The queen is in TFT, and Irelia is a great pick in the early game as a Tier 1 champion, as if she is placed with Challenger or Ionia, she will be a great pick.
Irelia can deal tonnes of damage yet sustain a lot as she enters a defensive form, gaining tonnes of armour and magic resistance.
In this article, we will be discussing the best combos for Irelia in TFT, her best items, and how to make sure you take out your enemies with her blades.
I admire your spirit. Your attitude, not so much.
Irelia is a great pick, sharing the challenger trait, which grants her additional attack speed, and the Ionia trait, which grants her a bonus if enlightened.
Irelia’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you win your games by placing her on your team.
Best Irelia builds in TFT Set 9
Irelia’s stats:
Cost: 1 Gold
Health: 700 / 1260 / 2268
Mana: 40 / 80
Armor: 40
MR: 40
Ability Power: 100
DPS: 33 / 59 / 105
Damage: 50 / 90 / 162
Atk Spd: 0.65
Crit Rate: 25%
Range: 1
Irelia’s traits:
1. Ionia
Each Ionian has a unique bonus within their Ability.
Every 4 seconds, a number of Ionians are enlightened to their spirit form, gaining 20 Mana and doubling stat bonuses for 4 seconds.
3 100% Ionian bonus, 1 enlightened
6 200% Ionian bonus, 2 enlightened
9 325% Ionian bonus, 3 enlightened
2. Challenger
Challengers gain bonus Attack Speed.
When their target dies, Challengers dash to a new target and increase their Attack Speed bonus by 50% for 2.5 seconds.
2 30% Attack Speed
4 60% Attack Speed
6 95% Attack Speed
8 140% Attack Speed
Irelia’s ability
Defiant Dance
Enter a defensive stance and gain Shield that rapidly decays over 3 seconds. When it expires, deal magic damage + 30% of the damage absorbed to enemies around and in front of Irelia.
Ionia Bonus: +40 Armor and Magic Resist
Shield: 350% / 400% / 450%
Damage: 70% / 100% / 150%
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Irelia’s best items
1. Warmog’s Armor
Grants 500 bonus health.
2. Sunfire Cape
Grant 100 bonus Health. Every 2 seconds, an enemy within 2 hexes is 10% Burned and 33% Wounded for 10 seconds.
3. Gargoyle Stoneplate
Grant 15 Armor and 15 Magic Resist for each enemy targeting the holder.
Best comps for Irelia
6 Challenger
3 Ionia
2 Shadow Isles
As most of the comp only costs four gold, this is a quick reroll to level eight with good economics. However, make sure Kalista reaches level three first.
Kalista serves as the primary damage dealer in this composition, while the challenger trait serves as the primary characteristic.
Best setup for this comp:
1. Kalista, who possesses both the challenger and shadow isles attributes and so has the ability to eliminate adversaries, is the key damage producer in this composition.
2. Gwen is a fantastic front line who will be taking a lot of damage and dealing much more.
3. Due to the fact that she also possesses the challenger feature, which considerably accelerates her attack speed, Kai'Sa is the second source of damage.
4. Samira will upgrade your characteristic for challenger.
5. Yasuo has the Ionia and challenger attributes, which would improve his attack speed and give him a better chance of being enlightened with a potent ability. This makes him a fantastic source of damage and an essential selection.
6. Shen has the Ionia trait and is a fantastic frontline tank.
7. Warwick possesses the challenger attribute and fears opponents.
8. Irelia is a must for this competition because she will be your third Ionian and sixth Challenger member.
6 Ionia
1 Technogenius
4 Challenger
2 Juggernaut
2 Invoker
Since the focus of this competition is on high-tier champions and Ionia champions, you should ensure that your high-tier champions reach level 2 at the very least and the lower levels reach level 3 by rolling quickly to level 8 with good economics.
Optimal group for this build:
1. Yasuo, who possesses both the Ionia and Challenger traits, will be one of the primary damage dealers on the front lines.
2. Kai'Sa, who also possesses the challenger characteristic, is the second damage-dealer.
3. Heimerdigner is a great choice for this squad since he can summon his turret and stun opponents, both of which are very valuable additions.
4. Shen is an excellent choice for the front lines since, being an Ionia member, he is a superb tank who can take a lot of damage.
5. Irelia, who can do decent damage as a Challenger and withstand a lot of damage using her talent, is a strong early game choice alongside Sett.
6. As previously indicated, Sett is a fantastic choice because he shares both the Ionia and the Juggernaut, especially if you have his augment.
7. Warwick will work well with your squad because he possesses both Challenger and Juggernaut qualities.
8. Karma shares the Ionia trait, does a tonne of damage from the backlines, and shares the Invoker trait, which increases the team's mana.
4 Challenger
3 Ionia
4 Shadow Isles
2 Invoker
2 Bastion
As most of the comp only costs four gold, this is a quick reroll to level eight with good economics. However, make sure Kalista reaches level three first.
Kalista serves as the primary damage dealer in this composition, while the challenger trait serves as the primary characteristic.
Best setup for this comp:
1. Kalista, who possesses both the challenger and shadow isles attributes and so has the ability to eliminate adversaries, is the key damage producer in this composition.
2. Gwen is a fantastic front line who will be taking a lot of damage and dealing much more.
3. Due to the fact that she also possesses the challenger feature, which considerably accelerates her attack speed, Kai'Sa is the second source of damage.
4. Maokai has chosen well to add an extra one to the shadow isles and the bastion.
5. Yasuo has the Ionia and challenger attributes, which would improve his attack speed and give him a better chance of being enlightened with a potent ability. This makes him a fantastic source of damage and an essential selection.
6. Shen shares the Ionia trait, bastion trait, and invoker trait and is a fantastic tank in the forefront.
7. Ryze is a wonderful choice since he will increase your invoker trait and his ability alters according on the town you first selected.
8. Irelia is a must for this competition because she will be your third member of Ionia and fourth challenger.
Hello, I'm Ahmed Fawzy, and I'm passionate about games and writing articles, so I'm getting the best of both worlds writing about the best and the worst that could be found in games.