So What Is the Best Way to Level Up a Hero?
The level gap has been extended all the way up to 1,000. Man, that’s a big number. I don’t think I will ever catch up.
But honestly, you don’t have to. It’s only reasonable to increase the experience of heroes that you ACTUALLY play with. If you are an Iden main (like me) and can casually play Han or Anakin, WHAT’S THE POINT in leveling up Lando Calrissian?
I have a few friends whose only goal is to see ‘MAX’ written on their screen as they murder that last bogey and claim the last level. I’ll repeat. WHAT’S THE POINT?
There is no reward. You can not open new Star Cards or update old ones to master your abilities. Nothing. So, frankly, I don’t understand!
People, who have just or recently joined the game, and are trying to get hold of things? THOSE, I understand. With the game almost three years old, there are plenty of bullies looking around for easy prey.
You don’t wanna die seconds after you spent your hard-earned 4,000 points? Then don’t get into Galactic Assault or Capital Supremacy just yet.
Play Heroes vs. Villains Instead
In my short career as a Battlefront 2 player, there was no faster way to claim the Xps for Force-users and Not than HvV. I had nights where I earned up to 40k points per game. (esp on Double or Triple Xp days)
A popular mode in the game, it focuses solely on skirmishes between the good and bad guys of a vast Star Wars universe.
Han Solo vs. Boba Fett, Grievous vs. Obi-Wan, and Kylo vs. Rey. Arch-enemies and just enemies are there to settle old scores. Who shall prevail? Totally depends on you. But history shall be changed forever!
Even inside the BEST way, there are BETTER ways to do it. Tips. Absolute perfection is impossible after all. We can only strive towards it, while knowing that we shall never ever reach it.
3. Stick with your teammates
That is exceptionally true when playing Heroes vs. Villains. Lone wolves don’t survive long. In Capital Supremacy or Galactic Assault, you might be tempted to go off on your own and get the points. It doesn’t work here. And why even try!
If you are on your own, then you are far less likely to get assists. FYI: ASSISTS COUNT TOO. Force choke Rey with Vader and let Iden pick her off with laser fire and concussion blasts. BE A TEAM!
It’s much more fun than just constantly engaging in 1v1 combat. BORING!
So, don’t try to be a lone wolf. You’ll just be ambushed and murdered. And you’ll have to wait painful seconds for your hero to be back in action.
2. Be in the midst of action
When I first tried to play Heroes and Villains, I acted cautiously. Stayed out of fights. Waited for the perfect opportunity. Then, much later, I learned that there are no PERFECT opportunities!
But your presence could very well make it RIGHT.
If you don’t engage in fights, where are the Experience Points going to come from? Out of thin air? Sorry, dear, it is no fantasy game. Here, you have to work for your meal.
If you are afraid of dying, don’t be. Deal as much damage as you can. Fail as many times as you can. Ancient proverb has put it better than I ever could: “if you haven’t succeeded, it means you haven’t FAILED ENOUGH.”
A tip inside a tip: try taking out a bogey right before he kills you. You get points and also a nice-looking animation. Two powerful heroes looking into the void in despair.
1. Level up your MAIN first
Remember my friends who try to level all of the heroes? I HATE THEM! Please don’t tell them I said that. How can you be perfect with ALL of them?
An ancient proverb once again put it right: “Being great at everything means being great at NOTHING.”
Especially when you are starting out, choose someone who matches your play style. You must have played other games before. Call of duty? World of Warcraft?
The Villain could either be a Force-wielder or a Blaster-monger. Choices are many and more. Pick SOMEONE. (I’ll recommend choosing Papa Palpatine for newcomers, since his attacks don’t have to be aimed.)
Once you get good with your favorite, then you can already shift your attention to others. For you will know that there’s a GREAT back-up in case you need to climb back up to the first place.
More tips in this video!
That seems to be the end, folks. Thank you so much for reading this article and checking out the BEST WAY TO LEVEL UP HEROES. If you do not agree with my choice, feel free to leave yours in the comments. I will be more than happy to look at it.
To sum up the article, don’t try to outsmart the system. We have plenty of those running around. Getting shot on first sight.
Stick with your teammates. Play your Main. Don’t be afraid of dying on the battlefield.
And most importantly, enjoy playing Heroes and Villains.
May the force be with you!
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