These incredible Witcher cosplays will make you do a double take!
From The Witcher’s initial release in 2009, to the most recent sequel; The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, the story of Geralt of Rivia has sparked inspiration in cosplayers all over the globe. Here is a list of the best cosplayers we’ve ever seen.
50. Maul Cosplay
Ben, or better known as Maul Cosplay, makes for a strikingly believable Geralt of Rivia. If you ever wondered if Geralt is real, now you know.
Cosplay by Maul Cosplay
49. Love-Squad
Cirilla is known for her wild heart and adventurous soul. This mischievous cosplayer certainly captured Ciri’s adventurous nature, trekking deep into Skellige Isles.
Cosplay by Love-Squad
48. Maria Hanna
Maria Hanna has the dark, mysterious look that Sorceress Yennefer is well known for. Beautiful and cold, this Yen is sure to keep any witcher in line.
Cosplay by Maria Hanna
47. Stella Papazova
Stella’s version of Triss Merigold is enchanting. What incantations could this Triss be researching?
Cosplay by Stella Papazova
46. Elena Samko
Amongst the beautiful in The Witcher 3, there is a lot of ugly. Elena captures the infamous Night Wraith perfectly. You wouldn’t want to run into her without your best silver sword.
Cosplay by Elena Samko
45. Corneline
Shy and mysterious, Priscilla the bard is a wonder to all who hear her alluring songs. Cosplayer Caroline, known as Corneline on Deviant Art, is a wonderfully perplexing Priscilla, with lute in tow.
Cosplay by Corneline
44. Disharmonica
Helly von Valentine makes for a stunning Triss Merigold. This Triss shows her passion for potions and elixirs; no doubt to keep a certain witcher out of trouble.
Cosplay by Disharmonica
43. alberti
General Caranthir, a navigator for the Wild Hunt, strikes fear in the hearts of many. Natalia’s cosplay embodies that fear in shocking detail.
Cosplay by alberti
42. Tegorin
Yennefer is not only a powerful sorceress, but also one for luxury in elegant attire. Julia’s Yen surely makes Geralt’s decision between Yen and Triss much, much harder.
Cosplay by Tegorin
41. Lyumos
Geralt of Rivia knows many beautiful, eccentric sorceresses, and Keira Metz is no exception. Even while in hiding, Keira still finds a way to live her life lavishly.
Cosplay by Lyumos
40. TophWei
Ciri may be young, but she certainly knows how to hold her own. Cosplayer Toph shows that Ciri can be both beautiful, and keep up with the guys in the tavern.
Cosplay by TophWei
39. Keevanski
In an alternate universe, the female White Wolf is just as courageous and sharp as our Geralt of Rivia. Keevanski’s gender bend Geralt is so fierce, it’s almost scary. Monsters beware.
Cosplay by Keevanski
38. Elena Samko
There are many monsters in a witcher’s world, one of the most deceptive being the succubus. Many fall victim to the succubus’ lies…don’t look into her eyes, or you’ll find yourself torn to pieces.
Cosplay by Elena Samko
37. fenixfatalist
Triss Merigold may have a love for elegant attire, but we should never forget her true power. Cosplayer Fenix show’s Triss’ fiery attitude.
Cosplay by fenixfatalist
36. GrellkaLoli
A powerful mage and sorceress, Cynthia’s power and abilities know no end. Witchers should be wary of this secretive mage.
Cosplay by GrellkaLoli
35. MilliganVick
Cosplayer Vick sheds a bloody light on Cerys an Craite. Naturally determined and encouraged, Cerys is always up for wholesome bloodshed.
Cosplay by MilliganVick
34. Lyumos
Solemn Iris Von Everec has endured an unfortunate chain of events, leaving her deeply solemn. While cosplayer Lada projects the mournful memory of Iris, she is still portrayed as beautiful as ever.
Cosplay by Lyumos
33. tarrer
As one of The Hunt’s most infamous warriors, it’s no question that Commander Imlerith wields unrelenting power. Only the most experienced witcher has a chance to bring him down.
Cosplay by tarrer
32. ValtirFaye
As a phenomenal bowman, Iorveth’s head count is high. Iorveth is headstrong and supremely proud of his elven heritage. In his mind, there is no room for humans. This elf must be approached with caution.
Cosplay by ValtirFaye
31. CynShenzi
As an expert sharpshooter, it’s no wonder why Ves was awarded the title as lieutenant to Vernon Roche. Cosplayer Shenzi brings to life Ves’ true savage image.
Cosplay by CynShenzi
30. MilliganVick
Corinne Tilly is a powerful oneiromancer, dreaming of various events, past and present alike. Corinne proves herself useful to Geralt; in more way than one.
Cosplay by MilliganVick
29. RBF-productions-NL
For Geralt of Rivia, meditation is key to survival. Cosplayer Rick Boer shows that in order to proficiently wield your weapon; a moment of meditation is necessary.
Cosplay by RBF-productions-NL
28. KADArt-Cosplay
Experienced witcher, and childhood friend to Geralt of Rivia, Eskel is a force to be reckoned with. His swordsmanship and expert use in the signs assuredly earned him a secure pace in the wolf pack.
Cosplay by KADArt-Cosplay
27. FreyaVeles
Fringilla Vigo is a powerful Nilfgaardian sorceress, with a place reserved in The Lodge of Sorceresses. Like many of Geralt’s sorceresses of choice, Fringilla takes pride in exquisite dress, as well as her domination in battle.
Cosplay by FreyaVeles
26. FaerieBlossom
As one of the three Crones sisters, The Whispess is claimed to be the most ancient. Dwelling in Crookback bog, an inexperienced witcher might rethink stumbling into the swamp.
Cosplay by FaerieBlossom
25. YURK-K
Philippa Eilhart is an extremely skilled sorceress, arguably the most powerful. Philippa is deemed the leader of the Lodge of Sorceresses. You might even catch sight of her polymorphism form, if you’re lucky.
Cosplay by YURK-K
Aside from being a master swordsman and savvy with a crossbow, Geralt of Rivia uses signs; simple, yet powerful spells witchers may use to aid them in their battles. Cosplayer Geoffrey shows Geralt casting Igni, surely to set a monster den aflame.
Cosplay by GH-FORGE
23. BougainvilleaGlabra
Most everyone knows Yennefer is a powerful sorceress with a taste for the finer things. Cosplayer Clair shows that Yen doesn’t mind setting away some time for a glass of the best wine in the land.
Cosplay by BougainvilleaGlabra
22. NunnallyLol
Like the famous Yennefer, Triss Marigold appreciates fine gowns and lavish wines. However, don’t turn your back to her...Triss is known to get a little fiery.
Cosplay by NunnallyLol
21. Danderee
Like Geralt, Ciri knows the importance of meditation. Taking the time to meditate will help revitalize your stamina, allowing you to hop back into battle. This Ciri doesn’t seem to be in any rush to slay monsters, though.
Cosplay by Danderee
20. HydraEvil
While Syanna is branded by the feigned Curse of the Black Sun, she is certainly skilled in swordsmanship. Syanna is beautiful, but don’t be mistaken…learn her backstory before disdaining this pretty face.
Cosplay by HydraEvil
19. elliria
Duchess of Toussaint, and admired by her people, Anna Henrietta stands as a beacon of hope and peace for those who follow her. Cosplayer Enayla shows Duchess Anna Henrietta swapping her usual gowns, crown, and jewels for something a little more incognito.
Cosplay by Enayla
18. fenixfatalist
While Triss Merigold is your lovable fiery redhead with a kick in battle, she can also become a polar opposite. Triss certainly gives Yen a run for her money in her teal and gold gown.
Cosplay by fenixfatalist
17. Kuromaru-dono
Through harsh terrains and deadly environments, nothing is too much for Geralt to handle. Cosplayer Kuromaru shows that a witcher can face anything head on, even with a smirk.
Cosplay by Kuromaru-dono
16. Blink005
As Geralt’s childhood companion, Eskel often found himself treading the same path along Geralt’s side. However, Eskel never gained the fame his childhood friend did.
Cosplay by Blink005
15. RenShuher
Avallac’h is an elf with many titles; Fox, Mysterious Elf, just to name a couple. His motives are curious, but unknown. What could this peculiar elf be plotting?
Cosplay by RenShuher
14. ClarianaCosplay
Orianna is no stranger to opulence and splendor. Living as an incredibly wealthy philanthropist, Orianna prides herself in her estate and orphanage. But while she keeps friends in high places, her good intentions may be more than what they appear.
Cosplay by ClarianaCosplay
13. Tinkerer-Works
As the eldest witcher at Kaer Morhen, Vesemir acted as a father figure to the very Geralt of Rivia. Vesemir is easily one of the most skilled witchers, having trained Geralt himself.
Cosplay by Tinkerer-Works
12. idromy
This creature is a leshen. It is found mostly in forested areas, where its tree-like body can stay obscured against the trees. This creature may be slow, but it packs a powerful hit.
Cosplay by idromy
11. Elena Samko
This chilling creature is a wight, most commonly found in cemeteries and deserts. If a witcher ever finds themselves face to face with wights, their axii sign would prove most useful.
Cosplay by Elena Samko
10. direwolveScosPHOTO
Yennefer is a lady of luxury, and even while on the road, she never settles for less. Cosplayer Akiko stays true to Yen’s luxurious style, keeping warm in a fur shall. The fire she wields undoubtedly also keeps her toasty.
Cosplay by direwolveScosPHOTO
9. Elena Samko
The weavess is one of the Crones sisters who dwell in Crookback bog, and is also claimed the youngest of the three. It is supposed that the weavess wove the tapestry in which Geralt first speaks to the sisters.
Cosplay by Elena Samko
8. jellyxbat
When you train with the witchers, you travel like a witcher. Snowy terrains and frost bitten lips aren’t enough to turn this sword maiden away. Ciri always tilts up her chin and presses on, no matter the weather.
Cosplay by jellyxbat
7. Elena Samko
The Brewess is the middle sister of the three Crones of Crookback Bog. As her namesake suggests, the Brewess is known for concocting potions and elixirs, and more notably a human stew.
Cosplay by Elena Samko
6. RavenN1ght
As a witcher, it’s important to keep your blade sharp and your mind sharper. Geralt is well versed in keeping both his silver and steel swords honed and sharpened on a grindstone.
Cosplay by RavenN1ght
5. MrFifiak
Lambert is a cunning witcher known for his sharp tongue and rough attitude. While he’s a skilled swordsman and aggressive speaker, he has a soft spot for a certain sorceress.
Cosplay by MrFifiak
4. Gerutskiy
Over-spoken and self-confident, dandelion is a bard like no other. While his appearance and lifestyle seems to be a complete polar opposite of Geralt’s rough demeanor, they are in fact close friends.
Cosplay by Gerutskiy
3. Lyumos
Shani was a medic, soon becoming dean at the Oxenfurt Academy. Cosplayer Lada shows that in Shani’s free time she likes to practice her Gwent deck.
Cosplay by Lyumos
2. IssabelCosplay
Being among the most powerful sorceresses, Philippa Eilhart never passes up the opportunity to dress lavishly. Cosplayer Julia shows Philippa in her Avian Legacy gown, reminiscent of her polymorph owl form.
Cosplay by IssabelCosplay
1. Juriet
Through all of her travels, Ciri would surely find it hard to navigate without her faithful companion, Kelpie. Everyone who saw Kelpie claimed the mare was phenomenal. It seems to be a fitting choice for an exquisite Ciri.
Cosplay by Juriet
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