Blind Fate: Edo no Yami Is A Mix of Futuristic Sci-Fi and Ancient Japanese Traditions

Beauty does not stay the hand of the Samurai, it would appear.
02 Apr 2022

Ancient Japanese culture and tradition are full of secrets, both good and bad. The ways of the Samurai are not common knowledge, and being a true warrior requires special dedication and commitment.

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Standing over slain enemies. Image by 'Blind Fate Edo no Yami.'

‘Blind Fate: Edo no Yami’ brings back the ancient traditions of the Samurai and unleashes them on a futuristic world based on science fiction. Players take on the role of a killer. The deadly right hand of the Shogunate rules over its people with an iron grip in a “machine-filled Edo period.”

Unfortunately for the Shogunate’s hand of justice, there is a twist to the tale. He loses his eyesight. Players must now navigate the world, blind, in the traditional sense. However, there is a way for players to see what is happening around them. The ‘Mask of the Oni’ simulates the world around them, but if data is old or corrupt these simulations can be wrong, which could prove deadly.

Wielding the world’s sharpest sword, the katana, players must cut through the enemies of the Shogunate. 

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Mega robots. Image by 'Blind Fate Edo no Yami.'

Blindness is not a roadblock, it is merely an obstacle that can be overcome with the power of the ‘Mask of the Oni,’ and by using an array of specialized sensors that feed information directly to the player’s character, allowing them to determine the enemy positions, motion, and vulnerabilities.

Players can discover ancient Japanese folklore and creatures of legend through their mechanical versions in-game. Players must battle the robotic cousins of the beasts of ancient Japanese history and legend.

‘Blind Fate: Edo no Yami’ is developed by ‘Troglobytes Games,’ and is coming to Steam during the first quarter of 2022.

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