Smash Ultimate Best Spirits for Each Character

best spirits smash ultimate
30 Mar 2022

Smash has a lot of characters, each one of them being very unique, this means that we need to look at each fighter individually assess their weaknesses and strengths for us to know what spirits work best for each one. But don't worry, we did this for you so you can go straight to the battle!

Let´s begin!

1. Mario

  • The Boss
  • Queen Elincia
  • Chun-Li     

2. Donkey Kong

  • Ho-oh
  • Sothis
  • The Boss

3. Link

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Spirit Name
  • Zero   

4. Samus/Dark Samus

  • Dry Bowser
  • Cutie J
  • Boom Boom & Pom Pom

5. Yoshi

  • Cutie J
  • Black Knight
  • The Boss

6. Kirby

  • Lyn (Blade Lord)
  • Omega Ridley
  • Akuma

7. Fox

  • Akuma
  • Lyn (Blade Lord)
  • Chun-Li

8. Pikachu

  • Dr. Eggman
  • Queen Elincia
  • Omega Ridley     

9. Luigi

  • Cutie J
  • The Boss
  • Fury Bowser

10. Ness

  • Deoxys (Normal Forme)
  • Lyn (Blade Lord)
  • The Boss     

11. Captain Falcon

  • Dry Bowser
  • Impact Run
  • Akuma

12. Jigglypuff

  • Cutie J
  • Halberd     
  • Regigigas

13. Peach/Daisy

  • Akuma
  • Queen Elincia
  • Black Shadow

14. Bowser

  • Black Shadow
  • Akuma
  • Omega Ridley     

15. Ice Climbers

  • Zero (Z-Saber)
  • Boom Boom & Pom Pom
  • Wind Fish

16. Sheik

  • Chun-Li
  • Halberd
  • Mythra     

17. Zelda

  • Dry Bowser
  • Lyn (Blade Lord)
  • Krystal

18. Dr. Mario

  • The Boss
  • Chun-Li
  • Ho-oh     

19. Pichu

  • Dr. Eggman
  • Omega Ridley
  • Boom Boom & Pom Pom

20. Falco

  • Akuma
  • Lyn (Blade Lord)
  • Black Shadow     

21. Marth

  • Lyn (Blade Lord)
  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Zero (Z-Saber)

22. Lucina

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Zero (Z-Saber)
  • Boom Boom & Pom Pom

23. Young Link

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Zero (Z-Saber)
  • Lyn (Blade Lord)

24. Ganondorf

  • Akuma
  • Boom Boom & Pom Pom
  • Regigigas     

25. Mewtwo

  • Omega Ridley
  • Halberd
  • Black Knight

26. Roy

  • Dry Bowser
  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Queen Elincia     

27. Chrom

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Zero (Z-Saber)
  • Akuma

28. Mr. Game & Watch

  • Cutie J
  • Halberd
  • Regigigas     

29. Meta Knight

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Boom Boom & Pom Pom
  • Zero (Z-Saber)

30. Pit/Dark Pit

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Boom Boom & Pom Pom
  • Zero (Z-Saber)

31. Zero Suit Samus

  • Dr. Eggman
  • Queen Elincia
  • Lyn (Blade Lord)

32. Wario

  • Akuma
  • Halberd
  • Regigigas     

33. Snake

  • Dry Bowser
  • Halberd
  • Ho-oh

34. Ike

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Akuma
  • Queen Elincia

35. Pokemon Trainer

  • Akuma
  • Lyn (Blade Form)
  • Dry Bowser

36. Diddy Kong

  • Akuma
  • Chun-Li
  • The Boss     

37. Lucas

  • Deoxys (Normal Forme)
  • Bandana Waddle Dee
  • Ho-Oh

38. Sonic

  • Beast Ganon
  • Chun-Li
  • Akira    

39. King Dedede

  • Halberd
  • Regigigas
  • Omega Ridley

40. Olimar

  • Dr. Eggman
  • Dry Bowser     
  • Black Shadow

41. Lucario

  • Halberd
  • Regigigas
  • Omega Ridley

42. R.O.B.

  • Dry Bowser
  • Akuma
  • Omega Ridley

43. Toon Link

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Queen Elincia
  • Zero (Z-Saber)

44. Wolf

  • Akuma
  • Black Shadow
  • Ho-Oh     

45. Villager

  • The Boss
  • Lyn (Blade Lord)
  • Cutie J

46. Mega Man

  • Akuma
  • Black Knight
  • Regigigas     

47. Wii Fit Trainer

  • Boom Boom & Pom Pom
  • Akuma
  • Queen Elincia

48. Little Mac

  • Akira
  • Chun-Li
  • Akuma     

49. Greninja

  • Queen Elincia
  • Ho-Oh
  • Boom Boom & Pom Pom

50. Palutena

  • Queen Elincia
  • Lyn (Blade Form)
  • Black Knight 

51. Pac-man

  • Chun-Li
  • Impact Run
  • Omega Ridley

52. Robin

  • Krystal
  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Boom Boom & Pom Pom     

53. Shulk

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Zero (Z-Saber)
  • Halberd

54. Bowser Jr.

  • Lyn (Blade Form)
  • Omega Ridley
  • Regigigas

55. Duck Hunt

  • Dry Bowser
  • Ho-Oh
  • Impact Run

56. Ryu/Ken

  • Chun-Li
  • Dry Bowser
  • Saria     

57. Cloud

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Wind Fish
  • Zero (Z-Saber)

58. Corrin

  • Feirce Deity Link
  • Zero (Z-Saber)
  • Queen Elincia

59. Bayonetta

  • Regigigas
  • Halberd
  • Omega Ridley

60. Inkling

  • Wind Fish
  • Victini     
  • Lyn (Blade Form)

61. Ridley

  • Omega Ridley
  • Halberd
  • Regigigas

62. Simon/Richter

  • Akuma
  • Halberd
  • Wolfen

63. King K. Rool

  • Halberd
  • Akuma
  • Regigigas

64. Isabelle

  • The Boss
  • Lyn (Blade Lord)
  • Cutie J

65. Incineroar

  • Akuma
  • The Boss
  • Halberd

66. Piranha Plant

  • Akuma
  • Halberd
  • Regigigas     

67. Joker

  • Akuma
  • Black Shadow
  • Impact Run

68. Hero

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Krystal
  • Ho-oh     

69. Banjo & Kazooie

  • Akuma
  • Lyn (Blade Form)
  • Chun-Li

70. Terry

  • Chun-Li
  • Wind Fish
  • Akuma     

71. Byleth

  • Akuma
  • Wind Fish
  • Fierce Deity Link

72. Min min

  • Akira
  • Akuma
  • Chun-Li     

73. Steve/Alex

  • Queen Elincia
  • The Boss
  • Black Knight

74. Sephiroth

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Krystal
  • Black Knight     

75. Pyra/Mythra

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Regigigas
  • Wind Fish

76. Kazuya

  • Akira
  • Akuma
  • Chun-Li     

77. Sora

  • Fierce Deity Link
  • Krystal
  • Lyn (Blade Form)


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