Instruments of Destruction Unleashes Every Person's Inner Desire For Destruction

Instruments of Destruction Unleashes Every Person's Inner Desire For Destruction
31 Jan 2022

The urge to destroy things is generally discouraged throughout life, mostly because destruction does not generally have a positive or upbuilding outcome or purpose. 

However, the urge to destroy stuff is something plenty of little kids and adults alike have given into at some point or another, and generally, the consequences aren’t all that great.

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Unleashing the destructive power of a wrecking ball. Image by 'Instruments of Destruction.'

Instruments of Destruction’ on the other hand, allows players to unleash as much destruction as they want without any of the nasty consequences that come with it in real life. Players are in control of the process of destruction from start to finish.

The game allows players to design and build unique machines of destruction with their imaginations being their only limitation. Players have the freedom of invention with their machines, selecting from a wide range of parts to build their machines with. 

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Sometimes a single wrecking ball is not enough. Image by 'Instruments of Destruction.'

More parts are being added to the game all the time, and players are able to customize the vehicle's aesthetics and control systems as part of the custom building experience that the game offers.

The goal of the game is to destroy everything on the map in the most spectacular and effective manner possible, with advanced physics-based destruction. As players progress through the game, they will unlock new parts and features that can be used to build bigger, wilder, more destructive machines.

‘Instruments of Destruction’ is developed by ‘Radiangames’ and is available on Steam.

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