Contraband Police Border Police Inspector Simulator Has More To It Than Meets the Eye

If you stick some of the contraband you pick up in your pocket you could be rich...
02 Apr 2022

Contraband is a major issue at any international border. Some borders face greater troubles than others, for instance, the US/Mexico border has particularly bad problems with drug trafficking and other contraband.

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Taking apart suspicious car seats with an ax. Image by 'Contraband Police.'

In ‘Contraband Police’ players take on the role of border control agents. Besides routine checks such as papers and licensing, players can also inspect vehicles for roadworthiness and search the vehicles, drivers, and passengers for contraband.

Contraband can be hidden in anything. It can be in the lining of the seats, in the dashboard, in the fuel tank, in the lining of the car, literally anywhere. Players can use sniffer dogs on suspicious cars, and if a car is really suspicious they can take it apart, searching for drugs and other contraband.

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Watch out for suspicious behavior. Image by 'Contraband Police.'

Players must keep an eye out for suspicious behavior, as well as for signs that papers are out of order or fake. Fake papers can be highly accurate, but it's the small details that will end up giving it away and allowing players to catch the crooks.

Offenders can be arrested, their goods confiscated and logged, and they can be transported to a detainment facility, from which they will either be deported or sent to prison. Players must be careful, as desperate criminals are often armed and dangerous and would happily take a pot shot at a border control officer.

‘Contraband Police’ is developed by ‘Crazy Rocks.’ The game will be released on Steam during the second quarter of 2022.

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