[Top 10] Back 4 Blood Best Weapons To Use

Back 4 Blood Best Weapons To Use
07 Nov 2023

10)  The Ranch Rifle

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See the bad-boy in action;

Weapon Intro:

Let's dive into the world of Back 4 Blood with the Ranch Rifle, or as I like to fondly call it, the "Reliable Rancher." This battle-tested classic rifle may have a few gray hairs, but it's the granddaddy of the game. Don't let its age deceive you – it's a dependable choice for survivors in Back 4 Blood.

Expert Opinion and Analysis:

If you're on the hunt for a weapon that marries firepower and precision, the Ranch Rifle is your steadfast ally. It dispatches Ridden with a certain finesse and style. What's more, it's a selective-fire rifle, allowing you to toggle between semi-auto for precision headshots and full-auto for some good ol' zombie crowd control.

What Makes the Ranch Rifle Great:

  • The Knockout Blow: The Ranch Rifle doesn't pull its punches with those 7.62mm rounds. A few well-placed shots are all it takes to turn zombies into virtual pincushions – it's an absolute powerhouse.
  • The Sniper's Sidekick: If pinpoint accuracy is your game, the Ranch Rifle is the trusty friend you need. Think of it as the smooth-talking, suave cousin of a sniper rifle, always hitting the mark.
  • The Versatile Virtuoso: Whether you crave precise shots or want to channel your inner action hero against a horde of Ridden, the Ranch Rifle's selective-fire capabilities have your back.

How to Get the Ranch Rifle:

Here's the deal: in Back 4 Blood, you won't stumble upon the Reliable Rancher at the corner store. You've got to keep your eyes peeled during your missions. These rifles like to play hide and seek in the clutches of special infected and concealed crates. And, never underestimate the power of safe rooms; they're sometimes the best hiding spots for your new BFF, the Ranch Rifle. Ready to turn some zombie heads? Go get it!


9)  The M1A

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See the bad-boy in action;

Weapon Intro:

Buckle up, because we're diving into the world of the M1A, and it's like taking a ride in a time machine back to the glory days of semi-automatic coolness. In a land overrun by Ridden, this classic rifle is like the well-dressed hero who shows up to the apocalypse looking sharp.

Expert Opinion and Analysis:

Picture this: you're up against the Ridden, and you're ready to make every shot count. The M1A is your wingman for that precision shooting gig. It's not about spray and pray here; it's about lining up that epic headshot and taking down Ridden with style.

What Makes the M1A Great:

  • Bullseye Accuracy: When you want to pop Ridden like a pro, the M1A's got your back. It's like a sniper's secret weapon, making sure those Ridden don't stand a chance.
  • Old-School Charm: Ever wanted to feel like a hero from a vintage movie while dealing with zombies? The M1A is your golden ticket.
  • Ammo Mastery: In a world where ammo is as precious as a winning lottery ticket, the M1A is your best friend. It's a one-shot, one-kill kind of deal.
  • Range Royalty: Need to pick off Ridden from a safe distance? The M1A is your golden ticket to becoming the long-range superstar.

How to Get the M1A:

In Back 4 Blood, finding the M1A is a bit like going on a scavenger hunt. Keep those eagle eyes sharp as you explore the game world. You might stumble upon it in the clutches of a special infected, tucked away in a crate, or waiting for you in a cozy safe room. So, if you're all about looking classy while making Ridden heads roll one shot at a time, the M1A is your ride to undead-slaying glory!


8) The Hatchet

Body Image

See the bad-boy in action;

Weapon Intro:

Alright, folks, it's time to get down and dirty with the Hatchet! This trusty tool is all about pure, unadulterated zombie-bashing fun. No high-tech gadgets, no fancy frills, just good ol' undead-smacking action. When you want to get up close and personal with the Ridden, the Hatchet is your ticket to a smashing good time!

Expert Opinion and Analysis:

In the wild world of Back 4 Blood, the Hatchet is like that ride-or-die friend who's always up for some undead action. It's your go-to choice for those moments when you're itching for hands-on zombie bashing. No complicated tech here, just raw and satisfying Ridden-smacking fun!

What Makes the Hatchet Great:

  • Simplicity Rules: The Hatchet doesn't need all the bells and whistles. It's a piece of sharp metal, and that's all you need to unleash chaos on the Ridden.
  • Satisfying Whacks: Swinging a Hatchet at a Ridden? It's oddly therapeutic and incredibly satisfying. It's like a zombie pinata party, and you're the guest of honor!
  • Built to Last: The Hatchet is your go-to, no matter how many Ridden you need to turn into zombie goo. No need to worry about running out of ammo or a blade getting dull.
  • Quick and Handy: When a Ridden is charging at you like a bullet train, there's no time to mess around with aiming. The Hatchet is swift and efficient, perfect for those split-second decisions.

How to Get the Hatchet:

Snagging a Hatchet in Back 4 Blood is a breeze! These bad boys are scattered all around the game world, just waiting for you to pick 'em up and join the zombie-smashing party. Keep your eyes peeled as you explore, and you might find one on a fallen Ridden, tucked away in a corner, or hanging out in a safe room. So, if you're ready to dive into the chaos, get your Hatchet and unleash your inner zombie smasher – the undead won't know what hit 'em!


7) The Phoenix 350L

Body Image

See the bad-boy in action;

Weapon Intro:

In the unforgiving world of Back 4 Blood, when survival depends on precision from afar, the Phoenix 350L emerges as the silent sniper, a firearm that offers the promise of long-range lethality. It's not just a gun; it's a game-changer, providing survivors with a powerful tool to eliminate threats from a safe distance.

Expert Opinion and Analysis on the Phoenix 350L:

In the heart-pounding chaos of Back 4 Blood, the Phoenix 350L is a game-changer when precision and distance matter. It's the silent guardian, ensuring that survivors have a reliable means of dispatching threats from afar while maintaining their safety. Here's a closer look at what makes it indispensable:

  • Precise Long-Range Accuracy: The Phoenix 350L is a master of delivering death from a distance. With its bolt-action precision, it guarantees that every shot counts, a crucial advantage when taking on threats from afar.
  • Stealthy Execution: In a game where discretion can mean the difference between life and death, the Phoenix 350L excels. It's the weapon of quiet death, allowing survivors to thin out the Ridden horde without attracting undue attention.
  • Reliable Marksman: In the unpredictable world of Back 4 Blood, having a dependable long-range option can be a game-changer. The Phoenix 350L ensures survivors have a trustworthy ally when they need to maintain their distance and engage the enemy.

How to Get the Phoenix 350L:

Securing the Phoenix 350L might not be as straightforward as picking up supplies, but it's well worth the effort for survivors who value precision from a distance. Keep your eyes peeled while exploring the game world; you might come across it in the hands of a fallen Ridden or hidden in secret locations. Once in your possession, the Phoenix 350L becomes your silent, long-range companion, ready to deliver death from a distance.

In Back 4 Blood, where accuracy and discretion are paramount, the Phoenix 350L is the silent sentinel, offering survivors a reliable means of eliminating threats from afar while keeping the chaos at bay.


6) The Vector

Body Image

See the bad-boy in action;

Weapon Intro:

Enter the world of Back 4 Blood, where survival hinges on the tools at your disposal. Among the arsenal of zombie-slaying instruments, the "Vector" stands out as a fast-firing, close-quarters companion, ready to deliver rapid-fire salvation when the Ridden are closing in.

Expert Opinion and Analysis on the Vector:

In the chaotic world of Back 4 Blood, the Vector emerges as a close-quarter savior. It's more than just a gun; it's a relentless hail of bullets, a shield against the oncoming Ridden onslaught. When the horde is at your doorstep, the Vector answers the call with unrelenting firepower.

What Makes the Vector Great:

  • Rapid-Fire Dominance: The Vector is an absolute beast when it comes to delivering rounds downrange. It boasts an astonishing rate of fire that can shred through Ridden like paper. When you need to clear the path in a hurry, the Vector is your best friend.
  • CQC Champion: In the tight corridors and cramped safe rooms of Back 4 Blood, the Vector shines. It's the close-quarters combat (CQC) king, providing survivors with the means to turn the tide when the Ridden get too close for comfort.
  • Ammo Conservation: Despite its rapid fire, the Vector is surprisingly efficient with ammunition. It ensures that survivors don't run out of bullets too quickly when facing a relentless Ridden assault.
  • Reload Speed: In the midst of a firefight, the last thing you want is a sluggish reload. The Vector is quick and efficient in swapping magazines, keeping you in the fight without missing a beat.

How to Get the Vector:

Acquiring the Vector is a matter of exploration and resourcefulness. While venturing through the game world, keep your eyes peeled for this reliable close-quarters companion. You might discover it on fallen Ridden or stashed away in hidden locations. Once in your possession, the Vector becomes your trusty ally, ready to clear a path through the Ridden horde.

In Back 4 Blood, where speed and firepower are the keys to survival, the Vector is the CQC champion, offering survivors the means to deal with threats when they get too close. When the Ridden swarm, the Vector becomes the guardian of the gates, delivering salvation in the form of rapid fire and close-quarters dominance.


5) The Uzi

Body Image

See the bad-boy in action;

Weapon Intro:

Get ready to join the bullet ballet with the Uzi! This little submachine gun is like your VIP ticket to a lead-showering party in the world of Back 4 Blood. When you're in the mood for rapid-fire madness and a symphony of bullets, the Uzi is your ultimate party companion.

Expert Opinion and Analysis:

In a game where speed and getting up close and personal is the key to survival, the Uzi takes the center stage. It's the weapon of choice for those who want to wade into the action and get their hands dirty. It's not just a talker; it's a bullet-spewing, Ridden-shredding action hero.

What Makes the Uzi Great:

  • Bullet Blizzard: When you're itching for a bullet storm, the Uzi is your go-to DJ. It's like a lead rave, and the Ridden are the dancefloor divas.
  • Close-Quarters Carnage: In those moments when the Ridden are right in your face, the Uzi is your trusty partner in crime. It's all about an up-close and personal bullet brawl.
  • Never-Ending Fury: The Uzi doesn't know the meaning of "enough." It keeps spitting out lead with the enthusiasm of a party animal.
  • User-Friendly Fun: No need to be a firearms expert. Just point, shoot, and let the Uzi turn the Ridden into confetti.

How to Get the Uzi:

Grabbing the Uzi is as simple as a high-five in Back 4 Blood. Keep your eyes peeled as you explore the game world, and you're likely to stumble upon one. Ridden often carry them, and cozy safe rooms might be your golden ticket. So, if you're all about bullet chaos and up-close excitement, grab the Uzi and get ready to turn the zombie apocalypse into the ultimate lead-shower party!


4) The RPK (Light Machine Gun)

Body Image

See the bad-boy in action;

Weapon Intro:

Get ready to boogie with the RPK, a light machine gun with a Soviet twist. This bad boy is like your golden ticket to create some chaos and throw a lead-filled party in Back 4 Blood. When you're in the mood to turn the Ridden into Swiss cheese with a Soviet kick, the RPK is your trusty dance partner.

Expert Opinion and Analysis:

In a world swarming with Ridden, the RPK takes center stage. It's the weapon of choice for those who want firepower, reliability, and a pinch of Soviet coolness all in one package. It's not just a gun; it's your ultimate party companion, ready to rock 'n' roll through hordes of Ridden.

What Makes the RPK Great:

  • Lead Storm Generator: When you're itching for a lead hurricane, the RPK is your dance floor commander. It's like a never-ending lead rave, and the Ridden are the life of the party.
  • Reliable Rock Star: In the heat of battle, you need a gun that doesn't flake out. The RPK is your trusty rock star, ready to pump out round after round without missing a beat.
  • Endurance Athlete: The RPK doesn't know when to quit. It's the gun built for the long haul, making it the ultimate choice for those never-ending battles.
  • Soviet Swagger: This gun isn't just about lead; it's got that cool Soviet charisma that sets it apart from the rest.

How to Get the RPK:

Bagging an RPK is as easy as catching a rhythm in Back 4 Blood. As you explore the game world, keep your eyes peeled – you might just stumble upon one. Ridden occasionally carry them, and safe rooms are known to hide these gems. Once you've got an RPK in your hands, you're all set to throw a Soviet-style lead party that'll leave the Ridden grooving to your beat!


3) The Desert Eagle

Body Image

See the bad-boy in action;

Weapon Intro:

Introducing the Desert Eagle, your ultimate apocalypse party trick in Back 4 Blood. This rockstar of a semi-automatic pistol is your trusty companion for those moments when you want precision with a side of fireworks. When you're ready to make every shot an event and leave the Ridden in absolute amazement, the Desert Eagle is your must-have piece.

Expert Opinion and Analysis:

In a world where Ridden roam rampant, the Desert Eagle is your key to becoming a sharpshooting sensation. It's the weapon for those who thrive on accuracy, power, and unleashing pure awesomeness. It's not just a pistol; it's your ticket to stardom, and the headline reads, "One Trigger, One Ridden Down."

What Makes the Desert Eagle Great:

  • One-Shot Spectacle: When you want to turn precision into a showstopper, the Desert Eagle delivers. It's like the Ridden's worst nightmare – one pull of the trigger, and you've got yourself a front-row seat to the Ridden's grand exit.
  • Bullseye Extravaganza: In situations where hitting the mark is the name of the game, the Desert Eagle is your master of ceremonies. It's the secret to those jaw-dropping headshots that have the Ridden scratching their undead heads.
  • Pocket-Size Boom: Don't let its size fool you; this little pistol packs a wallop. It's all about unleashing some serious firepower with each shot, leaving no doubt about who's the real boss.
  • Style Maven: The Desert Eagle isn't just a weapon; it's an icon of coolness. It's got that unique charm that makes it the life of the apocalypse party.

How to Get the Desert Eagle:

Snagging a Desert Eagle is like discovering hidden treasure in Back 4 Blood. Keep your eyes wide open as you explore the game world, and you're bound to stumble upon one. Safe rooms often harbor these gems, and you might even find one in the hands of some lucky Ridden. Once you've got a Desert Eagle in your holster, you're ready to headline the apocalypse's best party, one precision shot at a time!


2) The AK47

Body Image

See the bad-boy in action;

Weapon Intro:

Get ready to rock and roll with the AK-47, the ultimate lead-slinging sensation in Back 4 Blood. This assault rifle is like that friend who never says no to a good time – reliable, versatile, and always up for action. When you want a battle buddy that'll turn every firefight into a wild party, the AK-47 is your go-to weapon.

Expert Opinion and Analysis:

In a world teeming with Ridden, the AK-47 is your life of the party. It's the weapon for those who crave dependable firepower, adaptability, and a whole lot of "let's get this party started" attitude. It's not just a rifle; it's the conductor of an unstoppable lead symphony.

What Makes the AK-47 Great:

  • Lead Extravaganza: When you're in the mood for a lead storm, the AK-47 is your star performer. It's like a rock concert you never want to end, and the Ridden are front-row fans.
  • Party in a Gun: In any situation, the AK-47 steals the spotlight. It's the life of the party, ready to adapt to any tune you play.
  • Endless Energy: The AK-47 doesn't know the word "stop." It keeps the party going, ensuring you're never left in silence.
  • Rock 'n' Roll Toughness: This rifle can take a beating and still ask for an encore. It's your partner-in-crime who knows how to have a good time.

How to Get the AK-47:

Snagging an AK-47 is like discovering a hidden dance floor in Back 4 Blood. Keep your eyes wide open as you explore the game world, and you're bound to stumble upon one. Ridden often carry them, and safe rooms are notorious for hiding these party starters. Once you've got an AK-47 in your hands, you're all set to turn every firefight into an unstoppable lead-slinging symphony that'll have the Ridden dancing to your tune!


1)  AA12 (Shotgun)

Body Image

See the bad-boy in action;

Weapon Intro:

Get ready to meet the life of the Ridden-slaying bash - the AA12, the apocalypse's ultimate party starter in Back 4 Blood. This automatic shotgun is like your VIP pass to pure chaos and turning the undead into confetti. When you're all about making an unforgettable entrance as the ultimate survivor, the AA12 is your go-to weapon.

Expert Opinion and Analysis:

In a world crawling with Ridden, the AA12 is your one-way ticket to being the life of the party. It's the weapon for those who live by the motto "go big or go home." It's not just a shotgun; it's a non-stop firework show of firepower.

What Makes the AA12 Great:

  • Lead Storm Conductor: When you're ready to turn up the volume and create some absolute mayhem, the AA12 is your headliner. It's like a shotgun rock concert, and the Ridden are your rowdy fans.
  • Close-Quarter Carnage: In those tight spots, the AA12 is your confetti cannon. It's all about turning Ridden into a wild, undead party up close and personal.
  • Endless Fiesta: The AA12 doesn't believe in downtime. It's here to keep the party going, ensuring you're never left without a blast.
  • Pure Apocalypse Joy: This shotgun isn't just a weapon; it's the essence of non-stop fun, the very definition of survival with style.

How to Get the AA12:

Snagging an AA12 is like winning the lottery in Back 4 Blood. Keep your eyes wide open as you explore the game world, and you're bound to stumble upon one. Sometimes, the Ridden carry them, and safe rooms are notorious for hiding these party starters. Once you've got the AA12 in your grip, you're armed and ready to bring the thunder, turning the apocalypse into your very own unforgettable bash!


Final Message;

Thank you all for reading and I hope I gave you a great incentive as to what the best weapons are. This way you can hop straight into games and not need to worry about what weapons will work best against what enemies, of course it also comes down to the build you're using, so if you're looking for great deck builds, be sure to check out my other posts, have a great day, and speak soon.

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