Goblin Stone Goblin Breeders Requires Breeding Experts to Oversee Operations

Goblin Stone Goblin Breeders Requires Breeding Experts to Oversee Operations
27 Apr 2022

Goblin breeding. Yeah, that doesn’t sound sus at all… Well, it should, but we’re gonna do it anyway! 

‘Goblin Stone’ is a hand-drawn RPG that starts off with a bit of a tragedy. 90% of the world’s goblins have died out and if the remaining 10% don’t start multiplying real fast, they’re gonna be the last of their kind.

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Fighting the oppressive human race. Image by 'Goblin Stone.'

Given the rather unsavory nature normally associated with goblins, most people would probably say that having them die out is for the best. But I mean come on! All the poor little buggers wanna do is steal your jewelry and kidnap your kids! Let them have a little fun!

Besides, who’d there be to fight if all the goblins died out? 

‘Goblin Stone’ puts you in the shoes of the goblins, and puts the survival of the entire goblin society in your hands! You will be in charge of the last couple of goblins and of rebuilding the goblin society so that they can harass humanity once more!

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Battling it out in a dark dungeon. Image by 'Goblin Stone.'

The entire adventure is narrated in a procedurally generated 2D world, with unique experiences every time round! You must select the goblins with the best genes and breed them together to ensure strong genes in future generations and continuity of the goblin society.

The true meaning of ‘survival of the fittest comes to the fore, as you must decide which goblins to accept into your new society, and which ones to neglect in favor of the survival of the stronger ones.

Difficult choices must be made, but sometimes the few must be sacrificed to save the many!

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