Fallen Aces' Comic 90s Mafia Crime Noir FPS Releases Its First Playable Demo

Pride comes before a fall, so maybe being the ace isn't all that great...
02 Apr 2022

The 90s were full of mob madness, and powerful Mafia bosses, and represented a golden era for organized crime. 

Taking on the mob was no mean feat. ‘Fallen Aces’ throws players headlong into the fight against the mob, starting by finding out how all the ‘A.C.E.S’ that fight the mob are being ‘disappeared.’ Not ominous at all…

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Taking on a mob soldier armed with a piece of metal pipe. Image by 'Fallen Aces.'

Stepping onto the streets of ‘Switchblade City’ players must hunt down the mobsters that are murdering law enforcement and turning the city into a crime mecca. ‘Fallen Aces’ features three narrative episodes with “dozens of levels” and gripping hand-drawn comic cutscenes.

Players must hunt down and capture or kill mobsters. ‘Switchblade City’ must be freed from the grip of the mob, no matter the cost. Breaking laws is acceptable if that’s the only way to bring the true criminals to justice!

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Outnumbered and out armed, but not outsmarted! Image by 'Fallen Aces.'

Sometimes the only way to fight fire is with fire, and on the streets, that means beating streetfighters at streetfighting. Players can use anything as weapons, from glass bottles, trash cans, and other random objects, to the infamous Tommy guns used by the mobs.

‘Fallen Aces’ features realistic era-specific voice lines to add authenticity and breathe life into thte game. Players step out of their world and into a world filled with crime and violence without moving from their chairs!

According to its developers, ‘Fallen Aces’ boasts “100% original hand-drawn art” by Trey Powell. ‘Fallen Aces’ is developed by ‘Trey Powel’ and ‘Jason Bond’ and will be released on Steam “soon.”

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