Cell to Singularity: Evolution Never Ends Paints a Picture of Life Spanning Millions of Years

Cell to Singularity: Evolution Never Ends Paints a Picture of Life Spanning Millions of Years
31 Jan 2022

There is much controversy about the origins of the universe, and the origins of life on Earth. Some believe there to be a Higher Power, a Creator that created not only the Earth and the people, animals, plants, and everything else on it, but also the entire universe. 

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Follow the evolution tech tree to progress evolution. Image by 'Cell to Singularity: Evolution Never Ends.'

Then there are those who believe that the entire thing happened by chance and that an explosion put it all together and kickstarted the process of evolution of life on Earth.

Cell to Singularity’ tells the story of evolution from before the existence of the universe and Earth. It tells the story of how there was a massive explosion billions of years ago, resulting in the formation of the universe and our solar system.

In ‘Cell to Singularity’ players must click to earn ‘Entropy’ which is a form of currency that they can use to advance the process of evolution, whether it be to shape the Earth, turn one cell into two, turn a dinosaur into a bird, or whatever else the theory of evolution claims happened to bring life on Earth to where it is today.

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According to evolution, land life was originally aquatic life. Image by 'Cell to Singularity: Evolution Never Ends.'

To progress through the game, players must spend Entropy to buy technological and scientific upgrades through the in-game evolution tech tree. Through the tech tree, players can unlock new animals, new plant life, and even learn pieces of the theory of evolution that are stated by evolutionists to be fact.

‘Cell to Singularity’ allows players to go a step further than current times, evolving life past current times and into a future where humans live on Mars and need to adapt to life on Mars.

‘Cell to Singularity’ is developed by ‘Computer Lunch’ and is on Steam.

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