[Top 10] Best Smash Ultimate Players In The World Today

Smash Ultimate Best Players
07 May 2020

Super Smash Brothers Ultimate is the best selling fighting game of all time but you might be asking yourself who are the biggest players in the SSBU scene?

Well, I’m here to present you with a list of the Top 10 SSBU Players in the world today. 

10. Light (United States)

Paris "Light" Ramirez is an incredible Fox player and one half of the best doubles team along with Marss. He also plays Falco and Wolf as well. 

  • He also played Fox in Smash for WiiU
  • Despite having not won a major in singles yet, his teamwork with Marss has earned the title of the best doubles team in the Super Smash Brothers Ultimate scene. Their win at Frostbite 2020 proves their Impeccable teamwork
  • He is from the state of Connecticut and is the #1 ranked player in the state



9. Dabuz (United States)

Samuel "Dabuz" Buzby is notable for being the best Rosalina & Luma player along with his Olimar being the best in the world. He pioneered the defensive, tricky playstyle used by Rosalina. 

  • He is known for maintaining meticulous notes on match-ups, players and playstyles which he utilizes as references. 
  • He brings a Luma plushie with him to tournaments. 
  • He is ranked the #1 player in new york after his win in Player's Ball Ultimate




8. Glutonny (France)

William "Glutonny" Belaid is the best solo Wario player along with the best Smash player in all of Europe. He is ranked #1 the french power rankings. He also played Wario in both Super Smash Brothers Brawl and for the WiiU. 

  • Due to his young age when he played Brawl, he had to attend tournaments with his brother Karma whom he would team up with in Doubles. They were dubbed the Newcomers. 
  • His Tag is frequently misspelled as it is a shortening of the French word for Gluttony, Gloutonnerie
  • He has never lost a match against another European player as seen here in his win at Valhalla III




7. Zackray (Japan)

Sota "Zackray" Okada is known for mastering characters quickly. This gives him an edge in counter-picking for matchups. He mostly plays R.O.B. and Joker but has played Marth, Wario, Wolf, Ridley, and Snake amongst many others in Tournament play. 




6. Maister (Mexico)

Maister is a big-time up and comer who has been making waves with his Game & Watch. He uses a defensive and tricky playstyle, conditioning opponents against his Smash attack and going for grab mix-ups. This effective playstyle has led him to be called the best Game & Watch player in the world. 

  • Despite not being from Chicago, he attends so many tournaments in the region that he was ranked as 0 in the regional rankings
  • He proved Game & Watch’s viability at a time when people were doubtful of his effectiveness. 
  • He qualified for the Smash Ultimate summit 2 since he was the highest playing person without an invite in a match against Cosmos in 2GG Nightmare on Smashville




5. Marrs (United States)

Tyler "Marss" Martins is considered the best Zero Suit Samus player in SSBU. He utilizes a lot of aggressive play along with a strong punish game. He was also the #1 Ike player before he dropped him. He also plays with Lucario, Megaman, and Captain Falcon.

  • He tweets out “zss sux” sometimes for no reason despite playing the character
  • He is known to roll his controller’s joystick and play with the buttons in between matches, which has earned him the title “The Clacker”
  • He also wears Pajama pants in most of his tournament appearances as seen in his win against MKLeo at Genesis 7 




4.Nairo (United States)

Nairoby "Nairo" Quezada is one of the greatest Smash players of all time. Ranking 2nd Smash for WIiU and currently in 4th for Smash brother ultimate his Paluntena is a force of nature. His heavy comboing game and edgeguarding is something to behold. He also plays Zero Suit Samus(ZSS)  but uses her less than he did in Smash for WiiU




3.Tweek (United States)

Gavin "Tweek" Dempsey is a mostly Wario and Pokemon trainer player but he is also known for using a wide variety of characters. He has used Wolf, Young Link, Joker and Roy as well in tournament play. It is obviously clear that he understands how to use a variety of playstyles and can use that to his advantage. 




2. Samsora  (United States)

Ezra Samsora Morris is the best Peach player in the world and a solid lock for number 2. He has been playing Peach since he started in the scene. He also plays Zero Suit Samus and Paluntena as mains. He uses the floatiness of Peach to his advantage and smartly uses the turnips as mix-ups along with grab combos. 




1. MKLeo (Mexico)

Leonardo “MKLeo '' Lopez Perez is pretty much the undisputed king of Ultimate right now. He has mained Joker since he came out but has also played Lucina and Ike in the past. His Joker dominates the game with smart spacing, play, and some fantastic pressure. He uses Joker’s gun for pressure and edge guarding along with bread and butter combos. When Arsene comes out, Leo quickly uses him to edgeguard and eliminate stocks. 

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  • He ended his WiiU smash days as number 1 with his Cloud marking the first time someone other than ZeRo was number one on PGR.
  • He’s also recently picked up Byleth but it is unknown whether or not he will continue playing him. 
  • He’s also been known to pull off spectacular comebacks earning him the nickname Game4Leo. His Comeback win against Tweek in Frostbite 2020



These are the rankings at the time of writing this article. Maybe someone new will rise or maybe MKLeo will stay on his throne for the remainder of the game’s lifespan. No one knows where this is going to be headed in the future.

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