PUBG Players Upset About 'Your Shop' Money Grab

PUBG Players Upset About 'Your Shop' Money Grab
23 Nov 2021

On 22 November 2021 at 8:AM CET PUBG announced that they would be opening the in-game ‘Your Store’ from 24 November till 15 December 2021. 

This announcement evoked mixed reactions from PUBG players, with many having the opinion that this store is simply another “money grab” by the PUBG Corporation. The ‘Your Store’ in-game store offers premium items and character skins and outfits for sale to players to be used in-game.

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PUBG action. Image by PUBG.

There were a significant number of comments suggesting that PUBG is not providing quality content and is merely trying to squeeze more money out of their players.

@DarbyGlizzy is quoted tweeting “lol this has to be the most money-hungry company I’ve ever seen. Holy god, show love to your player base just a bit.” in response to the announcement by PUBG regarding the opening of ‘Your Store’. 

This comment not only implies that PUBG Corporation is money hungry, but that they do not provide players with enough free content, indicating that they do not truly care about their players, only about the money that they can get out of them.

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Running and gunning in PUBG. Image by PUBG.

A second user, @evens_eve, tweeted “This has the be the worst money grab… everything in the personalized shop is rubbish.”

There were also complaints that the skins PUBG is adding to the store are low-quality, or merely repeats of old skins.

@AntoPap_ replied to the announcement with this request, “At least bring something that you didn't put the last 2 times on it…” And @IbraxoI says “Imagine you get -50% for bad skin…”

PUBG players are clearly upset not only with the fact that PUBG is offering yet more paid premium content, but that the content is not original and apparently low-effort low-quality content.

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