Take 'The Way of Wrath' As A Bronze Age Tribal Chief

Take 'The Way of Wrath' As A Bronze Age Tribal Chief
06 Jun 2022

‘The Way of Wrath,’ is an epic strategy RPG where you take on the role of Warchief for a Bronze Age tribe that has suffered defeat after defeat and is on the verge of complete annihilation. You and your tribe retreat to a frozen valley to make your last stand.

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Pass judgment and make decisions for your village and your people. Image by 'The Way of Wrath.'

You have 10 days to prepare for battle before the enemy is one you. You must do everything in your power to make sure you are ready when the enemy arrives, and you also need to make sure that your people prepare for the battle thoroughly and do not succumb to the numerous natural hazards.

You have an interesting origin, as chief of your tribe. You are able to choose what your origin is from 5 origins. This will affect the abilities, skills, and perks that you have. It will also have an impact on how both your people and your enemies view you.

You need to make sure that your people collect all the resources that you need to survive. They must also build decent shelters to protect themselves from the harsh, cold weather. Sufficient defenses must be built. 

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Battle your enemies in action-packed tactical turn-based combat. Image by 'The Way of Wrath.'

Additionally, you can scout out enemy positions and plan defensive strategies based on where enemies will likely approach and how they will most likely attack.

Every decision that you make will have an impact, and it is important that you make sure that all your decisions have the interest of the tribe as their focus. When the enemies arrive, you must fight, knowing that you are stocked up on food, all your people are warm and sheltered, and your warriors are as well-trained and battle-ready as they’ll ever be!

You must also ensure that your people are unified in their fight against the enemy and that there are no unsettled disputes among your people because a divided house will be conquered!

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