'Espiocracy' Rewrites History Through the Power of Grand Global Espionage

'Espiocracy' Rewrites History Through the Power of Grand Global Espionage
07 Jun 2022

Espionage has been a part of the military and political strategy for centuries.

Quite understandably, spies have never been looked upon favorably by any government. In fact, even during the course of highly conventional wars, where prisoners of war were treated humanely and fairly, spies would be shot on sight!

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Planning moves on a map of the world. Image by 'Espiocracy.'

Espionage, and the idea of being a spy, have been highly glamorized by the entertainment industry over the years, especially in the film industry.

‘Espiocracy’ is an “espionage grand strategy game,” and is about as close as most of us can ever hope to get to becoming an actual super-spy! In ‘Espiocracy’ you can choose from one of 74 different governments and be put in charge of their intelligence agency.

The game is set at the start of the Cold War Era, when global espionage, and more specifically, espionage between the USA and the USSR, really started to blow up. 

You will use tried and tested techniques to influence the global stage in your favor as you race into the space race, nuclear standoffs, and all the other beautiful things that come with the cold war and intelligence work!

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Manage resources, projects, assets, and more from this menu. Image by 'Espiocracy.'

Decisions must be made with strategic precision, manipulating people, organizations, and governments to the ends of your own government and intelligence agency. You can do anything from planting agents, to recording conversations and assassinating high-profile targets. 

You will need to manage operations at your agency, make decisions, plan budgets, and just about everything else that comes with running a top-tier intelligence agency successfully in an extremely tense global climate. 

‘Espiocracy’ gives you a chance to prove your intelligence, your strategic thinking skills, and your overall leadership ability. The game is developed by ‘Ex Vivo Studios.’ No official release date has been confirmed yet.

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