Cyberpunk 2077 is an upcoming role-playing game from CD Projekt RED, the developers who produced The Witcher series. Based on the original tabletop games, Cyberpunk and Cyberpunk 2020, released in 1988 and 1991, respectively. As the title suggests, Cyberpunk 2077 takes place in a Cyberpunk dystopian world called Night City. The fictional setting is located somewhere between Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Cyberpunk 2077 Trailer
The only official Cyberpunk 2077 trailer currently available
Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay
CD Projek RED presentation on what to expect for Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077 takes place at the tail-end of the Fourth Corporate War, which, in the tabletop game, was a large-scale war between two Megacorporations: Arasaka, who wants to see Japan come into world power, and Militech, an American arms corporation that has strong ties with the American military. The game is just after when a small tactical nuke was detonated in the middle of the city.
The story focuses on a character who has grown up on the streets of Night City. Between the gangs, junkies, and corrupt megacorporations in perpetual power struggles, you must rise up from the filth and decay of the city.
A new form of entertainment, Brain Dance, which is controlled by Megacorporations allows users to lead different lives, and experience the thrills and emotions attached with the enjoyment of exploring new worlds and leading fulfilling lives, outside of the pathetic lives that they currently lead in the dilapidated slums and gutters of Night City.
Night City is a dangerous place to live – between corporate wars, gangs, and junkies, you are never safe
CD Projekt RED has stated that the game is heavily influenced by what is happening in today’s world. In a world where many companies and governments have plans that span into 2050, the story is based on current fears, such as corporate and government corruption and technological advancement. The developers produce technology and weapons that have a history – using objects that have been developed in today’s age, and then advancing them to what 2077 might look like. The weapons, for example, will be a realistic upgrade to those that we already have today to fit with the year 2077.
Upgrades, weapons, augmentations and more will take a large role in Cyberpunk 2077
And they have a gigantic arsenal planned – tons of weapons, upgrades, implants, and high-tech gadget will be at the player’s disposal. Information on what these items will be have been few and far between, but developers have stated that this will be a big piece of the game.
Creator Mike Pondsmith describes some of the inspiration behind Cyberpunk 2077
It is confirmed that the game will be set in an open sandbox world, which will allow for a lot of player exploration with very few limitations and a multi-thread storyline, meaning that decisions that the player makes will affect the story and the world around them. It seems that this game will be very customizable. Not only will you be able to upgrade your character’s skills, you can also choose between either third- or first-person view, depending on how you prefer to play.
Not much is known about the cybernetic woman in the trailer, but it looks like her skin repels high-capacity bullets
The mechanics of the game are based on a pen and paper tabletop RPG. Generally, pen and paper rules are flexible, allowing a lot of improvisation, and sometimes even changing the rules such as combat, skill checks, and character customization. Mike Pondsmith, the creator of the original table top games stated “Adapting pen & paper rules to video game is not as easy as it can appear at first glance,” but this is that’s the plan. He has yet to divulge how these mechanics will work, but CD Projekt RED promises that Cyberpunk 2077 will be a “new type of video game format previously unexplored by the studio." It seems that skills will be a big part of this game, and you will have a variety of different, unique skills, generally unseen in most games. Pondsmith stated that they are currently a secret, but hinted that you will be able to have a clothing skill, which will allow your character to choose clothing most appropriate for certain situations.
It seems that she is the cause of a bloody massacre – who could she be and what role does she play in Cyberpunk 2077?
Another potential piece of the game that differentiates it from other games is that it may include languages from different regions of the world. Night City is a very diverse place, with people from all over the world. Thus, CD Projekt RED is considering recording character’s voices in their native language. Players will have to buy an implant that will translate the languages. And it will depend on the implant too – more advanced and expensive implants will translate languages better than the cheaper ones, making it easier to understand. This is still just a concept, but in contrast to other games that are generally all in one language, this would set Cyberpunk 2077 apart.
Latest News
Adam Badowski of CD Projekt RED described Cyberpunk 2077 being "even better, even bigger, even more revolutionary" than The Witcher 3, and that they have “amazingly large ambitions” for the game. It is reported that the Cyberpunk 2077 even hired around 400 more staff to meet the needs of the project.
The news shows an overhead view of the carnage that lay to waste in Night City
Cyberpunk 2077 will use CPD Projekt RED’s custom REDengine 3 for the game, an engine that they are always upgrading, according to visual effects artist Jose Texiera. “We’re upgrading the engine. It’s a pretty thorough upgrade. Almost every aspect of the engine is getting upgraded. My particle effects editor is getting upgraded, as is almost every other tool.”
Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date
First announced in May 2012, gamers have long awaited more information about Cyberpunk 2077 and CD Projekt RED have been very careful to keep the details of the game a mystery. Currently they have stated that they do have a set release date but it has not been announced yet. It is speculated that that the release date will be announced in 2017, exactly 50 years before the setting of the game. It is expected that the game will be available to play between 2017 and 2021. Which is potentially a long wait, but according to the hype, it will be well worth it.
New cybernetics and implants will change the way you play
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