‘Scarf’ is an animated adventure puzzle game that combines puzzle-solving with 3-d platforms set in a beautiful world with a variety of different environments.
Players must team up with their sole ally, a scarlet dragon-shaped magic scarf, and embark on a journey to discover what it means to be a true hero while simultaneously fighting to overcome evil forces that have sprung up around the world and tried to break away and create their own worlds.
Players will discover and earn new abilities and nuggets of information as they explore the worlds that are full of unique mythological secrets and clues to the story left behind by the deviant creators of each world.
According to its developers ‘Scarf’ is a “slow-paced game that allows you to savor the beauty of each moment.”
As they explore different worlds players must complete various challenges to progress through the story, and if players successfully manage to pick up all the unique collectibles hidden throughout the worlds they will be able to unlock a unique alternate ending to the story.
The scarf has a variety of abilities, including gliding, double-jumping, swinging, the liana, and more. Abilities are unlocked progressively upon successful discovery and completion of a variety of challenges.
The abilities allow players to complete harder and more complex challenges that will allow them to progress as easily and quickly as possible.
‘Scarf’ is developed by ‘Uprising Studios’ and is available on Steam.