Tree of Life: Oddria! - What If Eternal Life Was Actually Possible?

Tree of Life: Oddria! - What If Eternal Life Was Actually Possible?
09 Feb 2022

The story of the tree of life dates back for centuries. It was allegedly a tree in the center of the Garden of Eden which was created by the Christian God for his creations Adam and Eve. Reportedly this tree could grant anyone who ate from it eternal life. 

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Farm for food. Image by 'Tree of Life: Oddria!'

Unfortunately, after Adam and Eve broke their God’s rules the garden was locked to humanity and so now no one knows where it went.

Tree of Life: Oddria!’ plays on the idea of a tree of life in an intense online multiplayer survival game that requires skilled combat, smart resource collection and management, efficient crafting, and superior strategy and coordination for survival.

In ‘Tree of Life: Oddria!’ players find themselves stranded on a strange island with a bunch of enemy players. Players must ensure that their basic needs are met, gather food, water, and build a shelter. They must build a home that is safe from enemy attacks as well as raiding zombies, bad weather, and wild animals.

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Gather resources to build homes, weapons, and equipment. Image by 'Tree of Life: Oddria!'

The game offers a variety of resource collection options, including farming, ranching, fishing, forestry, and more. Players must use their resources to craft tools and weapons which can be used for fighting and more efficient resource collection.

At the top of a mountain in the center of the island, there is something drawing players towards it. According to developers players’ destiny calls to them from the top of the island. The question is, what is up there? The key to eternal life? Or simply a guarantee of survival on, or escape from, the island?

Players must explore, build, and fight to answer the calling of their destiny.

‘Tree of Life: Oddria!’ is developed by ‘OddOneGames’ and is available on Steam.

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