World renowned esports star leaves CCG giant Hearthstone for Gwent
In what is a punishing blow to the already beset Hearthstone esports arena, Adrian "Lifecoach" Koy has officially left the Warcraft-based title in favor of the Witcher inspired card game Gwent.
The folks at Evil geniuses, eager to have an ambassador into the growing world of Gwent, have taken Lifecoach on as their premier player. Lifecoach was happy to accept, stating that he would do all that he could to bring the same level of skill and dedication he is known for to the elite esports team. Folks eager to hear from Lifecoach himself can visit the Evil Geniuses site For a brief introduction into his background.
Lifecoach isn’t the first to leave the world of Hearthstone for Gwent. A number of notable esports CCG players have made similar moves to the fledgling Witcher card game. Players have stated, Lifecoach amongst them, their frustration over Hearthstone’s stacked decks and frequent nerfing that favors luck over actual skill.
The team at Evil Geniuses is quickly absorbing talented players from across the world and has come to dominate gaming genres such as moba, fighting, strategy, and FPS titles. With the addition of Lifecoach to what is expected to be a growing team of CCG players, Evil Geniuses is poised to dominate a quickly growing area of esports within the expansive world of Gwent.
While the stakes for Gwent are relatively low, CD Projekt Red is showing the same kind of attention to detail that put them on the map with their release of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt; the recipient of numerous awards and considered one of the most innovative RPG’s ever released.
Players new to the growing esport arena can go to the official Gwent Youtube channel here or Lifecoach’s channel to check out some of his recent Gwent matches.