Who Discovered The Cipher Code And How?
The earliest account of this secret cipher code that I could find came from a tweet from the well-known gaming Vlogger, Ali-A and also a later Vlog which described the same and thanked another Twitter user named only as Luke, who apparently first pointed this cipher out to Ali-A. The Tweet included an image of the Nazi zombie used in the reveal art which has been altered to make the hidden code appear, and also the letters of the code with a yellow outline around the location on the helmet of the Nazi zombie. The text of the tweet read “Have you guys see[n] the cipher hidden away in the Zombies helmet for #CODWW2? What does it mean?”
In the later video that Ali-A released, which speaks about the secret cipher and where and how it can be found he reveals to us that to make the cipher appear you must manipulate the image. He says that to manipulate the image he uses “a load of effects to brighten it up, bring out the darks etc, and now you can see what is going on.” .
Who Deciphered The Cipher And What Did They Use?
The Enigma Machine used to crack the secret cipher, found on Activision’s Call of Duty website and launched shortly after the reveal live-stream.
Shortly after Activision released the Call of Duty World War 2 reveal live-stream, they also released a new section of their website which enables the user to use a type of World War 2 Enigma Machine. Although it is impossible to tell exactly who first cracked the code, it is rumoured that it was one of the Reddit users who achieved this task and revealed the code to translate to “A new horror arises.” Once the code has been revealed using the Enigma Machine, a green light switches on atop the screen and a new screen loads showing a dossier holding two images of Frederic (the 1st) Barbarossa and also a young Raphael.
Reddit users dug further into these two images and revealed some interesting facts to link them to the storyline of the World War 2 zombie mode story. They revealed that the name Batbarossa was used by the Nazis as the name of an operation involving pushing into Soviet Union territory. The Other image revealed a link in that this image was a famous painting stolen by the Nazis which then turned up in a Nazi Criminal’s (Hans Michael Frank) home upon his capture on May 3rd 1945, right in the timeline of zombie mode’s World War 2 storyline.
What Else Has Since Been Discovered Using The Enigma Machine Site?
These secret game character dossiers become available after the secret cipher codes hidden throughout the reveal information is inputted into the Enigma Machine on Activision’s site.
It seems that Reddit users have somewhat taken it upon themselves to try to solve the entire story behind the Enigma Machine and its use by launching a brute force attack on it to reveal all the codes they could. They have somewhat achieved that goal having come up with 5 more codes that can be input into the Enigma Machine to produce 5 new dossiers based on characters in the game, as well as an announcement of an extra perk for solving the riddle.
It has been reported by the Reddit community that by entering these 5 extra codes you will unlock 4 new dossiers that give details on 4 characters in the game, along with teaser art as well, and also a fifth file which informs the user that they should now click a button and be taken to a sign in form for Call of Duty, where they can either log in, or create a new account, and then finally fill out an official entry for what Activision are naming a Calling Card. What this grants the user is said to be revealed on the worldwide release of the game on November 3rd 2017.