[Top 15] Valheim Most Beautiful Seeds That Are Fun to Play

03 Jun 2022

Valheim’s constant changes to the world through various updates make seed generation a unique experience from one patch to another. With countless possibilities in terms of combinations, there are a select few examples that give the randomness of the seed a bit more character, making for some good gameplay choices should you choose to do so. Here we look at a few seeds that we can check and see what makes that seed the best of its class.

As with all Valheim lists, this was written at the time of the games’ latest version (Hearth and Home Update, version 0.207.20) with the list only including seeds with YouTube videos. Some videos may contain multiple seeds and have their specific timestamp listed to be easily found. This list may change with future updates and isn’t in any particular order.



Beginner Seeds


15. B2vglYdX4V (Beginner-Friendly Single Island Seed)

With a multitude of possibilities in how the seed is generated, you’ll have either the easiest or hardest time finding where each of the bosses is, as well as the biomes that house the resources needed to give you a better chance at fighting them. With that being said, this seed is the rare occasion where all the stars align and all the bosses are within a reasonable reach, allowing you to experience Valheim without the ring-around-the-rosy style of finding where the boss spawns are. In addition to that, the trader, as well as the rare Maypoles, are found on the same island, which doesn’t offer anything much for you, but if you set up shop there, you’ll at least have a free marker. This is a beginner’s map in the sense that if you want to do gameplay from start to finish, this map allows for the shortest possible route before you think about going to a more complex seed.


What’s Great About This Seed:

Body Image
The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • Trader, Bosses, and Biomes are all on one island
  • The boat isn’t necessary for traveling to the boss areas
  • Great for learning everything about Valheim in a shorter session



14. HHcLC5acQt (4 Boss Starter Island)

Keeping up with the theme of only needing to go to one place, this continent is perfect for those wanting to try all of what Valheim has to offer, and with relative safety given the number of beginner-friendly biomes, there are. The Meadows and the Black Forest on the main island are plentiful, and just enough to grab you some decent combat practice and resources to take on the smaller, but tougher biomes. The only boss you won’t be looking on the main island is Yagluth, the game’s current final boss, and that may be a good thing. Speaking of Yagluth, the Plains are also on an adjacent smaller island, giving you a clear option to wander to it at your own pace.


What’s Great About This Seed:

Body Image
The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • Nearly all the bosses are on the starting island
  • A lot of relatively safe biomes like Meadows and the Black Forest
  • Dangerous areas are on another island relatively near



13. IX7JpLYpLd (All Boss Starter Island)

A far larger starter island, this seed has a lot of repeat biomes that will allow you to scout a lot more material should you need one of the specifics that you’ll want to get. Getting through a lot of these areas is just a matter of if you are prepared enough with items like weapons and food, as the size of the starting meadows is pretty generous, allowing you to move around with lower danger compared to a neighboring Swamp or the Black Forest. Speaking of those biomes, they are also clustered up a bit farther down adding to the safety discussion earlier and that makes for a more enjoyable trek around the map if you wish to take in Valheim’s world generation eye-candy


What’s Great About This Seed:

Body Image
The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • All bosses are in one close area
  • A cluster of islands also houses most of the location stones
  • Spawn point doesn’t house dangerous biomes up until you move farther



12. PiyDBQ59uT (Black Forest Island with Maypole Spawn)

This is a map designed for those who just started Valheim as the relative safety of the areas could not be overstated. Having this much Meadows and the Black Forest gives you room to breathe and not worry about dying, especially when you go beyond mid-game items like Iron. With the latter, there is a whole island on the left of the spawn island that has its dedicated Black Forest area, as in the whole island, except one very tiny chunk, is all Black Forest. This should be the perfect training grounds for farming materials from Skeletons, Greydwarves, and Trolls. It may be a dangerous island for absolute beginners, but for those wanting a bit more of a challenge, then there you go, a whole island of enemies a tier up from your starting loadout.


What’s Great About This Seed:

Body Image
The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • A nearby Maypole to give 1 energy
  • A relatively fine spread of islands
  • Some challenging areas are nearby



11. kh643a5C2k (Crypt Farming Map with Maypole Spawn)

If you want a challenging map but have the ‘unfair’ benefits of the Maypole and a ton of crypts for Iron, then look no further than this seed. This is the same as the one above it, but unlike the previous entry, there are a ton of resources from various crypts, making this seed super good to play on if you plan on making tons of items like portals or weapons.


What’s Great About This Seed:

Body Image
The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • A somewhat near Maypole to give 1 energy
  • A more challenging spread between bosses
  • Lots and lots of crypts



Advanced / Hard Seeds



10. AnimeSucks (Large Black Forest Map)

Specific name aside, this seed generation is weird in the sense that you’ll immediately be greeted with loads, and I mean loads of these Black Forest biomes. Again, with a Black Forest, you’ll be going through a lot of wood, strong enemies, and possibly enough crypts that when you meet the Trader, which isn’t on the starter island, you’ll likely have gold to buy more important pieces for your run. Prepare for a mob fest on the only outskirts of Meadows you have.


What’s Great About This Seed:

Body Image
The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • Tons of trees for wood in the Black Forest
  • A huge possibility of a lot of crypts
  • Provides a much tougher start path for those looking for a challenge



9. hqkKievxlF (Short Boss Travel Map with Water Maypole Seed)

This is a more condensed version of what a typical Valheim seed is, where you’ll need to hop to-and-from islands and discover the bosses’ spawns in more spread-out locations. While that in itself isn’t much of a standout feature, the nearby rare Maypole by the waterside is. This is a relatively new seed so the features listed are not a deal-breaker, but hey, it’s something.


What’s Great About This Seed:

Body Image
The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • Decent map for relatively short boss travels
  • Decent variety of biomes within the spawn
  • Good for ship travel practice



8. z03nJYRnfh (Large Meadows Seed)

This is as big as what a basic Meadows starter map can get. The flexibility to immediately build a good home with a view is what makes this seed good. With an unmistakable, spaced-out oak tree being one of the highlights, as well as a few clusters of good, relatively flat Meadows generation, this seed can immediately get you started on that Viking abode you’ve been wanting to build, without needing to clear a lot of trees at the start. You can let your imagination loose by the sheer size of the starting land, perfect for small-time projects or big-time community builds.


What’s Great About This Seed:

Body Image
The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • Large Meadows to work on
  • Safest to build large scale projects on
  • Waterway access is a bonus



7. z03nJYRnfh (Deep North Land Bridge)

While not seen on video, the map generation features a rarity in Valheim, which is the ability to go to the farthest point of the map, without a boat. While it’s still perfectly fine to use one, going to the icy, and barren Deep North at almost any time makes this seed a unique beauty to play in. If you can manage not taking any hits to your squishy Viking as you’ll be going through a few Swamp and Plains biomes, you’ll be enjoying a view of a frozen wonderland of vast snow… and nothing in it (yet).


What’s Great About This Seed:

Body Image
The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • Deep North is accessible without needing a boat
  • Allows for good practice maneuvering tough enemies early once you learn the game



6. equinox (Mountain Island)

This map quite literally puts you on an island and makes you stay there for a good while as the Black Forest is just within walking distance, making mobs overwhelm you at night a possibility, and that’s without considering the Mountains biome in the middle of it. To make matters worse, you’ll need a boat almost immediately to get out of the island as the spawn is a sizeable length away from a nearby continent, making you drown trying to swim a very real possibility. One for those who want to make themselves a rough spot to get out of.


What’s Great About This Seed:

Body Image
The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • Great challenging map as safety isn’t ensured when starting
  • A lot of spaced-out islands, making boats necessary
  • Very spaced-out boss locations



5. FLOrida (Small Island Spawn)

This seed is as dangerous as the alligators living in the real-life counterpart. With the ‘FLOrida’ seed, it has created the situation where you spawn in the middle of nowhere, quite literally. With the spawn being a very small Meadows island, you have limited resources to gather, making your escape a big priority. For those who have played the game enough, this wouldn’t be much of a problem, but for an absolute newbie? An absolute nightmare. If you seek a rough start to your campaign, or just feel like being on your own, this private island spawn will either be your heaven or hell.


What’s Great About This Seed:

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The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • Limited resources to start
  • Provides challenging spawn to those starting a new world


4. 8tEKNJ04AM (Trader Island)

This seed may be more in line with the more split-up seed generation that you get from a normal Valheim run, but what is not normal is the island that the Trader is situated in. It’s a unique look having this Trader be its little place and not engulfed in a massive bundle of trees in a Black Forest, and with that, also the best-looking location for such a thing. This world Is also largely unexplored but those parts shown have indicated a large number of resources is possible to be hauled from, making this not only a unique seed but a good one at that.


What’s Great About This Seed:

Body Image
The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • The trader is on an island
  • Plentiful Swamp crypts
  • Meadows between Swamp can make for an interesting base perimeter



3. wgwauTVtGh (Scattered Bosses Map)

This seed is all about exploration, and if you want to get a lot of good views around, then this map sort of forces you to. An example of how different this seed is compared to standard is the spawn location of the first boss, Eikthyr. Usually, it’s just a few steps away from you, but for this seed, you’ll need to raft your way out of there to fight it, and that unique prerequisite already forces you to boat to the next island and making you explore so much more than you’d initially do in a first seed. As for the rest of the bosses, don’t expect it to be any nearer, but for those wanting a more scenic route to killing the bosses, this seed is for you.


What’s Great About This Seed:

Body Image
The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • Scattered boss spawns
  • Lots of traveling using a boat


2. eYQAUz04AM (All Biome Single Island Seed)

It’s easy to have all the biomes on one big island, but to have everything is an island the size of a typical single biome island makes for one unique place to set up shop. The video shows very interesting placements to the world such as an elevated Meadows, a mini Mountains patch, and lots of intersecting bases, commonly with Fuling camps. With that being said, the Trader is also here, making for an all-in-one combo and a good testing ground for biome mob familiarity. It’s a unique and beautiful seed to explore with the only thing left out in this seed being a Maypole, but again, those are rare sights to have in the game.


What’s Great About This Seed:

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The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • All biomes in one place
  • Creates interesting terrain dynamics for a base
  • The area can be used to practice certain mobs on



1. EJSAdADd7H (5 Boss Hearth and Home Speedrun Seed)

With the addition of Frost Caves to Valheim a few weeks ago, this speedrun seed has everything Valheim has to offer in terms of the new stuff right now. As with these speedrun clips, it’s one of those best-to-enjoy types of deals. If you do want to try it out, then this seed is what was used in the clip with useful chapters in the video to guide you through how it’s done.


What’s Great About This Seed:

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The great standouts for this seed are the following:

  • Fully showcases the changes in Valheim so far
  • Can be used for standard run-throughs as well





It’s tough to pinpoint a master seed that can be called the best seed in the game, due to several factors, with one of them being that the game is still in early access with a ton of things either missing or in the works. These are only a few examples of a deep number of combinations that are found, with many being unused or not shown through a video. With that in mind, should you use one of these seeds is entirely up to you, but on a personal take, try to generate a seed you’d want to be in, or better yet, go completely blind and see what’s in store for you. After all, each of Valheim’s seeds is unique in experience and much more enjoyable when you’re not expecting what’s in store and letting yourself in for quite a ride.



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