Blackwind Chooses A Teenage Hero to Be the Saviour of the Human Race

Blackwind Chooses A Teenage Hero to Be the Saviour of the Human Race
10 Jan 2022

Blackwind’ is a top-down science fiction action game that is set in an era where humans have finally achieved their dream of traveling through space and inhabiting other planets to live, mine resources, and make money.

Unfortunately, the further people explore, the more likely they run into less-than-friendly non-human planetary locals. Such as in the case of the population of mining planet Medusa-42, for instance.

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Play the game in a top-down view. Image by Blackwind.

A breed of aliens called the Raknos have overrun the planet and are destroying mining colonies and murdering the human colonists as they go.

Players will play as a teenage boy named James Hawkins. James was aboard a starship called the Pandora when it got shot down over Medusa-42 by the Raknos hordes. Poor little James somehow got himself trapped in a military prototype Battle Frame when the Pandora crashed.

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Face off in the prototype Battle Frame against a variety of alien life. Image by Blackwind.

With no way of getting out of the suit, James had to figure out how to work the ruddy thing so that he could fight his way through the Raknos hordes and find his dad, who’s gone missing. 

Players must use a variety of abilities to fight their way through the Raknos hordes, upgrading and customizing James’ Battle Frame as they progress through the game by unlocking new abilities, weapons, and equipment using the tech tree.

‘Blackwind’ is developed by ‘Drakkar Dev’ and is available on Steam.

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