A lot of people dream of inheriting a bit of property to call your own. In Stardew Valley you quit your corporate job to live on your aging grandfather’s farm in a small town. Idyllic right? Not quite, as when you arrive the farm is a mess. It takes a lot of work and money to turn the dream into a reality. One way to get money? Crops.
These are the plants that you can buy seeds for, till the earth, plant and water to receive fruits and vegetables. As a beginner you start out with the hardy root vegetable, parsnips. These veggies only take four days of game time to produce. This makes them essential to learning the Stardew Valley economy.
Crops are also worth more than just money. Like any small town the townsfolk are a tad suspicious of the newcomer. But offer them a parsnip or their favorite veg and they might just warm up to you. Especially if you take the time to grow something they specifically need. You are also able to make dishes with the crops you grow making it beneficial not only for relationships but your own in game health. Here are the five best crops for each season of the game.
Spring has sprung
Spring is the season of renewal, and Stardew Valley shows her true colors. You have great festivals like the Egg festival and Flower Dance, careful in your first year as you most likely get rejected by anyone you try to dance with. It’s ok, we’ve all been there. The trees bloom with flowers and the wind carries them across your screen like an anime love scene. There are so many forageables like leeks and horseradish. Besides that though there are great crops that grow in the spring that will help you on your farming journey.
Planting crops for profit can be a bit of a strategy game if that’s your vibe, some seeds cost a lot but produce a lot at a high price. Some seeds are cheap but don’t sell for very much. Some plants are only available at certain events or areas of the game. You also want to be aware of the kinds of crops the people you are trying to get to know want. It is also important to keep in mind that there are different buffs such as fertilizer and quality of crops that can affect the price. For the sake of this argument we are just looking at base price. With all of these factors in mind here are the best five crops and why:
Best Crop for Spring: Strawberries
This is kind of a sleeper crop because the seeds are a little expensive at 100 g and you can only buy them at the Egg Festival. This means that you are able to reap the benefits in your second spring. But if you have the patience it will pay off and this is why:
- Each Strawberry sells for 120 g
- Takes 8 days to originally grow, but only 4 to regrow
- Harvest is only one Strawberry, but can be harvested 5 times if planted on the first day of Spring
- Maru and Demetrius both love Strawberries and it is liked by most characters.
2nd Best Crop for Spring: Cauliflower
Cauliflower is the second best based solely on its selling price. It takes twelve days to grow so it is a bit long, and is a one time harvest, but it will boost your profits. The seeds are a little cheaper than strawberries coming at 80 g. Here are the reasons you should plant it:
- Maru loves it.
- It sells for 175 g
- You can make Cheese Cauliflower with it
- Cheese Cauliflower sells for 300 g
3rd Best Spring Crop: Green Beans
Green beans are a spring classic. Anyone who had a family who gardened has eaten green beans off the vine. In Stardew they are a nifty little crop that is beneficial for many reasons:
- Takes ten days to grow, but only three to regrow
- You can sell each bean for 40 g
- Starters cost 60 gp but you can harvest it 6 times
- You can make Green Bean Hot Pot
4th Best Spring Crop: Garlic
If you aren’t a garlic girl I don’t want to hear it (I’m looking at you Evelyn and Pierre). Garlic is king in real life and in Stardew. This is my hill. Garlic is a crop that is on the cheaper side, seeds only costing 40 g. Here are the other reasons you will want to frolic through fields of garlic:
- Garlic only takes 4 days to grow
- You sell it for 60 g
- It is a required ingredient in fancy dishes such as Escargot and Fiddlehead Risotto
- You can sell these dishes at 125 g and 350 g respectively
5th Best Spring Crop: Potato
Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew. Samwise was spitting some wisdom on that day. Potatoes are a great crop to plant in Spring. While not a heavy hitter like strawberries, it is a staple crop that will provide a good steady profit. Beyond Sam’s advice this is why you should plant them:
- Seeds cost 50 g
- Grow time is six days
- You can sell a potato for 80 g
- You can make Hashbrowns with them and sell it for 120 g
Isn't there a song that starts with "Summertime"
Who doesn’t love summer? The long hot days, the feeling of freedom and the absolute abundance of fresh produce? Stardew Valley summer is here to provide these vibes and more. Summer in Pelican Town includes an ice cream stand and festivals like the Luau and Dance of the Moonlight Jellies. There are also a lot of birthdays in the summer including Sam and Alex. Butterflies float across your screen and foraging feels endless.
As the new farmer, summer is the time to really get into the swing of farming. You had all spring to learn and kill crops. But the summer there is no time to waste as it is the season that is most profitable for a farmer such as yourself. The time to dilly and dally has passed. Here are five best crops for summer:
Best Crop for Summer: Blueberry
This fruit plant might just be the best basic crop in the game. You can pick up seeds at Pierre’s or Joja (if you're a monster) for around 80 g. It is a game changer. It originally takes thirteen days to grow which feels longer than it is. But once they are there? A cash bush awaits. These are the reasons to invest in blueberries:
- Regrows in four days
- You can sell each berry for 50 g
- Each harvest produces three berries
- You can make Fruit Salad and Blueberry Tart
2nd Best Crop for Summer: Red Cabbage
In Stardew Valley cabbage is king. Crisp coleslaw and slightly bitter salads are staples of summer. The crop itself is extremely lucrative as a cash crop. Why you should buy some cabbage:
- You can buy seeds for 100 g
- You can sell the crop for 260 g
- It grows in 9 days
- You can make Coleslaw, Fish Taco, and Red Plate with it.
3rd Best Crop for Summer: Melon
Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew… the types of summer sweetness are endless. In Stardew you can grow one general variety, but it is still worth the wait and price. The one downside is that it takes 12 days to grow. Here is why you should plant the iconic summer fruit:
- You can buy the seeds for 80 g
- You can sell the melons for 250 g
- You can make Fruit Salad and Pink Cake
- Penny loves the fruit
4th Best Crop for Summer: Hops
The best part of summer is drinking beer with your friends on a patio. Ipa’s and man buns excluded. Therefore hops is a fantastic crop to grow in Stardew Valley. Here’s why you should brew your own beer:
- The seeds cost 60 g
- The plant takes 11 days to grow and 1 day to regrow
- You can sell hops for 25 g
- You can use it to make Pale Ale and that sells for 300 g
5th Best Crop for Summer: Hot Pepper
Spicy food is the best and that’s an uncontested truth. On top of everything, peppers make the sun shine brighter. In Stardew they are a crop that you should not underestimate. The reason why you should make hot sauce are as follows:
- Seeds cost 40 g
- Vegetables sell for 40g
- Grows in 5 days and regrows in 3
- You can make Pepper Poppers, Tropical Curry and Spicy Eel with them
It's fall y'all
Are you sick of Pumpkin Spice lattes? Fear not as they do not exist in Stardew Valley. The rest of fall is pumpkins and autumn leaves. Two festivals take place in fall in Stardew Valley, the Stardew Valley Fair and Spirit’s Eve. Everybody will love you if you win the golden pumpkin. Fall is actually not a bad time for crops as well, with even some crops surviving from summer.
Best Crop for Fall: Cranberries
What is Thanksgiving without cranberry sauce? It’s Christmas without the tree. If you don’t celebrate either then imagine an integral part of any tradition and then rip it away. While there is no Thanksgiving in Stardew, cranberries are a crop worthy of your attention and time. Here’s why:
- Seeds cost 240 g
- You sell cranberries for 75 g a piece
- Each harvest offers 2 cranberries
- It grows in 7 days and regrows in 5
2nd Best Crop for Fall: Pumpkin
Pumpkin is the quintessential fall crop. Everything you can do with pumpkins screams fall, such as pumpkin pie and jack-o-lanterns. Such is the case for fall in Stardew Valley. It does take 13 days to harvest but is well worth the wait and here is why:
- Seeds cost 100 g
- Krobus, Abigail and Willy love pumpkins
- You can sell a pumpkin for 320 g
- Pumpkins are needed for Pumpkin Pie, Autumn’s Bounty and Pumpkin Soup
3rd Best Crop for Fall: Artichoke
If you’ve never had an artichoke I am deeply sorry. Though they may look prickly, the inside is soft and pairs wonderfully with butter. As a crop it is fun to grow but also extremely worthwhile. Here’s why:
- Seeds cost 30 g
- It takes 8 days to grow
- The vegetable sells for 160 g
- It is needed to make the Super Meal and Artichoke Dip
4th Best Crop for Fall: Grape
I think we all know that grapes are delicious, and what do grapes make? Wine. Where would our society be without wine moms? So here’s to them, the reasons why you grow and sell grapes in Stardew Valley:
- Seeds are 60 g
- Grows in 10 days regrows in 3
- Sell for 80 g
- It is loved by Vincent
5th Best Crop for Fall: Broccoli
Eggplant is a plant that is hated by kids and adults alike.Despite the vitriol,it is a wonderful vegetable. Dishes such as ratatouille include the vegetable. It is a lucrative crop that can boost your winter savings.
- Seeds cause 20 g
- 5 days to grow 5 days to regrow
- Sell the plant for 60 g
- Make Eggplant Parmesan and Survival Burger with it
Don't forget a coat
Winter is a season that only particular people like. The snow and cold are for the brave. But it is beautiful and in Stardew you can enjoy the snow without the cold. There are festivals such as the Festival of Ice and Feast of the Winter Star to enjoy. It is the perfect season to hone in on which bachelor is gonna be your partner. Unfortunately in Stardew no crops grow in this season, unless you have a greenhouse, besides Winter Seeds which provides forageables so the five best winter forageables are as follows:
Best Forage for Winter: Crystal Fruit
Crystal Fruit is an icy berry that can be found throughout Stardew Valley in the winter. It is three light blue berries held together with leaves. Townsfolk will occasionally request it on the Help Wanted board. Here is why it is a valuable fruit to find:
- Can be grown with Winter Seeds and used to craft Winter Seeds
- Sells for 150 g
- Most people in Pelican Town like the berry
- You can make it into wine or jelly which sells for 450 g and 350 g respectively
2nd Best Forage for Winter: Snow Yam
Yams are a hearty tuber that can clearly survive any weather. This particular variety is native to Stardew Valley. It is a white tuber with green leaves and can be found by tilling the soil throughout Stardew. Here is why digging around like a crazy person may benefit you:
- Sells for 100 g
- Can be used to make Winter Seeds
- Needed for a bundle in the Craft Room for the Community Center
- Can be used to make a light blue striped tee with Emily
3rd Best Forage for Winter: Holly
An iconic winter plant as it decks the halls, this plant is also a valuable forageable. It has bright red berries and vibrant leaves that make it stick out from the snow. Be careful though eating these berries have no benefit other than poison. Here’s why you should pick it anyway:
- Sells for 80 g
- It is liked by Harvey, Leah and Linus
- It can be used to make a Fancy Red Blouse at Emily’s
- Don’t eat it
4th Best Forage for Winter: Winter Root
Winter is the season for carbs. Starchy foods are what get us through. This includes the Winter Root which is an orange-brown color and has a curled root. In Stardew you can find this by tilling the soil much the same as the Snow Yam. Here is why you should practice tilling in the winter:
- Sells for 70 g
- Needed for the Roots Platter recipe
- Can be used to make Winter Seeds
- Needed for the Winter Foraging bundle
5th Best Forage for Winter: Crocus
The only flower amongst this bunch, the crocus really stands out. Dark purple petals and green leaves make this a bright spot of color amongst the white of winter. Here’s why you should go flower hunting in winter:
- Sells for 60 g
- Needed to make Winter Seeds
- Sandy from the Oasis loves this flower
- Can be used to make a purple shirt at Emily’s and Haley’s home