1.) Oriana from League of Legends
Credit to 9Flame Cosplay
2.) Malthael from Diablo 3
Found here.
3.) Ellie from Borderlands
Credit to the amazing Coral.
4.) Nathan Drake from Uncharted
Found here.
5.) Spider Slicer from Bioshock
Epic cosplay from Mangodude.
6.) NCR Trooper from Fallout
Credit to the talented Estrada.
7.) Trevor from GTA V
Found here.
8.) A Nazi Zombie from Call of Duty
Incredible cosplay from The-Katherinator.
9.) Harley Quinn from Batman: Arkham Knight
Credit to the amazing Jessica Nigri.
10.) Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite
Credit to ver1sa.
11.) Aela from Skyrim
Cosplay by windofthestars.
12.) Kuja from Final Fantasy
From cosplayer Narcisspuppet.
13.) Chell from Portal 2
From the incredibly talented Angela Bermudez.
14.) Cirilla from The Witcher
Credit to love-squad.
15.) Ellie from The Last of Us
Credit to the awesome Izzybella4.
16.) Dante from Devil May Cry 3
Props to LeonChiroCosplayArt.
17.) Link from Legend of Zelda
Classic Link by Tsuyosa.
18.) Edward Kenway from Assassin's Creed 4
Another incredible cosplay from LeonChiroCosplayArt.
19.) Barbarian from Diablo 3
Done by the talented Lightning Cosplay.
20.) Scorpion and Katana from Mortal Kombat
Credit to the exceptional MissSinisterCosplay and Danquish.
So those were some incredible cosplays right? I give a lot of credit to you if you’re a cosplayer!
If you think there are some other cosplays that deserve some recognition let me know by commenting!
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