The Mages
One of the most important classes in Albion Online is the mage. They are typically the ones battling from a distance, either dealing a ton of damage, applying CC, or even healing. They need to be adequately protected by the team because they are fragile.
Here are the Best Albion Online Mage Builds:
5. Frozen Skull
Start at 4:14
Top 3 Best FROST STAFF Builds In Albion Online 2022 (PVP/PVE)
The Permafrost Prism wins the prize for being the best frost staff. It grants you a ton of CC that you can use in both PvP and PvE while dealing enormous AOE burst damage.
Ice Shard (Q2) deals AOE damage by dropping shards on the enemy's heads. This is the skill that you can spam.
The most frequently chosen (W) ability is Frost Nova (W3). You leave the leftover ice cream at your starting location and teleport to the desired location. The foes that consume the ice cream are stunned and suffer heavy damage. This is mostly for PvP. It could always be used to escape bad situations.
Frost Bomb (W1) is used if you need more damage. It slows the enemies and deals huge AOE damage. Use it mostly in dungeons.
Ice Crystal (E). You create a big ice crystal that stuns all the enemies and deals insane AOE damage. This is the most important spell and should be used wisely while in group PvP.
The Royal Cowl, Scholar Robe, Morgana Cape, and Pork Omelette are your offensive items.
The Cleric Sandals and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
(D)-->(E)--> Spam (Q)--> When Morgana Cape’s effect wears off, use (R)--> spam (Q). Use (F) and (W) to flee from dangerous situations.
What Frozen Skull excels in:
- High CC
- High mobility
- High AOE burst damage
- Versatile
Frozen Skull full details:
- Weapon: Permafrost Prism
- Head: Royal Cowl
- Chest: Scholar Robe
- Shoes: Cleric Sandals
- Cape: Morgana Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
4. Staff of Invincibility
10 VS 10 Hellgates With Enigmatic Staff - Albion Online Group Enigmatic PVP
If you enjoy providing the best support possible in any group content, Enigmatic Staff should be in your hands.
An ally receives a shield from Arcane Protection (Q2) that can withstand tremendous amounts of damage. It is a broken ability with a low cooldown.
Magic Shock (Q3) is used if additional damage is needed. It deals huge AOE damage and silences them.
Motivation Cleanse (W2) cleanses up to 10 allies, removing all debuffs and CC effects (it doesn’t work for DOT effects). It also increases the movement speed of the cleansed allies.
Protective Beam (E) is another single-target ability that gives a shield to an ally. It is a channeling ability, and it absorbs huge amounts of damage. If the channeling continues, the shield reapplies every 1 second, but it costs mana.
The Judicator Armor, Lymehurst Cape, Dusthole Crab Omelette, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
There is no specific way to use this build. Use (Q2) to protect allies that are taking damage, (W) on CC-affected allies, (E) on the one ally that is the enemies’ primary target, and (R) for more AOE damage resistance. Use (D) to reduce cooldowns.
What Staff of Invincibility excels in:
- Good AOE damage
- Great AOE CC and damage resistance
- Insane sustain
- Good mobility
Staff of Invincibility full details:
- Weapon: Enigmatic Staff
- Head: Assassin Hood
- Chest: Judicator Armor
- Shoes: Soldier Boots
- Cape: Lymhurst Cape
- Food: Dusthole Crab Omelette
- Potion: Resistance Potion
3. Hell Staff
Albion Online, Group Dungeon, Blazing Staff, Total 5M Loot
The Blazing Staff is for you if you enjoy playing with fire and setting things on fire.
Fire Bolt (Q1) is best used for bosses or solo PvP. It shoots a fire bolt that deals great instant damage and deals DOT (stacks up to 5 times).
Burning Field (Q2) is best used for clearing mobs and in ZvZ. It deals good instant AOE damage and sets an area on fire. That area deals good AOE DOT.
All (W) abilities are useful, but these two are used more frequently:
Raging Flare (W3) is used for groups of mobs. You shoot a flare that explodes upon impact, dealing huge AOE damage and igniting the enemies that deal a small DOT.
Wall of Flames (W2) is used in PvP. This one is a good defensive spell. It creates a fire wall in front of you. The enemies that touch it are set on fire, taking huge DOT. In addition, the enemies that walk into the wall are feared.
Flame Tornado (E) creates a flame tornado that deals insane AOE DOT. The enemies leaving the area will continue to take a huge amount of damage for one more second.
The Assassin Hood, Druid Robe, Pork Omelette, and Poison Potions are your offensive items.
The Cleric Sandals and Lymhurst Cape are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
For PvE: (R)-->(W)-->(Q) off-cooldown--> Use (E) for high-HP mobs or big groups.
For PvP: (R)--> Spam (Q)x5--> (E) on stunned or slowed groups of enemies--> Use (W) to prevent melee DPS from reaching you. (D) to reduce cooldowns. You can use (F) to reposition yourself and avoid death.
What Hell Staff excels in:
- High AOE DOT
- High AOE damage
- Versatile
Hell Staff full details:
- Weapon: Blazing Staff
- Head: Assassin Hood
- Chest: Druid Robe
- Shoes: Cleric Sandals
- Cape: Lymhurst Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Poison Potion
2. The Savior
Start at 5:44
Top 5 Best HEALER Builds In Albion Online 2021 (Healer Guide)
If you love being the savior of the team and enjoy long and big battles, you need to take the Blight Staff with you.
Rejuvenating Flower (Q3) plants a flower in a targeted area. When an ally steps on the flower, he gets healing over time, or you can pick the flowers and throw them at a desired area, which instantly heals some health and applies Rejuvenation Charges (up to 5 allies). Rejuvenation Charges heal your allies over time. If you pick the flower 4 seconds after it is planted, you heal the maximum amount and apply three Rejuvenation Charges.
Rejuvenating Breeze (W5). You choose an ally and grant him huge damage resistance. In addition, up to 10 allies around the targeted ally receive the same Rejuvenation Charges as him.
Elevated Nature (E). It is a channeling skill that gradually heals. The healing is enhanced if an ally is nearby (heals a maximum of 10 allies).
The Mercenary Hood, Cleric Robe, Scholar Sandals, Fort Sterling Cape, Pork Omelette, and Energy Potions are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
Use (Q) from a distance on as many players as you can--> Use (W) on your team’s frontliner or the one being targeted--> Use (E) when your team starts to take tons of damage. If they stun some allies, use (D). Use (R) if they go on you and you're about to die.
What The Savior excels in:
- Good instant heal
- Huge AOE heal over time
- Good AOE CC resistance
- Low cooldowns
The Savior full details:
- Weapon: Blight Staff
- Head: Mercenary Hood
- Chest: Cleric Robe
- Shoes: Scholar Sandals
- Cape: Fort Sterling Cape
- Food: Pork Omelette
- Potion: Energy Potion
1. Staff of Death
The Most Powerful CURSED STAFF Build In Albion Online 2022
The Cursed Staff is the best option if you enjoy playing both PvE and PvP at once, dealing massive DOT, and crushing your opponents.
Vile Curse (Q1) is used for PvP or bosses. It is a single-target ability that deals low-impact damage but applies one Vile Curse Charge (max 4 stacks) on the enemy. The Vile Curse Charge deals significant DOT.
Cursed Sickle (Q2) is used for groups of mobs. You throw a sickle that pierces through enemies and then returns to you. If used properly, it applies two Vile Curse Charges.
Grudge (W3) is used for bosses. It amplifies your auto-attack damage. If you wait 2 seconds in between each auto-attack, you will deal maximum damage.
Armor Piercer (W1) is used for groups of mobs. It shoots a laser that penetrates the enemy, causes significant AOE damage, and lowers their damage resistance. resistance.
Death Curse (E) is your main single-target damage-dealing ability. It puts a curse on the enemy that deals enormous damage after 5 seconds. To deal the maximum damage, the enemy should have five Vile Curse Charges on him. After the damage is done, the Vile Curse Charges are consumed.
The Torch, Cultist Cowl, Thetford Cape, Beef Stew, and Poison Potions are your offensive items.
The Mercenary Jacket and Cabbage Soup are your defensive items.
How to use this build:
For mobs: Gather the mobs--> (Q2)x2-->(W1)-->(E) the tankiest enemy-->(Q2).
For bosses or PvP: (W3)-->(Q1)x2-->(E)-->(Q1). Use (D) for extra damage. When you have 50% HP, use (R) to heal with every attack. Auto-attack whenever you can while casting all your abilities.
What Staff of Death excels in:
- Huge burst damage
- Huge AOE DOT
- Good sustain
- Versatile
Staff of Death full details:
- Weapon: Cursed Staff
- Off-Hand: Torch
- Head: Cultist Cowl
- Chest: Mercenary Jacket
- Shoes: Soldier Boots
- Cape: Thetford Cape
- Food: Beef Stew/Cabbage Soup
- Potion: Poison Potion
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