Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Explains Game Transfer from PS4 to PS5

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Explains Game Transfer from PS4 to PS5
24 Nov 2021

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy has explained how players will be able to transfer their PS4 copy of the game to PS5 without any hassle whatsoever.

On 23 November 2021 at 3:52 PM CET, Twitter user @Blackou53141845 asked Guardians of the Galaxy a key question pertaining to PS4 game compatibility with PS5 that is a potential question for everyone buying the PS4 disk edition of the game but planning to upgrade to PS5 in the near future.

Body Image
Rocket and Groot. Image by Marvel.

@Blackou53141845 tweeted: “@GOTGTheGame need to ask bc I'm outta the loop. If I buy the ps4 disk verison and get a ps5 this year, will the game update to the ps5 version? Can anyone tell me some of the differences besides file size? Ty”

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy replied with the following tweet at 4:25 PM CET: “Yes! You'll simply need to insert the PS4 disc in your PS5, and you'll be able to download the PS5 version for free. You'll also need to keep the disc in your console when you want to play the game.”

This answers the question of the game’s PS4 disk compatibility with PS5 and comes as welcome news for anyone facing similar circumstances.

Body Image
The Guardians. Image by Marvel.

In other news, Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy was nominated for 4 different categories of this year’s ‘The Game Awards’, namely:

  • Best Narrative
  • Best Score and Music
  • Innovation in Accessibility
  • Best Action/Adventure Game

Players can cast their votes on

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