Astro Colony Is SpaceX On Steroids A Hundred Years From Now

More space means more wealth. Think about it...
31 Mar 2022

Since the beginning of humankind, people have been doing their best to conquer the unconquered. Discover the undiscovered. Explore the unexplored. Colonize the uncolonized. Humanity has a natural urge to expand itself and settle in new territory. 

Having pretty much filled the earth up, people are turning their eyes and efforts out to space with programs like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. 

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Engineering successful colony infrastructure. Image by 'Astro Colony.'

Now imagine what will happen once space travel becomes as cheap and simple as getting on a plane and flying to another state, or another country? Imagine all the different opportunities that will become available to the people of planet earth! 

‘Astro Colony’ skips ahead a bit, past all the trial and error of inventing cheap and effective space travel to the part where people actually start building something more than space stations in outer space.

Players must explore and establish new colonies on asteroids and planets throughout space. They must build resource collection and mining systems, with extraction and transfer systems set in place to transport and store resources that have been mined and collected.

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A steadily growing asteroid colony. Image by 'Astro Colony.'
Food production, astronaut training, and ensuring that all basic needs and services are met and provided are all the player’s responsibilities. And of course, when a random black hole decides to start swallowing planets and a lot of hard work players are responsible for damage control, evacuations, and the like.

The goal is to build a network of space colonies unlike any humanity has ever seen. Won’t be too hard considering space colonies aren’t a thing yet…

‘Astro Colony’ is developed by ‘Terad Games,’ and is scheduled for a 2022 Steam release. 

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