Infinitesimals Takes An Infinitesimal Peek At Alien Life

Infinitesimals Takes An Infinitesimal Peek At Alien Life
08 Feb 2022

The possibility of alien life existing on other planets, elsewhere in the universe is something that many people believe in. The possibility of them existing on Earth without our knowledge is also considered but deemed highly unlikely. 

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Getting used to grass that's taller than you takes a little time. Image by 'Infinitesimals.'

However, if they were small enough and had advanced enough technology to hide from us, this could easily be possible.

Infinitesimals’ explores the idea of tiny aliens that are no more than one millimeter tall at their tallest, but that have highly advanced technology and can travel through space without much trouble at all.

‘Infinitesimals’ grants players the role of one ‘Captain Orkney,’ a tiny alien that is caught in the thick of a violent and bloody war between several alien factions; not that there can be much blood in a 1mm tall being but its the thought that counts. 

The war is taking the lives of thousands of ‘Infinitesimal’ alien soldiers and must be brought to an end, with the bad guys facing the justice that they deserve.

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Anatomy of a micro-alien. Image by 'Infinitesimals.' 

‘Captain Orkney’ must work with the Infinitesimals under his command, as well as those up the chain of command, to win the war for his faction and unite the factions under a banner of peace. 

There is a wide range of high-tech gear and weaponry at his disposal, with the six-legged "Ajoxian Gyro POD" being the primary mode of transport used by the Infinitesimals. This vehicle can be used to get around a little faster than a 1mm tall guy can run, and can potentially be equipped with gear and weapons.

According to the developers, the game features a “custom physically simulated animation system,” suggesting that in-game physics are also unique to the game and not entirely realistic in terms of the real world.

‘Infinitesimals’ is developed by ‘Cubit Studios’ and is on Steam.

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