[Top 10] Albion Online Best PvP Builds That Are OP

Albion Online OP Builds PVP MMORPG Fighting Ganking
08 Jul 2022

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The meta in Albion Online’s PvP (Player v. Player) is always changing. To follow the trends, it is necessary to keep an eye on which weapons and which builds are performing well in Stalker and Slayer 1v1 Corrupted Dungeons. To stay on the top of your PvP game you need to understand how each build interacts with the next. For inexperienced players, that will take time but there are ways to jump the line so to speak. The following is a list of the top 10 builds that are OP in the current meta of Albion right now. Learn them, use them, and use them again.


10. Pike

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This Pike build is aimed at completely trapping your opponent. You will use your skills to root the enemy in order to deal huge damage at that spot with your Demon Cape’s passive ability. It is advised to get your stacks of Spirit Spear up by spamming your Q ability before engaging the foe. 

This build is good for:

  • Large burst damage
  • Killing foes quickly

The build:

  • Main: Pike
  • Off: x
  • Head: Mage Cowl
  • Body: Cleric Robe
  • Legs: Royal Sandals
  • Back: Demon Cape


9. Bow of Badon

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This Bow of Badon build relies on your ability to kite the enemy. Mage Cowl gives you an extra damage boost with its poison ability as does the Thetford Cape, while the Royal Sandals give you periods of super fast speed and bonus damage. This build requires some skill to master and it all hinges on your ability to kite well. 

This build is good for:

  • Kiting enemies
  • Dealing damage from a safe distance

The build:

  • Main: Bow of Badon
  • Off: x
  • Head: Mage Cowl
  • Body: Armor of Valor
  • Legs: Royal Sandals
  • Back: Thetford Cape


8. Light Crossbow

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This Light Crossbow build is a pretty standard damage dealer. The general idea is to engage the enemy with ranged attacks and when they close in just face tank them with some of your defensive abilities. The Guardian Helmet and Cleric Robe give you shields and damage mitigation while also giving bonus damage. Make sure to finish your enemy within the time frame of your ability durations as the cooldowns are way too long to be able to get off more than once. Timing is key with this one.

This build is good for:

  • Dealing with most physical damage opponents
  • Those with impeccable ability timing

The build:

  • Main: Light Crossbow
  • Off: Mistcaller
  • Head: Guardian Helmet
  • Body: Cleric Robe
  • Legs: Royal Boots
  • Back: Thetford Cape


7. Lifecurse Staff

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Similar to other Cursed Staff builds, this Lifecurse Staff build focuses on draining the opponent’s HP slowly while simply outliving them. To do this, you will employ several abilities that leech HP from the opponent combined with a litany of damage over time spells. Mix in the ability to reset your HP leech skill with your Specter Hood, and you have a force to be reckoned with.

This build is good for:

  • Outliving opponents
  • Killing enemies while taking minimal, if any, damage

The build:

  • Main: Lifecurse Staff
  • Off: Muisak
  • Head: Specter Hood
  • Body: Mercenary Jacket
  • Legs: Royal Boots
  • Back: Martlock Cape


6. Broadsword

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This Broadsword build is a classic that has been around for a while, changing ever so slightly with the shifts of the meta. Like always, you generally just want to hack and slash your opponent to death all while maintaining a degree of defense from your Heroic Charges. Different from previous Broadsword builds is the inclusion of the Assassin Jacket. Any leather jacket will usually suffice, but in situations where you may need to reset or dodge certain abilities the invisibility from the Assassin Jacket is invaluable.

This build is good for:

  • Matchups against pretty much any style of opponent
  • Chasing down enemies, dealing with a kiting build, catching anyone trying to flee

The build:

  • Main: Broadsword
  • Off: Taproot
  • Head: Fiend Cowl
  • Body: Assassin Jacket
  • Legs: Royal Boots
  • Back: Thetford Cape


5. Claymore

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Believe it or not, this Claymore build is quite similar to the Light Crossbow build. I know, sounds weird right? But, when broken down, they have almost identical playstyles despite the glaring difference in weaponry. Get your stacks of Heroic Strike up to max if possible, engage with your Charge ability and thwack and slice your opponent while timing your defensive and damage mitigating abilities. Just like the Light Crossbow, this build relies heavily on timing your skills perfectly. A split second early or late can make or break a fight. 

This build is good for: 

  • Having fun (seriously, it's a very fun and satisfying build)
  • Dealing some serious damage

The build:

  • Main: Claymore
  • Off: x
  • Head: Fiend Cowl
  • Body: Cleric Robe
  • Legs: Guardian Boots
  • Back: Thetford Cape


4. Black Hands

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This Black Hands build, like previous builds, is popular and popular for a reason. The reason? It is easy, strong, and pretty freakin’ cheap (as in inexpensive!). Your opponent is going to hate you if they haven’t proficiently practiced and prepared for a Black Hands player. The idea is to engage the enemy with chain slashes and combos, from invisibility if need be, and basically kill them before they even knew what happened.

This build is good for:

  • Newer players who want an easy build
  • Those who enjoy playing overplayed builds (hey, they are overplayed for a reason!)

The build: 

  • Main: Black Hands
  • Off: x
  • Head: Assassin Hood
  • Body: Cleric Robe
  • Legs: Hellion Shoes
  • Back: Thetford Cape


3. Trinity Spear

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This Trinity Spear build differs from other builds on this list, mostly in its playstyle due to the unique ability of the Trinity Spear itself. You will want to get your Spirit Spear to the maximum number of stacks and then engage the enemy with a root and then go into your Spectral Trident ability. If done right, you will trap your opponent in a circle of green mist that makes you attack faster while avoiding all sorts of hostile abilities and debuffs. It is a solid build that can dish out consistent damage and it looks pretty cool too. 

This build is good for:

  • Dealing with ranged opponents (if you catch them first!)
  • Those who like large fork-shaped weapons

The build: 

  • Main: Trinity Spear
  • Off: x
  • Head: Fiend Cowl
  • Body: Cleric Robe
  • Legs: Royal Boots
  • Back: Thetford Cape


2. Dagger

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This Dagger build is pretty unique and fun because of its use of the Royal Helmet. You essentially get to call down an airstrike on your opponent. The damage you can deal can be very high if you can combo your abilities well. The Dagger excels in speed and it takes a speedy hand and quick mind to pull it all off successfully, but it is very rewarding if done right. Prepare for a pretty high win rate if you can master this build. 

This build is good for: 

  • Quick, consistent damage
  • Nuking your opponents

The build:

  • Main: Dagger
  • Off: Leering Cane
  • Head: Royal Helmet
  • Body: Hunter Jacket
  • Legs: Hunter Shoes
  • Back: Demon Cape


1. Wildfire Staff

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This Wildfire Staff build is the top build in the current meta for good reason. The weapon is stupidly OP right now after the recent balance changes. The playstyle is very similar to the Broadsword but due to its ranged attacks (compared to the Broadsword’s melee), it is much better currently. The general idea is to chase down opponents while avoiding attacks. No one will be able to stand blow for blow with you as you just have too much damage and too much defensive capability. The only chance opponents think they have is running away, but you will be able to easily gun them down as you chase them with your superior speed and range.

This build is good for:

  • Every situation currently
  • Those who enjoy using the most OP weapon on the market

The build:

  • Main: Wildfire Staff
  • Off: Taproot
  • Head: Cleric Cowl
  • Body: Cultist Robe
  • Legs: Royal Boots
  • Back: Keeper Cape

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