Hell Pie Obscene 3D Platformer Is Bad Taste On Another Level

Hell Pie Obscene 3D Platformer Is Bad Taste On Another Level
31 May 2022

‘Hell Pie’ is an obscene 3D platforming game that, according to its creators “takes bad taste to the next level.” 

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Running away from a giant slime-breathing demon. Image by 'Hell Pie.'

Playing as ‘Nate,’ the demon of bad taste, (don’t ask me why they call him Nate…) you will need to collect all the horrid ingredients for Satan’s birthday pie. Yeah, he has a birthday… Color me shocked!

‘Nate,’ like most demons, lives in the underworld. But for the ingredients of the ‘Hell Pie,’ Nate must venture into the overworld to gather them. If you don’t get all the right ingredients on time, you’re gonna have some explaining to do when you get back to the hot place.

You have a pet angel called ‘Nugget’ who will help you on your ingredient collection journey. Opposing opinions can be great when making decisions, and who better to give an opposing view than an angel, which is literally the exact opposite of a demon?

There are different types of horns scattered throughout the world. Equipping each set of horns will give you unique powers and abilities to help you fight anyone and anything that tries to stop you in your quest.

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Collecting ingredients in the tropics is a welcome change of pace from the fires of hell... Image by 'Hell Pie.'

As innocent as the mascots and characters of ‘Hell Pie’ seem, there is violence, drug abuse, and sodomy around every corner. Better be ready to visit your priest after you get the devil his pie if you believe in that sort of thing!

Explore wildly different environments in an entertaining world filled with everything evil, making it the perfect place to find ingredients for a pie for Satan himself.

Don’t get lost in hell! It’s not the kinda place you wanna stick around in for too long if you catch my drift!

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