What Are The Best Viking Games To Play Right Now?
More and more books, movies, and videogames are taking on the theme of Norse mythology and the badass Vikings that take center stage in its myths and legends. And who can forget the best viking fight scene ever made?
With warrior gods, monstrous animals, giants, magic, and a prophesy that foretells the end of the world; it’s easy to see why people like it. So, with that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of all the great PC games we can think of that portray this theme in an interesting and unique way.
In this list you’ll find everything from action-RPG’s, real-time strategy games, beat-em-ups, and serene audio-visual experiences. To Valhall!
17. Eitr
Eitr gameplay with developer interview
Play as a Viking Shield Maiden in this 2d retro-styled souls-like action RPG, set in the beautiful world of Eitr.
You are tasked with traveling through the nine realms of Yggdrasil to uncover the mystery of the world and undo the curse Loki the god of mischief as put upon you.
Tactical combat is the essence of Eitr, with blocking, dodging, kicking, and carefully timed attacks being the core of the combat, one false move or strike from the games many enemies can leave you crippled or dead, so to say the game is unforgiving is an understatement.
But from this unforgiving nature comes a huge sense of accomplishment when you succeed, the game isn’t out yet, but from what we’ve seen it looks to be a very satisfying and unique Viking themed game.
There's no shortage of enemies in Eitr, while exploring the world you'll come across both "cannon fodder" type enemies like skeletons and minor monsters and animals, to bigger mini-boss type enemies who pose a greater challenge.
Here you see one of the many bosses in the game, in this case a Frost Giant from the realm of Jotunheim. A single hit from this giants’ axe will kill you in many cases, so timing your attacks and dodging at the right time is crucial.
16. Vikings: Wolves of Midgard
Vikings: Wolves of Midgard gameplay from the start of the game
Vikings: Wolves of Midgard is an isometric top-down action RPG in the same vain as the Diablo franchise and Path of Exile.
You play as the chieftain of the fierce clan of Ulfung – the Wolves of Midgard. As one of the few survivors of Ragnarök you will battle ferocious creatures, menacing demons and of course, the apocalyptic Frost and Fire Giants.
Level up your character and your gear with new loot, experience points and special gems and amulets.
Paint the battlefield red with the blood of your enemies using satisfying and incredible looking spells and abilities, and explore the worlds of Midgar, Jotunheim, Muspelheim, and more.
The developer (Games Farm) say they put a lot of work into the environment in this game, and it shows. Every village, rocky mountain, or dark and damp cave feels alive, authentic and beautiful It easily rivals other entries in the action-RPG genera.
You can use a multitude of playstyles in this game, from calling down lighting with the aid of Thor, to shooting arrows from affar, or swinging axes up close. Of course, we prefer swinging axes up close, it is a Viking game after all.
15. Conan Exiles
Conan Exiles Trailer
Conan Exiles sees you exiled to the barren deserts and frigid peaks of the Exiled Lands, as punishment for an unknown crime.
Conan himself saves you from crucifixion, after which you’re left to fend for yourself and must immediately find three things, water, food, and shelter.
Once your basic needs are met you can start exploring the vast world, gathering materials, building up your base, and even teaming up with friends to complete one of the games many dungeon raids.
Conan Exiles sets itself apart from other survival games by having a much deeper and more well-developed story, a comprehensive leveling and ability system tied to your chosen god of worship, and a slave (thrall) system that sees you collecting special NPC’s to serve as defense, craftsmen or gatherers for your base.
Nice base you have there, would be a shame if someone came and summoned an ancient god avatar to destroy it and take all your stuff. Getting to the point where you can summon gods like this to do your bidding isn't easy, but when you do..oh boy!
Combat in Conan Exiles is bloody and brutal, while wielding a Greatsword it isn't unusual to split enemies in two. Each weapon type comes with its own set of animations, strengths and weaknesses. It’s the deepest melee combat we’ve seen in a survival game yet!
14. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice gameplay from the opening sequence of the game
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice doesn’t look like your typical Viking game with large bearded men and a brooding cold atmosphere, but that’s what makes it so great.
Set during the Viking age, you play as a warrior who goes on a desperate quest into Viking hell to rescue the soul of your dead lover. It’s a trippy experience filled with gruesome imagery, threatening monsters and deeper meaning.
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is tense experience where puzzles, environmental platforming, and combat are all treated with a vague yet intuitive filter.
You can never trust everything you see, as hallucinations are par for the course, and enemies will often use this to their advantage. Be careful not to die too many times, as you might be forced to start from stratch…no really.
Combat is completely HUD-less and uses intuitive effects like vocal and visual cues to let you know when to doge and when to attack, it results in a fluid and impactful system that's also very punishing of failure.
A large portion of the game is made up of exploring the environment and solving puzzles, during this you'll have to make sense of what is real and what isn't, as Senua tends to hallucinate due to her mental deterioration.
13. For Honor
For Honor Let’s Play featuring an incredible killstreak
Feel yourself becoming a better warrior as you take a Viking, Samurai or medieval Knight to the battlefield to battle other players across the world using a revolutionary melee combat system.
For Honor explores the hypothetical of what would happen if you brought these three legendary warriors into the same universe and pitted them against each other.
As you compete in matches or play the single player campaign you unlock new abilities, weapons and armor that all flow seamlessly with the unique combat system.
There are several different hero characters to chose from in each race, and with this comes several different playstyles.
A huge Viking wielding a double-bladed axe might sound intimidating, but he’ll have a hard time pinning down a small and agile Samurai warrior dual-wielding short swords.
Initially, the combat system can seem very daunting and the UI feedback can be overwhelming, but use the training mode and practice a bit and it will soon become second nature, and you'll grow to appreciate the complexity soon enough.
As you play the game you'll earn more and more in-game currency which you can use to purchase a wide selection of armors, cosmetic items, weapons, accessories and more. The system means that no two players are likely to ever look the same.
12. Ancestors Legacy
Gameplay from the opening missions of the Viking campaign
Ancestors Legacy is a real time strategy game with heavy focus on tactical unit recruitment, unit placement and micro-management.
Play as either the Vikings, the Anglo-Saxons, the Germans, or the Slavs as you rampage through medieval Europe raiding villages and conquering new lands.
With RTS combat reminiscent of the large-scale battles of the Total War series, merged with the more small-scale squad-based gameplay of a game like Company of Heroes, Ancestors Legacy manages to offer a uniquely tactical representation of the medieval period, not to mention a brutal one.
Every strategy has a counter strategy and the game does an excellent job at making sure David always has a chance of beating Goliath.
Each squad hosts a varying number of player units, typically between 4 and 12, they are controlled either in unison or individually, and tactical placements and being responsive to a fluid battlefield is essential for victory. Make sure those archers don’t cause friendly fire.
The campaign takes place over a varied world map, from the snowy peaks of Scandinavia, to the medieval towns of Britain, and the slogs and swamps of Slavic Poland. So don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of new fields to paint read with the blood of your enemies.
11. Volgarr the Viking
Volgarr the Viking no death playthrough from Youtube
Volgarr the Viking is a true modern classic action platformer in the vein of Castlevania and Ghouls ‘n Ghosts, with punishing but rewarding gameplay, and a flawlessly executed retro and brutal aesthetic.
Take control of Volgarr the titular Viking and battle the forces of darkness at Odin’s command.
The combat feels snappy and predictable, just like the action-platformers of old, and when Volgarr brings his sword down on an enemy, they shatter into an explosion of blood and bones, suitably over the top for a retro-styled Viking game.
Be warned, this game is difficult; taking just a few hits will kill you, and the platforming is also very unforgiving.
The upside of this is a great sense of accomplishment when you do finally succeed, and because everything is so well designed and predictable, you always know what you did wrong and how to improve.
As many have come to expect from this type of game; boss fights are large and unforgiving spectacles. Timing your strikes, dodging attacks, and hitting enemy weak spots is the name of the game, and Volgarr the Viking does it in a uniquely brutal and satisfying fashion.
Here you can see the cloud of blood and bones enemies turn into when dealing the killing blow, after slaying hundreds of enemies you'd think we'd be sick of it, but each time is just as rewarding as the first. Must cost a fortune in dry-cleaning though.
10. The Banner Saga
The Banner Saga Let’s Play featuring the first hour of the campaign
The Banner Saga is, at its heart, a choose your own adventure game with a healthy splattering of turn based tactical combat mixed in for good measure.
You play as group of warriors traveling with a caravan across the frozen wastes and dense forests of Viking Scandinavia. Make game-changing decisions, recruit more followers to your caravan, manage resources, and fight rival Vikings, monsters and giants.
The tactical combat will feel immediately familiar to players of other turn based tactical games, and while it doesn’t revolutionize the formula, the amazing animation and hand drawn art does a good job at keeping it engaging.
But it’s the decisions made in the campaign and the micromanagement of your caravan that’s the true strength of The Banner Saga.
Decide to turn away a group of beggars at the begging of the campaign only to have them return hours later as enemies with a grudge. You know a game is good when it inspired two equally great sequels.
The tactical combat plays similarly to games like Heroes 3 of Might and Magic and Final Fantasy Tactics. You have attacks against armor, and against health, and some units specialize in large sweeping attacks while others focus on single targets or supportive roles.
As you traverse the frigid wastes you spend resources per turn, once you run out of resources followers of your caravan start dying of attrition and morale is lowered. Keeping everyone well fed and happy is crucial if you want to keep caravan moving.
9. Diablo III
Gameplay of the Viking-like Barbarian class from Diablo 3
Diablo 3 sees players battling the demonic hordes of hell after the town of New Tristram once again comes under attack.
Play as either the Witch Doctor, the Wizard, the Monk, the Demon Hunter, the Crusader, the Necromancer, or the Viking-like Barbarian in your fight against the underworld.
An action-RPG that needs no introduction Diablo 3 comes with deep gameplay mechanics, exciting combat, and unrivaled presentation.
Finishing the game is only the start in Diablo 3, battle through the campaign again and again in increasing levels of difficulty, for increasingly good rewards in the form of armors, weapons and trinkets.
Eventually you’ll discover a deep and addicting meta-game by maxing out the damage potential of your chosen class and climbing the worldwide leaderboards.
It can be difficult to make sense of the action sometimes in Diablo 3 among all the spell effects and hordes of enemies flooding the screen, but the more you play the more the game becomes a symphony of pattern recognition and skill in reflexes.
A big part of Diablo 3 is the continuation of the great and expansive storyline the first two games established, and true to form; Blizzard accomplishes this with unrivaled skill in computer generated cinematics and in-game voice acting.
8. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Let’s Play featuring the first half hour of the game
The Elder-Scrolls V: Skyrim is the story of a prisoner of unknown origins, guilty of unknown crimes being brought before the executioner’s block in the cold land of Skyrim.
Luckily an evil dragon puts a stop to the execution and the player escape with his life. From here the player can roam the world freely, doing quests, killing monsters, and shooting arrows into knees.
Skyrim is a free form, open world action RPG, where you chose your own race, gender, playstyle and story.
For example; play as a giant battle-axe wielding Nord as you explore the mountains, woods and rivers of the epically beautiful land of Skryim while battling dragons, collecting loot, and befriending (or murdering) the local population.
What your character looks like is completely up to you. Here is a large, rough and badass looking Nord (Viking) warrior. But it could just as easily be a short and skinny wood-elf with pointy features and sharp arrows. It's up to you.
Combat in The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim is fluid and intuitive, the right mouse button controls your right hand, while the left button controls your left hand. If you have a shield you can block before attacking, if you have two spells you can combine them for increased power.
7. Viking Squad
Viking Squad Let’s Play with informative commentary
Viking Squad is a lane-based, 2D, beat-em-up, co-op multiplayer game where you and two friends must battle Loki and his minions to retrieve the keystones and open the gates of Valhalla.
Play as one of three Viking warriors and chop, smash, and electrocute your way across the world of Midgar to gather loot, upgrade items, and level up your skills.
The gameplay is reminiscent of other 2D beat-em-ups like Castle Crashers and Final Fight, but what sets the game apart is the awesome-looking art style and Viking theme, as well as the clearly communicated lane system that makes combat a lot more fluid and readable.
The game constantly keeps moving through new action-packed levels, never slowing down and constantly providing new challenges.
The action packet gameplay is complimented by the stylish and often funny art style, with enemies recoiling in pain using hilarious animations and battleground backdrops filled with fun details and easter-eggs.
Use the loot gathered to purchase upgrades to existing equipment or completely new equipment. New weapons can have special effects and different weapon types comes with their own sets of pros and cons, potentially drastically changing your playstyle.
6. Jotun: Valhalla Edition
Jotun: Valhalla Edition gameplay showing the first chapter of the game
Jotun: Valhalla Edition is a beautifully hand drawn action adventure game set in the mythical world of Norse Mythology.
In it you play as Thora, a Viking warrior who died an inglorious death and is given a second chance to prove she belongs in Valhalla. To do this you must travel across all nine realms connected by the world tree Yggdrasil, uncover its mysteries, and fight giant elemental giants known as Jotar.
The world of Jotun is presented in incredible majesty with hand drawn graphics and somber and atmospheric music and sound effects.
The combat is slow and deliberate, each strike counts and every blow can be deadly. So, go on a beautiful journey in Jotun: Valhalla Edition and discover the mystery of authentic Nordic myths and legends.
Your adventures will take you from the mist covered peaks of Midgard, the frozen wastes of Jotunheim and to the lava fields of Muspelheim. All realized in breathtaking beuty with hand drawn art.
You don't only spend your time fighting giants either, a large portion of the game is made up of puzzle solving, some environmental others more straight forward. This is one of the latter where you must match the star sign to the left.
5. Die for Valhalla!
Exciting Let’s Play of the first hour of Die for Valhalla!
Die for Valhalla! is another beat-em-up set in the mythical world of norse mythology. In it you play as a Valkyrie who can inhabit (through possession) the bodies of fallen Viking warriors.
Complete levels and kill monsters to level up your Valkyrie and unlock new bonus abilities and passive attribute upgrades. Switch between different types of Viking warriors to meet the tactical needs of the situation and defeat difficult enemies either alone or with up to three friends.
Die for Valhalla plays similarly to beat-em-ups like Castle Crashers, but with the unique feature of moving from body to body using the Valkyrie and possessing new and different Vikings to help defeat difficult enemies.
Also interesting is how if you die in the Valkyrie form while playing the hardcore mode, then that’s it; finito. So, players looking for an extra challenge will not be left wanting.
Choices, choices, once your Viking warrior dies you can either choose to fight as the Valkyrie herself or possess another nearby warrior (or grave of a dead warrior), different warriors have different playstyles and strengths and weaknesses.
Occasionally the game will throw giant monstrosities your way as bosses, these are significantly harder than regular enemies and take skill and strategy to defeat, but the reward is massive, and don’t worry…you’re not walking away with a dozen eyeballs.
4. Rune
Alpha footage from Rune
Rune is an action RPG set in the brutal world of the classic PC game of the same name released in 2000.
Loki has plunged the world of Midgard into an endless state of Ragnarok (the Viking apocalypse), and you must battle monsters, giants and minions of Loki to restore the world to peace.
With a deep and satisfying melee combat system not unlike what can be found in games like Dark Souls, Rune sets itself apart by realizing the gritty and brutal world of norse mythology while also providing excellent action-packed gameplay and RPG mechanics.
If the going gets too tough alone, you can also team up with other players to take down the larger foes and share in the loot. The game also promises to feature rich player-versus-player modes where you fight over objectives and territory.
Not lacking for style, the developers of Rune looks to have gone to great lengths to authentically recreate the image we have in our heads when we think of "Viking" environments, monsters and characters. Plus, the pretty effects provided by the Unreal Engine sure are nice to look at.
As you slay enemies, you'll gather experience, currency and loot, all of which can be used to upgrade your character and eventually secure your very own Viking ship. The combat feels fluid and impactful, with a real sense of danger being felt every time you let your guard down.
3. Age of Viking Conquest
Age of Viking Conquest is a turn-based strategy game set in the time of the Norsemen.
Play as Norway, Sweden or Denmark and conquer the weak and unprepared southerners or expand your empire to the new world.
By sailing, riding or marching across Europe you can defeat your enemies and conquer new lands by pure military strength. Or, you could take a subtler approach and use espionage and economics to get the better of your enemies.
The game plays much like a board game would, winning means having the most VP (victory points) or reaching a preset threshold.
To do so you must conquer as many of the 130 regions as possible, all the while defending your home boarders and keeping a keen eye on what your rivals are up to.
At the end of each turn you get a turn report, this shows who did battle, what type of battle it was (land or sea) and what the result was. It also shows diplomatic actions, trade, income and declarations of war.
The Map is large and easily navigated with clear distinctions between each kingdom and which faction currently owns what. Strategic conquests are important, because if you don't surround your colonies with other friendly colonies, you'll quickly find them overrun.
2. Expeditions: Viking
Expeditions: Viking Let’s Play showing the introductory
Expeditions: Viking takes a kinder, more realistic outlook on the history of the Viking people. It’s a tactical top-down RPG where you control your very own clan chieftain.
Navigate the complex social gameplay and gain political favor with various factions, defeat enemies in tactical grid-based battles where you level up your warriors, and a-mass wealth through raiding unsuspecting towns or establishing friendly trade relationships.
In Expeditions: Viking your choices truly matter, and if you burn one village to the ground, the neighbors might not be so keen to trade with you.
Be careful of your reputation as you might find yourself surrounded if you’re too blood thirsty, but then again, perhaps that’s what you want? Valhalla awaits.
The game features one of the deepest choice-based conversation systems we've seen in a long time. Very reminiscent of old school Fallout games, with additional features like being able to make NPC's uncomfortable with long silences, potentially causing a slip of the tongue.
Combat is of the tactical grid-based variety. Some warrior types counter others and as you kill more enemies’, individual members of your clan will level up and get better at certain actions. Over time your high-level warriors will feel precious to you.
1. Northgard
Northgard beginning gameplay showcasing base building and light exploration
Northgard is a base-building, real-time strategy game set in the mystical lands of the newly discovered continent of Northgard.
As the High King of the Vikings is murdered and a regal horn is stolen, you’re tasked with traveling to the new continent in search of the culprit, a man named Hagen.
You will have to construct a new settlement, micromanage your Viking minions to do various jobs, harvest crops, and manage your resources carefully. The unforgiving climate is constant threat and you must also battle the natural and un-natural enemies who inhabit this new and strange land.
The game takes the traditional gameplay formula of games like Age of Empires and Settlers, but turns it up a notch with more hardcore survival mechanics tied to the harsh climate.
The game also features a rich and constantly progressing storyline, a pvp and co-op mode, and special scenario sandbox modes against the AI.
Northgard is realized in beautiful cell-shaded graphics with cartoonishly stylized proportions (battleaxes bigger than the Vikings carrying them, ect). As demonstrated in the picture, building in smart locations with natural defenses is always a plus.
There are more than just regular rival clans and the odd dire wolf to deal with in Northgard, keep a look out of boss summoning locations where you can perform special rituals to defeat large monsters and get invaluable rewards.
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