[Top 10] The Evil Within Best Weapons and Items

Best Weapons and Items
05 Aug 2023

The Evil Within has a collection of weapons available to the player. Its firepower is impressive, if a little unwieldy until the player upgrades the weapons' stability. The Evil Within is not a game for the faint of heart which means knowing your weapons will help.

In this article we'll examine the top 10 weapons of The Evil Within along with what each excels at and where to find it.


10. Burst Handgun 

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Burst Handgun

Burst Handgun Stats

  •  Damage: Low
  •  Spread: Medium
  •  Rate of Fire: 1.0s delay
  •  Reload: 2.48s
  •  Magazine: 6
  •  Stock: 10

It does quite a bit of damage but really this gun has the player waste more ammo than anything. It's still a good gun, but others are preferred.

The Burst Handgun excels at:

  •  Crowd Control - it can hit multiple targets in quick succession
  •  Precision - careful aim gives precise shots
  •  Staggering - well-placed shots can stagger opponents

How to get it:

Collect all 28 map fragments.

Burst Handgun description and stats:

A burst-capable automatic pistol with a high rate of fire.

Damage: Low

Spread: Medium

Rate of Fire: 1.0s delay

Reload: 2.48s

Magazine: 6

Stock: 10

9. Double-barreled Shotgun

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Double-Barreled Shotgun

Double-barreled Shotgun Stats

  •  Damage: Moderate - High
  •  Spread: Very Low
  •  Rate of Fire: 0.1s delay
  •  Reload: 2.26s
  •  Magazine: 2
  •  Stock: 6

A good gun for dealing with crowds or in tight spaces. Its requirement to be pre-ordered or for the player to own the special edition marks it down a notch for the average player. 

The Double-barreled Shotgun excels at:

  •  Crowd Control - good for keeping crowds at bay
  •  Staggering - this weapon can stagger opponents
  •  Close Range - this weapon does high damage at close range

How to get it: 

It is a reward after Chapter 3 for having pre-ordered the game or owning the special edition.

Double-barreled Shotgun description and stats:

This type is widely used for its light and sturdy construction. Does 150% base damage.

Damage: Moderate - High

Spread: Very Low

Rate of Fire: 0.1s delay

Reload: 2.26s

Magazine: 2

Stock: 6 


8. Sniper Rifle

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Sniper Rifle

Sniper Rifle Stats

  •  Damage: High
  •  Spread: High
  •  Rate of Fire: 1.60s delay
  •  Reload: 3.83s
  •  Magazine: 5
  •  Stock: 5

A sniper rifle will come in handy, especially during certain sequences. It can kill most lesser enemies with a single shot and can stagger some bigger enemies with well-placed shots. 

The Sniper Rifle excels at:

  •  Headshots - this weapon downs an enemy with 1 or 2 well-placed headshots
  •  Staggering - a well-placed shot can stagger opponents
  •  Precision - this gun is good for precision shots

How to get it:

Find this in a silver case after the start of chapter 6 (there will be a discussion about a tower before the player can grab it).

Sniper Rifle description and stats:

A bolt-action with a scope. Old but well cared for.

Damage: High

Spread: High

Rate of Fire: 1.60s delay

Reload: 3.83s

Magazine: 5

Stock: 5


7. Rocket Launcher

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Rocket Launcher

Rocket Launcher Stats

  •  Damage: Very High
  •  Spread: None
  •  Rate of Fire: Very Slow
  •  Reload: 1.67s
  •  Magazine: 1
  •  Stock: 15

Ah the rocket launcher. While satisfying to use, it pins Sebastian in place and is slow. Therefore, it gets mentioned early. Especially since you cannot find more ammo for it. The ammo you have is all you will get. Use wisely.

The Rocket Launcher excels at:

  •  High Damage - this weapon does a lot of damage
  •  Crowd Control - this weapon can blow enemies backwards
  •  Staggering - this weapon can stagger opponents with splash damage

How to get it:

Complete the game on any difficulty

Rocket Launcher description and stats:

An anti-tank rocket launcher. Large and heavy, restricting movement. 

Damage: Very High

Spread: None

Rate of Fire: Very Slow

Reload: 1.67s

Magazine: 1

Stock: 15


6. Agony Crossbow

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Agony Crossbow

Agony Crossbow Stats

  •  Damage: (depends on bolt type)
  •  Spread: (depends on charge time)
  •  Rate of Fire: 1.0s delay
  •  Reload: 1.52s
  •  Magazine: 1
  •  Stock: 2 (per bolt type)

The Agony Crossbow is probably the most versatile weapon in the game, but it is slow to fire. Its bolt types allow for different solutions to a variety of scenarios. 

The Agony Crossbow excels at:

  •  Versatile - this weapon is useful in many situations
  •  Crowd Control - this weapon can affect multiple enemies
  •  Staggering - certain bolts can stagger enemies including bosses

How to get it:

Chapter 3 - in the right house's dining room

Chapter 6 - leave the Safe Haven at the beginning of the chapter and climb a box to go through a hole. The crossbow is in a chest.

Agony Crossbow description and stats:

A collapsible crossbow with a strong bowstring. Capable of launching heavy projectiles.

Damage: (depends on bolt type)

Spread: (depends on charge time)

Rate of Fire: 1.0s delay

Reload: 1.52s

Magazine: 1

Stock: 2 (per bolt type)


5. Revolver

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Revolver Stats

  •  Damage: Low
  •  Spread: Medium
  •  Rate of Fire: 1.0s delay
  •  Reload: 2.48s
  •  Magazine: 6
  •  Stock: 10

The revolver is the first weapon that Sebastian will pick up and is impossible to miss. It will probably be used the most, and also has the most ammo found.

The Revolver excels at:

  •  Headshots - this weapon downs an enemy with 2 or 3 well placed headshots
  •  Staggering - this weapon can stagger opponents (with well-placed shots)
  •  Fast Fire Rate and Reload - this weapon has quick fire rate and reload

How to get it:

The protagonist will pick it up automatically. Impossible to miss.

Revolver description and stats:

An old-fashioned police revolver. Most officers have swapped to a different model but a few cling to the old way.

Damage: Low

Spread: Medium

Rate of Fire: 1.0s delay

Reload: 2.48s

Magazine: 6

Stock: 10


4. Shotgun

Body Image

Shotgun Stats

  •  Damage: Moderate - High
  •  Spread: Low
  •  Rate of Fire: 1.0s delay
  •  Reload: 0.68s
  •  Magazine: 4
  •  Stock: 4

The shotgun is great against crowds and can be picked up in-game unlike the pre-order/special edition variant. It works great in close quarters.

The Shotgun excels at:

  •  Crowd Control - this weapon can blow enemies backwards
  •  Staggering - this weapon can stagger opponents
  •  Close Range - this weapon deals massive damage at close range

How to get it:

Chapter 3 - in a metal case on the second floor of the right house. 

Shotgun description and stats:

It sends pellets over a short but wide area.

Damage: Moderate - High

Spread: Low

Rate of Fire: 1.0s delay

Reload: 0.68s

Magazine: 4

Stock: 4


3. High Penetration Sniper Rifle

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High Penetration Sniper Rifle

High Penetration Sniper Rifle Stats

  •  Damage: High
  •  Spread: High
  •  Rate of Fire: 1.60s delay
  •  Reload: 3.83s
  •  Magazine: 5
  •  Stock: 5

This rifle has the same stats as the normal sniper rifle but it can pierce through 3 enemies at once. That makes it invaluable against the lesser enemies when they pile up against the protagonist. It comes in handy against bosses too.

The High Penetration Sniper Rifle excels at:

  •  Headshots - this weapon can down an enemy with 1 or 2 well-placed shots
  •  Piercing - this weapon can pierce multiple enemies with a single shot
  •  Staggering - a well-placed shot can stagger opponents

How to get it:

Collect all 28 map fragments.

High Penetration Sniper Rifle description and stats:

A sniper with upgrades giving it better penetrating power.

Damage: High

Spread: High

Rate of Fire: 1.60s delay

Reload: 3.83s

Magazine: 5

Stock: 5


2. Machine Gun

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Machine Gun

Machine Gun Stats

  •  Damage: Moderate
  •  Spread: Moderate
  •  Rate of Fire: Very Fast
  •  Reload: 1.24s
  •  Magazine: 40
  •  Stock: 200

Capable of heavy DPS (damage per second), the machine gun helps wipe out crowds and deliver a lot of damage in a short time.  It is easy to burn through ammo so use wisely. .

The Machine Gun excels at:

  •  DPS - this weapon does decent damage per second
  •  Crowd Control - this weapon can injure multiple enemies
  •  Staggering - this weapon can stagger opponents

How to get it:

Complete the game on any difficulty

Machine Gun description and stats:

A light machine gun that uses standard rifle ammunition.

Damage: Moderate

Spread: Moderate

Rate of Fire: Very Fast

Reload: 1.24s

Magazine: 40

Stock: 200


1. Magnum

Body Image

Magnum Stats

  •  Damage: Very High
  •  Spread: Moderate
  •  Rate of Fire: 1.0s delay
  •  Reload: 2.48s
  •  Magazine: 6
  •  Stock: 6

Thanks to its damage, the magnum takes #1. The weapon can even do decent damage to bosses. Most lesser enemies die with one or two shots from the magnum. Useful in various scenarios, it packs a punch.

The Magnum excels at:

  •  Heavy Hitter - this weapon causes massive damage
  •  Headshots - this weapon can down lesser enemies in one or two shots
  •  Staggering - this weapon can stagger opponents

How to get it:

Chapter 11 - in a building at the beginning of the chapter

Chapter 11 - in a briefcase during the encounter with Ruvik's doppelgangers.

Magnum description and stats:

A custom-made, high-caliber revolver. Fires large-bore cartridges.

Damage: Very High

Spread: Moderate

Rate of Fire: 1.0s delay

Reload: 2.48s

Magazine: 6

Stock: 6




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