything that a game needs to truly succeed. Glorious visuals, splendid audio, and brilliant gameplay make Hearthstone a truly enjoyable experience to play.

It isn’t hard to pick up and the tutorial stages will answer any questions you might have about the game.

Feel free to play against a friend or to try your luck with either an unranked or ranked opponent. Hearthstone does have in-game purchases, so if you want to buy extra packs you can head over there.

Hearthstone is like any other card game, being a turn based one on one style as players bring either a default or custom deck that has to have 30 cards, no more and no less.

You draw a hand of 5 cards but be careful to not get to 10 as then you will have to start discarding. Hearthstone has a few expansions at this point, but not to fret they are free as well.

It is such a fun and exhilarating game. If you haven’t played yet, I implore you to give it a shot, you just have to download Blizzard’s official launcher and create a free account.

If you want to get into Esports there is a thriving community for it and even televised tournaments.

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Outstanding effects will blow you away at every turn.

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Be prepared and try your best to stop your opponent at every turn!

BONUS: Age of Sigmar Champions - Free to Play

Age of Sigmar Champions Gameplay

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Champions is another physical card game made digital, but this time it is for mobile or tablet instead of PC.

This gives you the opportunity to play it more often and with more people which is a feature that any gamer should be happy about. Warhammer: AoS Champions also has a similar feature as MTG Arena to where if you find cards or a deck at your local shop you will be able to scan them and input them into your digital game!

 Age of Sigmar Champions is unique in the way that you first pick your alliance (Order, Chaos, Destruction, or Death) and then you build your deck which must consist of 38 cards, including 4 legendary Champions, 4 mighty blessings and 30 action cards. This gives players the ability to have full control over how they want to play and makes each battle as unique as the last one.

If you are looking for something new and fun that you can get into with your friends that has both a physical and digital interface, Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Champions is definitely one of the best games you can try.

They do have tournaments that you can attend such as PAX Unplugged which usually takes place at the end of November – the beginning of December.

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Here you can see the interface and layout of the digital version.

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You'll see all the familiar card from the physical version in this fantastic digital version. 

5. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links - Free to Play

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Gameplay

If you grew up in the 90s you are sure to remember the insanely popular anime Yu-Gi-Oh.

It only makes sense that the franchise would have made its way into the digital world and they did it with style. Yu-Gi-Oh!

Duel Links brings everything that you loved from the show or the physical card game and puts it not only on your PC screen but your iOS and Android screens as well!

Pick between Yugi and Kaiba at the start, with the option to play Joey, Mai, and more as you progress through the single-player campaign.

You’ll see all your favorite monsters in spectacular 3D and you are even able to build your own deck as you unlock cards.

Enjoy the different game modes, such as Single Campaign, Duelists, and Online PvP.

Each mode offers its own set of rewards or you can spend money at the in-game store to purchase booster packs if you aren’t in the mood to wait to unlock them.

With cross-platform also at the ready you never have to worry about not being able to play with your friends or just against the computer.

If Yu-Gi-Oh! was something that you used to watch or even if it isn’t, this game is definitely worth giving a try.

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Battle against legends like Kaiba!

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Watch as the cards come to life.

4. The Elder Scrolls: Legends - Free to Play

The Elder Scrolls: Legends Gameplay

Everyone has heard of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

It has become one of the most critically acclaimed games of its generation and for good reason!

So, it is no surprise that The Elder Scrolls: Legends is such a popular game as well, bringing the lore, monsters, and spells everyone loves so much from the Elder Scrolls to a visually beautiful digital card game.

In The Elder Scrolls: Legends you can pick to play through hours of solo story mode, in which you will earn new cards, decks, and packs, or you can play against online opponents and friends and even be ranked so you can be paired up with players who have the same experience as you do.

There is some DLC for you to enjoy as well, but you will have to use the in-game store to purchase them.

If you are looking to combine your love for The Elder Scrolls franchise and card games, then this game is definitely for you.

If you are looking for an extremely portable and fun card game to get in to, this game is also for you as it is cross-plat with PC, Mac, Steam, iOS, and Android.

Allowing you to bring it with you anywhere and everywhere you might want to go and allowing for you to play with your friends no matter what interface they may be carrying around.

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With beautiful artwork on every card and fun gameplay, The Elder Scrolls: Legends will keep you going for hours.

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Incredible effects such as these will keep you wanting more and more.

3. Eternal - Free to Play

Eternal Gameplay

Eternal is another game that has everything in it that a gamer could possible want.

Visuals, audio, cross-platform, and tons of different ways to play the actual game once inside.

Every card and game mode in Eternal can be played for 100% free, no hiding behind a pay wall for this game! There are also no restrictions on which cards can be played together in the deck you make, allowing for endless possibilities for customization.

Not only that, but Eternal has 10 different modes of gameplay for you to choose from.

Yeah, you heard me, 10 different modes. They are Tournaments, Events, Ranked, Casual, Draft, Sealed League, Promo Quests, Campaign, Forge, and Gauntlet. Each mode has its own unique rules and makes it easy to never tire of playing.

It puts a fun spin on the world of digital card games as a lot of them hide certain things behind a pay wall.

With Eternal you have nothing to lose in giving it a chance and it is likely to be a chance you don’t regret giving.

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With an easy to understand interface Eternal will be a game you learn quickly.

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With more than enough cards to pick and choose from, you can craft any deck you want.

2. Duelyst - Free to Play

Duelyst Gameplay

Duelyst is a truly unique game as it combines a card game with a strategic tabletop game.

Not only does this make the idea of the game unique, it makes the visuals of the game look unique! Moving from digital cards to a digital board with brilliantly designed figures that you control with the cards.

Each match doesn’t last too long, averaging at 5-10 minutes as you focus on meticulous decision making and the correct strategic placing to gain the upper hand on your opponent.

Players are given new battle units every monthly season so they can easily assemble a new battle deck from over 800 cards and 6 different factions.

Duelyst is one of the best of the best as far as digital card games go.

Giving you not only the satisfaction of building decks but being able to see those decks being played out with superbly designed battle figures.

And, with a large and well-loved company like BANDAI NAMCO backing it, you know it will continue to be updated and worked on for many years to come.

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The remarkably well designed board and battle pieces will keep you spellbound every game.

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With hundreds of cards to pick from, Duelyst gives you all the tools you need to win.

Ascension - Free to Play

Ascension Gameplay

Ascension is once again available in the physical and digital world with people playing it heavily in both.

Another neat fact about Ascension is that it was the first officially licensed deck building game for iOS. And, now you can play it on your PC as well.

It has 9 full expansions that each cost $4.99, but don’t worry. This game might cost a little money, but it is well worth it!

Ascension has over 300 stunningly detailed cards which were hand drawn by Eric Sabee.

You can play against multiple A.I. opponents using a multitude of strategies or play online against other players who are looking to win.

If you are completely new to the game, don’t worry, it has an in-depth tutorial that will teach you how to play.

This game will definitely test your expertise if you are looking for a challenging game to try.

Or, if you want something a bit easier, don’t worry, Ascension has options for that as well and before you know it, you will be eager to see just how far you can push your limits.

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In Ascension you can play with up to four people at a time!

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Each card is drawn with care and love by Eric Sabee.

There is nothing better than being able to sit down with a friend and have an amazing battle with cards. Now that I can do it online it is something that takes up quite a bit of my free time. If you try any or all of these games above, you are sure to find something that will fit the play style that you enjoy. Happy Gaming! 

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