'Goodbye Volcano High' Cinematic Narrative Adventure Explores the End of An Era of Love and Change

'Goodbye Volcano High' Cinematic Narrative Adventure Explores the End of An Era of Love and Change
09 Sep 2022

‘Goodbye Volcano High’ is a cinematic narrative adventure that tells a tale of “love, change, and the end of an era.”

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Two students enjoying the wonders of guitar music together. Image by 'Goodbye Volcano High.'

In ‘Goodbye Volcano High,’ you play as a high school student called ‘Fang,’ who is busy completing their senior year. Unfortunately for you, the world is set to explode by the end of your senior year…

This means that you have one year to try and live the best life you can, fix the mistakes you have made, and do whatever it takes to realize your final dreams before it’s all over… The game is a story-driven game built with choice-based cinematic gameplay.

You face a series of challenges, like any other high school senior. The only difference is that you only have one year of life left, so you cannot afford to mess it up! 

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Volcano High and the surrounding school grounds. Image by 'Goodbye Volcano High.'

Some of the choices you need to make are tough. You can choose to tell your crush how you feel about them, but what if they reject you and create major heartbreak in your final year? 

Your family relationships are in disarray. What will you do to repair your family dynamic before it’s too late?

There are so many choices to make and so many things to do, but there is so little time left to do it. You need to make the most of the time you have. Build your relationships, write songs, and play musical instruments. Do whatever you need to do to make your final year the best one you’ve ever lived!

‘Goodbye Volcano High,’ is developed by ‘KO_OP,’ and is coming to Steam in 2022.

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