Stellaris Best Megastructures: What to Build First

Best Stellaris Megastructures
17 Apr 2020

Control, Command, or Create the galaxy you desire with these Mega Structures.

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Lead the galaxy with technological wonders beyond imagination.

Is your galactic empire beginning to dominate the entire galaxy? Well then it is time to start bending the galaxy into the shape you want with megastructures. With this list pick the megastructures that benefit your playstyle the most. Then, when the stage is set for your ascension to galactic superiority, build them all.


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Time is always of the essence.

Stellaris - Galactic Doorstep Origin (Losers use Hyperlanes, Winners build Gateways)

One of the two earliest megastructures you can build, these gateways do exactly as they imply. They open the gate to the galaxy for you. These bad boys will allow you to streamline both the movement of your fleets rapidly across your galaxy. But, also will expedite your trade routes as well. And if you manage to be the ones that open the L-Cluster, that’s a significant bonus as well.

Benefits (Fully Completed)

  • Travel Capabilities.
  • Trade network Capabilities.

Total Cost

  • Phase 1: 3 Years, 2500 Alloys and 100 Influence.
  • Phase 2: 5 Years, 6000 Energy and 2500 Alloys


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Space stations are such an ancient idea.

Stellaris 2.3 - Habitats & Ringworlds District Overview (They're Actually Good Now)

Are your borders starting to press up against your galactic neighbors? Are all the planets under your control filling up with pops faster than expected. Look no further than the Habitat megastructure. This small sized structure will give you a small amount of space, many times over, to prevent your society from becoming stunted.

Benefits (Fully Completed)

  • A small Planet.

Total Cost

  • Phase 1: 5 Years, 3000 Alloys and 200 Influence

Dyson Sphere

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Capture the entire potential energy of a star.

Stellaris 2.4 I Guide I Dyson Sphere and Matter Decompressor

Is your economy running a deficit? Are your Trade routes not bringing in enough money? Then build the megastructure that puts other megastructures to shame. The Dyson Sphere will envelope an entire start, turning the surrounding planets to ice and making your pocketbook swell.

Benefits (Fully Completed)

  • Energy: +4000

Total Cost

  • Phase 1: 5 Years, -5 Energy, 300 Influence and 5000 Alloys.
  • Phase (2-6): 10 Years and 10000 Alloys. 

Matter Decompressor

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Hopefully, it is a bottomless pit.

Stellaris - MegaCorp MegaStructure Mechanics

Can’t find any more asteroids to harvest? No more plants to build and extract ore from? The Matter Decompressor will drudge up minerals from the bottomless pit that is a black hole. Keep your economy running and your foundries humming.

Benefits (Fully Completed)

  • Minerals: +2000

Total Cost

  • Phase 1: 5 Years, -5 Energy, 5000 Alloys and 300 Influence.
  • Phase 2: 10 Years, -25 Energy and 12500 Alloys.
  • Phase 3: 10 Years, -50 Energy and 12500 Alloys.
  • Phase 4: 10 Years, -75 Energy and 12500 Alloys.
  • Phase 5: 10 Years, -100 Energy and 12500 Alloys.

Ring World

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Shame the Gods with your perfectly designed worlds.

Stellaris 2.3 - Habitats & Ringworlds District Overview (They're Actually Good Now)

Become an artist on a galactic canvas. With Ring worlds, strip a system of its’ natural cosmic bodies and combine them into your desired image. The perfection of a ring world can be seen by all when you compare the capacity of what you made against what was provided.

Benefits (Fully Completed)

  • 4 Large Planets.

Total Cost

  • Phase 1: 5 Years, -5 Energy, 5000 Alloys and 300 Influence.
  • Phase 2: 13.3 Years and 10000 Alloys.
  • Phase (3-6): 10 Years and 10000 Alloys. 

Mega Shipyard

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The galaxy will never have seen such a massive fleet.

Stellaris - The Juggernaut (Also the Mega Shipyard) 

An industrial Icon such as yourself should not be scrambling to build and bring together a fleet from all corners of your galaxy. With the Mega Shipyard not only can you build the biggest and baddest of them all, the juggernaut. Your entire empire will benefit from the mass production blueprints inspired by this leviathan of production

Benefits (Fully Completed)

  • +20 Shipyard Capacity 
  • +100% Ship Build speed Empire wide.
  • Titan, Colossus and Juggernaut construction capable.

Total Cost

  • Phase 1: 5 Years, -5 Energy and 3000 Alloys.
  • Phase 2: 5 Years, -10 Energy and 10000 Alloys.
  • Phase 3: 5 Years, -20 Energy and 10000 Alloys.
  • Phase 4: 5 Years, -40 Energy and 10000 Alloys.

Science Nexus

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Knowledge has always been the greatest power.

Stellaris - Megastructures Overview (Dysonspheres, Ringworlds, Science Nexus, Sentry Hub)

Being the smart person in the galaxy can be lonely sometimes. With the Science Nexus mega structure built you can bring all those that are slightly less intelligent then you together. With your help they will be able to put to shame the technological marvels of the past and dumb found the generations of the future.

Benefits (Fully Completed)

  • Research: +300
  • Research Speed: +15%

Total Cost

  • Phase 1: 5 Years, -25 Energy, 5000 Alloys and 300 Influence.
  • Phase 2: 10 Years, -50 Energy and 15000 Alloys.
  • Phase 3: 10 Years, -75 Energy and 15000 Alloys.
  • Phase 4: 10 Years, -100 Energy and 15000 Alloys.

Strategic Coordination Center

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I love it when a plan comes together.

Stellaris - MegaCorp MegaStructure Mechanics

In your attempts to crush the lesser beings of the galaxy are you coming up a starbase short? Are your fleets arriving too late to catch the fleeing gorilla fleets? Building the mega structure that is the Strategic Coordination Center will resolve that. Providing an empire wide bonus, you will finally be able to eliminate those Rebel scum.

Benefits (Fully Completed)

  • Naval Capacity: +150
  • Starbase Capacity: +6
  • Defense Platforms: +12
  • Sublight Speed: +15%

Total Cost

  • Phase 1: 5 Years, -5 Energy, 5000 Alloys and 300 Influence.
  • Phase 2: 10 Years, -25 Energy and 15000 Alloys.
  • Phase 2: 10 Years, -50 Energy and 15000 Alloys.
  • Phase 2: 10 Years, -75 Energy and 15000 Alloys.

Sentry Array

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Even the vast darkness of space won't hide you.

Stellaris - Megastructures Overview (Dysonspheres, Ringworlds, Science Nexus, Sentry Hub)

Knowledge is power, is an ancient phrase that still rings true in the galactic age. With the Sentry array constructed you will be able to know the precise movements of all fleets in the galaxy. Slip gorilla forces behind enemy lines or move to head off an encroaching enemy fleet for your ally. None can hide from the sight of the Sentry.

Benefits (Fully Completed)

  • Sight of the entire galactic map.

Total Cost

  • Phase 1: 5 Years, -20 Energy, 5000 Alloys and 300 Influence.
  • Phase 2: 5 Years, -40 Energy and 10000 Alloys.
  • Phase 3: 5 Years, -60 Energy and 10000 Alloys.
  • Phase 4: 5 Years, -80 Energy and 10000 Alloys.
  • Phase 5: 5 Years, -100 Energy and 10000 Alloys.

Mega Art Installation

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Build it and they will come.

Stellaris - MegaCorp MegaStructure Mechanics

So, you're happy sitting idle within the great borders of your galactic empire? But you say your people are not so happy to remain idle? Give them true entertainment deserving of you own people. The ancient Greeks used the Colosseum to entertain and control the masses. You can use the Mega Art Installation to the same effect.

Benefits (Fully Completed)

  • Unity: +400
  • Amenities: +20%

Total Cost

  • Phase 1: 5 Years, -20 Energy, 5000 Alloys and 300 Influence.
  • Phase 2: 10 Years, -10 Energy and 15000 Alloys.
  • Phase 3: 10 Years, -20 Energy and 15000 Alloys.
  • Phase 4: 10 Years, -30 Energy and 15000 Alloys.
  • Phase 5: 10 Years, -30 Energy and 100 Minor Artifacts.

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