Fight For Survival Of the Foxes In 'Endling - Extinction Is Forever’

Fight For Survival Of the Foxes In 'Endling - Extinction Is Forever’
06 Jun 2022

Extinction is no joke. Once a species has gone extinct, that’s it. Gone. Forever. Thousands of species have gone extinct over the course of the planet’s history, and thousands more will go extinct in the future.

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Help the cubs and teach them to do everything that they'll need to know in order to survive. Image by 'Endling - Extinction Is Forever.'

No species want to go extinct. In ‘Endling - Extinction is Forever’ you will play as a mother fox fighting to keep her cubs alive in a world that has been destroyed and in which she and her cubs are the last foxes alive.

You must make your way through destroyed environments that are based on real-life locations that have been damaged or destroyed by human activity. All the environments are 3D side-scrolling environments that have been drawn with unique artistic styles.

You will need to hunt for food to keep your cubs fed, and also defend your cubs from larger predators that would not hesitate to kill you and your cubs, even if it isn’t for food. No single shelter will remain safe forever, and you will need to move around and find new shelters as your old ones come under threat from predators or human activities.

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Avoiding humans will be a key element of your survival! Image by 'Endling - Extinction Is Forever.'

Your ultimate goal is to keep your pups alive and teach them how to fox until they are old enough to fend for themselves and keep the fox species alive. Extinction, after all, is forever, so it would be a pity if you were the one who failed to hold the line…

‘Endling - Extinction Is Forever’ is developed by ‘Herobeat Studios,’ and aims to raise awareness about environmental issues.

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